I Only Love You In The Whole Wide World

Chapter 980: Slap! Princess is back! (1)

The attitude is very cold, as if to suspend cooperation..."

Xia Changyue grabbed Yan Ling's arm and asked nervously.

Yan Ling bit her lip and tried hard to remember what happened back then. After thinking for a long time, she gently shook her head, "I can't remember anymore, I only remember that Uncle Xia's face was very bad at that time."

Xia Changyue: "..."

Many childhood scenes flashed through her mind.

She thought she was smaller than her peers at the time. Now, thinking about it, it's not that she was small when she was a child, but that her elder brothers and sisters who were not her peers at all, but were one year older than her.

In kindergarten, the difference between the age of three and the age of four is easy to see. No wonder her teachers think she is only three years old...

Now I think of it, it was my parents who deliberately said her age was one year older, just to prevent the Yang family from finding her.

"Xiao Yueyue, anyway, Uncle Xia really loves you very much. What he does is just to protect you. I don't believe that he is a cold-blooded person."

Xia Changyue nodded, her eyes firm, "I also believe my father, there must be a misunderstanding about what happened back then..."


S City.

In the high-level conference room, a transnational conference is going on.

"Chi Shao, our next key investment project will be on real estate..." On the big screen in front of the conference table, the regional manager of the European branch was making a presentation.

Yan Chengchi sat at the front, his expression calm, his eyes indifferent, and his whole body was full of cold breath.

He put his hands on the table, **** playing with the tail ring on the little finger of the other hand, listening to the report blankly.

After the report was over, he stretched out his hand to pull the tie on his chest and asked, "Who else has anything to say?"

"Shao Chi, and me." The manager of the marketing department stood up, glanced at Yan Chengchi with trepidation, and then said, "Our department currently focuses on the integration of resources in large shopping malls, but as we all know, this big guy has always It was the Ye family, who had cooperated well at first, but I don’t know what’s going on. Recently, I was suddenly cold towards us and turned a blind eye to the olive branches we threw out. The progress of the project was difficult."

"..." Yan Chengchi's pupils tightened and his eyes became cold.

Ye family.

This is Ye Mingsha putting pressure on him, thinking that this will force him to submit?

"In business, the Ye family can’t talk about it, so they switch to another family. They are not the only ones who want to do business. Whoever is the fiercest merchant who has robbed the Ye family for resources recently is to cooperate with. Isn’t that reasonable? Want me to teach you?"

Yan Chengchi's eyes sank, and he swept to the marketing manager coldly.

"No, no, the subordinates understand." The marketing manager quickly sat down and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead with his hand.

"Who else has something to say?" Yan Chengchi raised his cold eyes slightly, glanced at the silent crowd, and stood up.

"The meeting is over!"

As soon as his stalwart body turned, he walked out the door.

The black windbreaker, the robes of the clothes flew up, bringing out a cool color.

"Chi Shao, there is news from the hospital that the chairman is not in good health today, so let you go and have a look." Jin Tezhu followed him and reminded him dutifully.

Yan Chengchi's lips were tightly pressed silently, and he walked towards the group.

The look was unhappy.

Xia Changyue didn't call him last night, and she didn't even return a message to her when his plane arrived.

Damn woman, he just left and dared to forget him in a blink of an eye.