I Only Love You In The Whole Wide World

Chapter 979: The past is vivid (8)

According to Yang Muya, Xia Hua really loved her back then.

But if you really love someone, how can you say that a mother who only wants a child and doesn't want a child?

Even if it was forced, her father would not have been so many years, knowing that Yang Muya had a bad life, he still ignored it...

"The DNA check report is available, do you still call her Ms. Yang?" Yan Ling was speechless.

Seeing Xia Changyue's uncomfortable look, there was hesitation in her eyes, and she spoke for a long time.

"Xiao Yueyue, there is one thing I have kept from you for many years, and I almost forget it myself..." Yan Ling stood up from the sofa and walked around the living room twice before mustering the courage.

"Actually, I knew you were only twenty-four years old."


"I didn't mean to hide it from you, but I promised Uncle Xia that no one can mention this matter. He told me at the time that if I say it out, you will be in danger... I am worried that something will happen to you, so I ..."

Yan Ling recalled the situation at that time, and the whole person was a little flustered.

"Ling'er, what did you just say? What did my father tell you?" Xia Changyue's nerves froze, her petite body became rigid in an instant.

Yan Ling fainted at once: "I will find that this incident is actually an accident."

She had just met Xia Changyue at that time, so she fell in love with her and often went to Xia's house to find her.

The Xia family also loved her very much, and they did not allow her to get close to Xia Changyue because of her ordinary family background.

For Xia Changyue's birthday that year, she prepared a gift for Xia's house early in the morning.

The time waiting for other guests was too boring, so I played hide and seek with Xia Changyue.

But who knew that she had just hid in a room when she saw Xia Hua carrying a gift box and walking in with Madam Xia.

As soon as she realized that she had entered someone else's bedroom and was about to go out to apologize, she heard the conversation between Xia Hua and his wife.

"You have been concealing Yueyue's age. Every year, she puts an extra candle on her birthday cake. I always feel uncomfortable. Even Linger is older than her, so I have to call her sister..."

Mrs. Xia's words made her stunned for an instant.

Standing stiff behind the curtain. His eyes widened, and he looked at the two people in front of him in astonishment.

When they were wondering why they wanted to increase Xia Changyue's age by one year, they heard Xia Hua say, "I am not feeling well in my heart, but I can't take any risks. She is safest only by erasing everything about her. "

Then, she saw Madam Xia red eyes and exit the room.

Just when she thought Xia Hua was going out too, he suddenly noticed something and turned his head and looked towards the window.

After all, Yan Ling was immature at the time, and when he heard such a secret, he was flustered.

Seeing Xia Hua turned and looked over here, he thought that he had been discovered, and quickly came out to apologize.

"Ling'er, you are Yueyue's friend. Uncle hopes that you can protect her with me. Don't let anyone know about this. Otherwise, it may harm her. If you can, Uncle also hopes you can forget. , This is the best for Yueyue..."

Yan Ling always remembered Xia Hua's words.

When she thought of harming Xia Changyue, she didn't even dare to mention her parents. After a long time, she really forgot.

She didn't think of it until Yang Muya suddenly asked her last time.

But she didn't expect that what Xia Hua told her back then was related to Xia Changyue's life experience.

"Ling'er, think about it again, besides my age, did my parents mention anything at the time?"