I Only Love You In The Whole Wide World

Chapter 866: wonderful! General meeting of shareholde

The entire conference hall was filled with all kinds of voices for an instant. The major shareholders present couldn't help but look at Yan Hong, wanting him to make it clear what was going on.

Yan Hong was waiting for this moment!

"Bring people in."

As his words fell, the door of the conference hall was pushed open from the outside, and Fang Xiaoying, who had disappeared for a long time, suddenly appeared at the door.

When I saw Xia Changyue sitting in the conference hall, his expression instantly became angry, pushing away the people around him, and walking towards Xia Changyue.

"It's you! It's you! To seduce Chi Shao, regardless of right or wrong, let me be you as a substitute! You are the traitor who leaked the tender plan!"

Fang Xiaoying's sudden accusation made everyone in the conference hall stunned.

In the next second, I saw her turning around, complaining with snot and tears.

"Dear shareholders, you must not be deceived by her. When the tender was originally tendered, the tender suddenly leaked, and Chi Shao indiscriminately fired me, just for this bitch. She is just a secretary and is not qualified to sit. Here, just because Chi Shao was seduced, Chi Shao Se Lingzhi was fainted to this point, and he protected an internal traitor at any cost and brought her to the shareholders meeting. If this continues, will our group still have secrets in the future? "

"What are you talking about nonsense? Just relying on this kind of out of nothing, you want to slander Chi Shao, do you think we are all fools?"

When the shareholders who supported Yan Chengchi saw something wrong, they immediately stood up and scolded Fang Xiaoying.

"I'm not talking nonsense." Fang Xiaoying had prepared a long time ago. He pulled out a USB flash drive from his bag and held it high in his hand.

"I have here the video of Xia Changyue sneaking into the president's office to steal the tender documents, as well as the photos of her privately eating with Shang Lingsi and shopping for clothes. If you don't believe me, you only need to look at it!"


"I told Shao Chi before all these evidences, but he didn't listen to a word and fired me. Isn't it fascinating? Xia Changyue is just a new secretary, Shao Chi believes in her. Just because Xia Changyue is his woman, he personally confessed to me, saying that it made me die and die clearly."

When Fang Xiaoying was talking, someone had already taken the USB flash drive from her hand and connected it to the computer.

The videos and photos in the USB flash drive are projected onto the wall.

In the zoomed-in picture, you can clearly see the photos of Xia Changyue having dinner with Shang Lingsi, as well as her meeting with Shang Lingsi in the mall...

In the final video, she was frozen alone, and she entered the president's office easily!

"Xia Changyue, what else do you have to say? The disclosure of the tender document is basically your plan. You are from Shang Lingsi and lurking in the Yan Group for the purpose of stealing commercial secrets!"

"I don't. The gangster in the bidding case is not me." Xia Changyue caught everyone's gaze and grabbed the hem of his clothes nervously, but still remembered Yang Muya's words and raised his chest.

"Dare to speak hard? The security guard, arrested her for me, sent her to the police station, and accused her of stealing trade secrets!" After watching the video, when everyone was shocked, Yan Hong took the lead and said coldly.

"I see who dares to touch her!"

"No one is allowed to touch her!"

Two voices rang out in unison.

In the huge conference hall, I saw Yan Chengchi and Yang Muya, who had been sitting in their chairs without speaking, stood up from their seats almost at the same time!