I Only Love You In The Whole Wide World

Chapter 999: All-for-you only (4)

Yan Chengchi said something loudly again, Xia Changyue didn't listen, just stood stubbornly in the wind, and accompanied him to be punished.

Upon seeing this, he stepped forward and rang the doorbell of the Yang family again.

Soon, the housekeeper ran out to open the door, but he still didn't let him in. He just heard a few words from him, and looked up nervously in the direction of Xia Changyue's room.

Seeing Xia Changyue standing on the balcony blowing the air, the butler's expression changed, he closed the door hurriedly, turned and ran inside.

Within three minutes, the door of Xia Changyue's room was opened.

Yang Muya's hurried figure showed nervousness. As soon as she walked to the balcony, she saw Xia Changyue shivering in the cold, and she stopped.

"Yueyue..." Yang Muya was startled, and immediately took off her coat without thinking about it, stepped forward and put it on her, hugging Xia Changyue's petite body tightly.

"You stupid boy, even if it is not Yan Chengchi who dislikes you, my daughter is disliked by others and cannot be separated from him. He is not worthy of you to abuse yourself like this!"

When Xia Changyue heard her, she stiffly raised her hand and pushed her away.

He even threw her coat on the ground, her lips pressed tightly, she didn't speak, but her aggrieved eyes looked straight at her.

"You..." Yang Muya saw her scolding eyes, her heart hurt, "Just let Yan Chengchi stand for a few hours, you feel distressed, you came to him for his help, and stood at the back door of Yang's house for so many days Have you ever felt sorry for you?"


"You were so tired that you fainted into the hospital to help him. I don’t care if he knows it or not, I’ve written down the bill. It’s not that easy for him to marry my daughter. If you help him again, it’s only Let me test him in a tougher way!"

"It's just a test?" Xia Changyue was taken aback, and immediately looked at Yang Muya uncertainly, afraid that she was lying to herself.

"If you make yourself sick because of him, I will really oppose you being together!" Yang Muya said, pulling her into the room.

She wrapped the frozen Xia Changyue tightly in a quilt, turned her head and told the housekeeper, "Uncle Ming, let the kitchen boil a bowl of **** soup."

"Yes, I'm going now." The butler quickly turned and left the room.

Xia Changyue's body gradually became warmer, grasping Yang Muya firmly with her hand, and asked again, "Mom, you really didn't lie to me just now? Then why did you lock me up?"

"If you are willing to listen to me obediently, I don't have to shut you down, but looking at you like this, you will be silly, and it doesn't make any difference whether you shut it down or not, and I don't know what ecstasy soup Yan Chengchi poured you.

Yang Muya hated that iron cannot be made of steel.

Xia Changyue immediately stretched out his arm around her neck and muttered, "This, I am like you, when you fell in love with Dad, didn't you also listen to Grandpa?"

"You know how to learn. If you don't learn well, you don't learn well." Yang Muya scolded, but there was a petting smile on her lips.

"Mom, thank you." Xia Changyue said suddenly, feeling Yang Muya's slightly startled body, and holding her hands tightly, "Thank you for insisting on giving birth to me and looking for me for so many years..."

"Silly boy, you are mother's baby. Whatever mother should do." Yang Muya's eyes were red, and she helped her lie down and covered her with the quilt.

"Sleep well."