I Only Love You In The Whole Wide World

Chapter 780: Slap! His woman! (1)

"With me, what are you afraid of? Even if there is news, it will only be good news!" On the other side of the phone, there was a few seconds of silence, as if being picked up by another person. Soon, Xia Changyue heard Keene. Professor Rose's voice came in full of breath.

"Hello, professor." Xia Changyue greeted Keen Rose immediately and politely.

"I am not calling you to report the funeral, but to report the good news. Your father has already begun to respond to external stimuli. If the situation continues to improve, he is likely to wake up."

"What are you talking about? My father is going to wake up?" Xia Changyue almost didn't jump out of bed with excitement.

"I can't guarantee the time to be awake, but depending on his situation, regaining consciousness is extremely possible." Professor Ross said confidently.

"Thank you Professor, thank you very much..." Xia Changyue choked up almost instantly when she learned that Xia Hua might be clear.

For four years, when she learned that Yan Chengchi was willing to find Keen Rose, the master of neuroscience for her, she imagined that her parents would wake up and the family reunited.

But in the end, it only waited for her mother's death.

That shock made her dare not imagine that her father could still wake up and be by her side. As long as she is alive and well, even if she can only rely on a respirator to maintain her life, she has to pay a lot of medical expenses. willing.

But now, she waited for the news that he might be sober.

Xia Changyue hung up the phone, climbed down from the bed excitedly, holding the phone in both hands, not knowing who else to share this exciting news with, and finally could only rush to the window, watching the bright sunshine outside, she burst into tears. Full of face.

Her father is about to wake up, she is finally not alone...

No, she was never alone.

She still has Yan Chengchi, even if he hasn't been with her for the past four years, she has always been in her heart.

There are also two weird little guys.

When everything in City S is over, she can go back to City G and stay with her father, waiting for him to wake up.

"Buzz—" When Xia Changyue was happy, the phone rang again.

She glanced at the caller ID, her nerves stunned.

"Xia Changyue, you don't want to do it anymore, do you? You absent from work for a day without a reason, and don't come to the company today? I tell you, you are a new employee. Don't think that you are beautiful and capable. You can ignore the department's discipline!"

Lin Li's reprimand came from the other end of the phone, and she cursed Xia Changyue in a contemptuous manner.

"I have already sent a text message to the Minister to ask for leave, and I am not feeling well..."

"It's great to be uncomfortable? You are dead. You can't absent from work for no reason during the probation period. You have only been on work for a few days, and you keep asking for leave? I tell you, if you don't come to the company again this afternoon, you won't use it anymore!"

Lin Li interrupted her, threatened again viciously, and hung up without listening to Xia Changyue's explanation.

"Beep..." Xia Changyue bit her lip while listening to the busy tone from the phone.

The extreme happiness creates sorrow, and it's her current situation.

She is not afraid of Lin Li's public revenge to file a complaint, but this time, she took a few days off in one breath, and it was really easy to fall into trouble. If Lin Li was taken out to spread rumors, her probation period had not ended yet, so the minister had told her Attitude, I am afraid she will be fired.

Xia Changyue's eyes flickered, and she reached out and touched her cheek.