I Only Love You In The Whole Wide World

Chapter 987: Slap! Princess is back! (8)

Upon hearing this, the shareholders present were shaking again, and they all looked at Yan Sheng.

If it weren't for Yan Sheng's instigation, the people they were there would have given ten more courage and would not dare to interfere with Yan Chengchi's personal affairs.

"Your marriage is closely related to the future development of the consortium. Uncle invites all shareholders to come over today. I am also worried that you are young and vigorous, easily impulsive, and let your life take more detours.

Yan Sheng's heartbroken.

"You are the heir of the Yan family. I have worked hard to train you for many years, just to watch you take over my position and become the new chairman. But you insist on getting involved with the woman Xia Changyue, so how can I trust the consortium? Give you?"

"Yes, how can an unfilial person deserve to be the head of the Yan family?"

"For a woman to ignore his only relatives, how can such a person qualify as the new chairman of the consortium?"

"Anyone can marry, but Xia Changyue can't. If such a woman really becomes the chairman's wife, I don't know what will happen in the future..."

"You can’t have both fish and bear’s paws. Chengchi, you are the heir I cultivated. If you want to become the chairman of the consortium, you must be prepared to sacrifice for the consortium. What's more, what you want to give up now is nothing but worthless. woman."

Yan Sheng coughed slightly before letting the housekeeper help him out of bed and walked to Yan Chengchi with his body.

"Don't think that the Yan family has no other heirs except you. If you insist on marrying Xia Changyue, you will not be able to sit on the position of chairman!"

Yan Sheng's words fell, and he originally thought he would see Yan Chengchi's surprised and even nervous expression.

But he waited for a long time, Yan Chengchi's face was still indifferent.

Yan Chengchi's thin lips pressed a cold smile, and he motioned to Special Assistant Jin to bring up the documents he had prepared.

"What is this? Why are there so many documents..." Some shareholders began to whisper nervously.

They all knew Yan Chengchi's abilities. What if he was rushed to burn with them?

“These documents, to be precise, are the consortium’s plans for all large-scale projects in the next two years. Chi Shao worked overtime for two days and two nights and reviewed the project plans one by one.”

Jin Tezhu explained aloud in the speculation of everyone.

"What do you mean?" The people present were even more surprised when they heard that Yan Chengchi was not using them against them.

"If Yan Chengchi needs to rely on a woman to become the chairman, then this chairman is not appropriate!" Yan Chengchi stood up slowly, reaching out and gathering his suit jacket calmly.

Like a carved face, perfect as a god, noble and inviolable.

"These plans are the last thing I did for the consortium, and to repay my uncle for his cultivation. I am willing to return my shares to Yan's family and leave the house."

"Hiss!" In the VIP ward, there was a sound of inhalation.

"What are you talking about? You are actually willing to give up your noble birth, abandon the Yan family, and abandon the Yan family group for the humble woman Xia Changyue?!" Yan Sheng stared in disbelief.

"Bang—" The door was pushed open suddenly.

Yang Muya walked in gracefully with Xia Changyue from the outside, and scanned the shocked people in the room: "My daughter of Yang Muya, the only heir to the Yang family, who dares to say that she is humble?!"