I Only Love You In The Whole Wide World

Chapter 883: The secret box (4)

Yan Chengchi gritted his teeth as a reminder.

Where did the woman who used to follow her every day and talk to him about love?

"You should forget what the young and ignorant said. Anyway, I have already forgotten." Xia Changyue shrank into the chair again, killing him.

"Then you said you loved me when you were young and ignorant, and now you forgot? Huh!" Yan Chengchi's voice sank, gritted his teeth.

Sen Leng stared at her without turning, as if she would break her neck if she dared to nod.

"Of course I remember that! I am selective forgetting. If I forget everything else, I remember loving you." Xia Changyue hooked his neck doglegally, busy to please.

Soon, thinking of something, he narrowed his mouth again.

"I heard Ling'er say that she was with Yi Haiyin, both of which were washed by Yi Haiyin..."

"..." So now in her heart, he is no longer as good as Yi Haiyin?

Yan Chengchi glared at her fiercely, then lowered his head and bit her lips. After a while, he loosened it unsatisfactorily, "Wait until I finish washing the dishes, and then I will clean up you!"

Xia Changyue trembled all over, but when he thought of not washing the dishes, he happily leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek.

Before Yan Chengchi reacted, he ran into the living room.

Sitting on the sofa, I suddenly felt that life without washing the dishes is simply wonderful.

It would be even more beautiful if he could know the password of his storage room, what exactly it was...

Xia Changyue tilted her head and thought for a while, turned her head to look at the man who was still washing the dishes in the kitchen, and sneaked up to the second floor.

Back to the door of the storage room.

Yan Chengchi said there was nothing in it, but he didn't let her go in. There must be a ghost.

After he tells herself the password, she might as well try it a few more times. After exactly half an hour has passed, she can try the password three more times.

She wanted to know what happened to him in the past four years and why, listening to Zhang Mengxue's meaning, he seemed to have a bad life, but he didn't let people around him say...

Xia Changyue's crystal eyes fell on the code lock in front of him.

The shareholders meeting is over. Yan Chengchi should take her back to Yan's house to meet his uncle soon. She doesn't want any secrets between them at that time.

four years ago……

Thinking of this point in time, something flashed across Xia Changyue's mind.

Slap your forehead!

How did she forget this!

Xia Changyue bit her lip, carefully according to the memory, inputting the number of the day they broke apart...

What day is that day, I am afraid she will never forget it...

"Di——" The password is correct and it's opened!

Xia Changyue almost jumped up from the ground with excitement. Immediately, he turned his head nervously and looked towards the corridor, making sure that Yan Chengchi hadn't come up. He quickly reached out and opened the door and walked in.

In the dimly lit room, the windows are closed, and even the curtains are tightened, leaving no gaps.

Xia Changyue looked at the storage room that resembled a study, paused slightly before regaining consciousness before reaching out to turn on the light in the room.

In the huge room, except for the large boxes piled up in the corners, everything else was placed on the shelves separately.

It is neat and orderly, and it seems that there is nothing very special.

At the highest place, there are a few locked boxes.

Xia Changyue found a chair, stood up, reached up on tiptoe, and reached for it. He couldn't reach it for a long time, and looked anxiously at the door.

If you can't get it again, Yan Chengchi will go upstairs!

She was cruel, and climbed on the shelf...