I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 269: Sea Dragon Beast (3)

Tianchi is 2189.1 meters above sea level, with an average water depth of 204 meters and the deepest point is 373 meters.

When the robot lost contact just now, it was about 200 meters away.

In other words, there may be other creatures at a distance of 200 meters.


But at this moment, Ye Chu suddenly saw the red scale beside him fell to the ground in pain.

"what happened to you?"

Ye Chu hurried over, then raised Hong Lin and asked.

"Underwater... terrible, go!"

Hong Lin exhausted all his strength and tried to say to Ye Chu.

"Hide it!"

At this moment, Old Head Li also walked over nervously.

"A high-frequency signal was sent from the ground just now. This may be the mysterious creature under the water summoning other strange beasts!"

Suddenly, in Ye Chu's mind, thunder and fire hawk's alert came.

Closing his eyes, Ye Chu looked at with the vision of the Thunderfire Eagle.

I saw numerous strange beasts coming up densely at the bottom of the mountain.


Ye Chu grabbed old Li's head and Hong Lin, and plunged into the mud.

Not long after, all the strange beasts under the mountain rushed up, and then they all surrounded Tianchi.


Hidden more than ten meters underground, Hong Lin made another painful sound.

"This is a high-frequency sound that we humans cannot capture, but the red scales are combined with marine life, so it can be captured, and this sound is very stimulating to the red scales!"

Old Li could see the reason.

But at this moment, the strange beasts by the Tianchi suddenly moved.

Not long after, dozens of strange beasts covered with scale armor came out of the group of strange beasts.

I saw them leaping high, and then plunged into the ground.

"Found it!"

Ye Chu panicked suddenly, and then approached the lake with Old Li's head and Honglin.

Leaving the soil and entering the lake, Ye Chu immediately used the water attribute ability, and at the same time took out a transparent equipment similar to fiberglass and put it on Lao Li's head.

With this thing, Old Head Li can breathe freely in the water.

And the red scale, originally a mutant formed by combining marine life, entered the lake water even more quickly than on the ground.

Turning on his mental power completely, Ye Chu instantly locked a large strange creature at the bottom of the lake.

"Sure enough, there is something!"

What Ye Chu couldn't imagine was that under this strange creature was the white spirit stone that Ye Chu was looking for.

"Yes, this is Lao Tzu's thing!"

Under Ye Chu's perception, this mysterious creature was undoubtedly exposed.

Sea Dragon Beast: Tier 8

Ability: Hailongyin, Longtun Huayuan...

Background: The strange sea beast guarding the white spirit stone, after the great change, has the idea of ​​taking the white spirit stone as his own.

"Hey! Let you be a watchdog, you still have plans to guard and steal!"

Ye Chu suddenly laughed.

Similar to what Ye Chu thought, this sea dragon beast was left behind by the Erbai Wuxing people.

However, after the great change, the viral energy changed all living things, giving the sea dragon beast its own ideas.

There are so many white spirit stones here, with incomparable energy, selfish greed, slowly breeding in the mind of the sea dragon beast.

Therefore, the sea dragon beast regarded this as his home, and after having endless possessions, he began to cultivate his own power.

The strange beasts under the mountain are his masterpieces.

Long swallows Huayuan, this is one of the abilities of the sea dragon beast.

He can transform the energy of the white spirit stone to enhance the strength of other alien beasts.

However, the only drawback is that the strange beasts outside cannot swim and they dare not go into the water.

Therefore, Ye Chu now only needs to concentrate on dealing with the sea dragon beast.

Ye Chu's stepping in, threatened the sea dragon beast.

The huge body began to surge.

An undercurrent swept away in all directions.

Facing the huge undercurrent, Ye Chu was directly rushed far away.

However, Hong Lin possessed ingenious physical skills, could not help being repelled, and instead took the opportunity to advance a lot.

In the dark bottom of the lake, invisible is a fatal factor.

But Ye Chu has mental power, and everything here is in a glance.

No matter where the sea dragon beast is, Ye Chu can clearly feel it.

Ye Chu is only the strength of Tier 6, facing the Sea Dragon Beast of Tier 8, there is no chance of winning at all.

However, Ye Chu has the prison of the devil.

This is simply an artifact of cheating.

Don't give the other party a chance to exert their strength at all.

"Don't run around, come all over!"

Ye Chu quickly called Old Li Tou and Hong Lin to his side.

Ye Chu was waiting for the opportunity, as long as the Sea Dragon Beast came, he would directly throw the conversion ball and collect the Sea Dragon Beast.

The lake was surging, and Ye Chu felt the sea dragon beasts constantly wandering around him.

He seemed to be waiting for the opportunity.

But in the surging lake, Hong Lin felt extremely uneasy.

Hong Lin roared at the dark lake water.

At this moment, the sea dragon beast moved.

Ye Chu suddenly turned around, the conversion ball in his hand was ready to go.

But before Ye Chu threw the conversion ball, Red Scale rushed towards the Sea Dragon Beast first.

He wanted to protect Ye Chu, and when he felt that the powerful sea dragon beast was about to launch an attack on Ye Chu, Hong Lin planned to rush over by himself to help Ye Chu resist for a while.

But the tiny red scales were too tiny in front of the huge sea dragon beast.

Seeing the sea dragon beast's mouth grew slightly, the red scale was sucked in.

For this kind of submarine overlord level alien beast, when it reaches their stomach, there is no hope of survival.

But Honglin is different. He is a human being, a mutant combined with mysterious marine creatures.

He has sharp claws, hard scales, and a powerful tail.

The moment he was swallowed into his mouth, Hong Lin was dancing with his hands.

The sharp claws directly grabbed the soft flesh of the sea dragon beast's mouth.


Blood emerged from the sea dragon beast's mouth.

I saw that the red scale grabbed the lower jaw inside the sea dragon beast's mouth, and the sharp claws pierced deeply into the flesh.

The sea dragon beast hurts, but his teeth are all on the outside, which is of no help to the inside.

He doesn't have long hands and can't pull it out.

In this way, the red scales were continuously destroyed in the body of the sea dragon beast.

The blood instantly stained this piece of water.

Seeing this, Ye Chu directly used a power that he hadn't used for a long time.

Blood burst!

Power: Blood Burst

Grade: A

Function: The blood in the target body can explode, provided that the target is in a bleeding state, and the power depends on the level.

Some time ago, when Ye Chu's energy value exceeded ten million.

Ye Chu upgraded all of his abilities.

The current blood burst ability has been upgraded to A grade.

Ye Chu actually plans to upgrade to S rank, but the energy cost is a bit too much.

Ye Chu was a little reluctant.

However, the A-level blood explosion ability is more than enough for Ye Chu's current strength.

Directly display the blood burst.

I saw an explosion in the sea dragon beast.

However, Ye Chu did not dare to let go of the explosion.

Because there are still red scales inside, in case of accidental injury, it will not be worth the loss.

After an explosion, Ye Chu saw the sea dragon beast's mouth weakly open.

Suddenly, Ye Chu saw the lake water pouring toward his mouth.

He was about to rush Hong Lin into his stomach.