I Open a Store in The End Times

Chapter 328: Undersea Hegemony

Otherwise, the breakthrough of the red scale will definitely attract the attention of creatures in the ocean.

After a short while, Honglin's breakthrough was completed and he successfully entered the rank eight strength.

But compared with the ninth-tier water and fire basalt, it was still one level worse.

After removing the formation, Ye Chu and Honglin walked into the water, and then they entered the underwater world.

Ye Chu now has the Eye of the Five Elements Reincarnation.

Among them, the water attribute allows Ye Chu to move freely in the bottom of the water, and his ability is still 200% increased.

This makes Ye Chu more adaptable to the ocean than other marine organisms.

The ocean world is actually similar to land.

There are also mountains and basins.

The place where Honglin lives is in a submarine depression on the shore of the East China Sea.

It is about a thousand meters away from sea level.

When he came here, Ye Chu felt that there were strange ocean beasts everywhere.

Seemingly aware of Ye Chu's doubts, Hong Lin explained.

"Boss, with the trident you gave me, one of the abilities on it can increase the strength of other alien beasts a lot. Therefore, I will use the power of blood to gather other alien beasts here. If In the event of a battle, I can use the trident to raise their strength to a terrifying level. Most importantly, there are enough of them!"

This is the same as Ye Chu's previous purpose.

Hong Lin is worthy of being his chosen person.

Moreover, Honglin had Ye Chu's help.

In the underwater cave where he lives, there are many underwater technology products.

One of them is called an underwater radar detector.

This kind of detector can accurately feed back the underwater terrain within a hundred miles and form an accurate 3D model.

With these maps, Ye Chu had a clear view of the surrounding seabed terrain.

"Look, leader, this is where the water and fire basalts live!"

Ye Chu looked around and found that the place where the water and fire basalt lived was a very huge basin.

Looking at the depth, it should be up to two kilometers from the horizontal.

"Boss, don't underestimate the fact that there are no obstructions on all sides. The most important thing is that this basin is an active crater. The fire element ability of water and fire basalt comes from here. Here, it is two kilometers under the water. There is a sea mountain fire that can't even be extinguished by the sea."

"It's a pity that Xiao Huo is not there, otherwise these sea mountain fires should have greatly improved his cultivation!"

Seeing Ye Chu taking such care of people around him, Hong Lin was relieved immediately.

However, Xiao Huo didn't have this blessing, but Ye Chu's Eye of Reincarnation had this blessing.


At this moment, Ye Chu suddenly heard a long warning sound of conch.

"There are enemies!"

Hong Lin immediately picked up the Hundred Wars Trident and prepared to go out.

"Go out and have a look. I am now a human being. It might not be appropriate to show up on the bottom of the sea. If necessary, it is not too late for me to show up!"

Hearing Ye Chu's words, Hong Lin nodded, and then walked out.

However, as soon as Honglin came out of the mountain col, he saw all the strange underwater beasts all around him retreating densely.

After looking at it, I saw a black giant swimming slowly on the bottom of the sea.

After taking a closer look, this behemoth turned out to be a huge sea turtle that was more than sixty to seventy meters tall, and there was also a black snake entrenched on the sea turtle.

The black snake swallowed the letter, and flames swallowed out, unexpectedly boiling the surrounding sea water.

This image is so similar to the Xuanwu in Ye Chu's impression.

Ye Chu opened up his mental power and paid attention to the movements outside at any time.

"Xuanwu, I didn't expect that I would not look for you, but you came to me instead!"

Hong Lin snorted coldly, hung in the void, and slammed the trident in his hand, a powerful shock wave spreading around it centered on itself.

"Honglin, you outsider dare to occupy my territory. Today, you will use your life to pay this price!"

There was a deep voice in Xuanwu's tortoise's mouth.

Immediately afterwards, there was another sharp sound in his mouth.

"Look at your back, what is that!"

Hong Lin suddenly looked back, only to find a large number of strange animals attacked behind him, and the head was a huge shark 100 meters long.

This is a mutant shark combined with deep sea cold iron.

His teeth are extremely sharp and his physique is extremely hard. He is simply a bully in the sea.

No one can do anything with him.

And he, also has a name, called Black Iron Shark.

"Xuanwu, you actually united the Black Iron Shark!"

Only then did Hong Lin understand that it was strange that Xuanwu dared to break into his territory.

Combining suppression and then giving corresponding rewards, this Xuanwu abacus played well.

"But, do you think this will kill me?"

But Hong Lin sneered.

Immediately a huge force of blood flowed from the body.

This is the first ability of the red scale, the blue blood spirit, also called the power of the blood spirit.

It is an extremely rare power of blood.

Moreover, the power of the blood that can evolve.

As Honglin swallowed the corpse of the thick soil Yinglong just now, his strength has now reached the eighth level.

But now, the power of the blood radiated to the surroundings, and all the strange sea beasts below the red scale immediately obeyed the red scale's order.

Because he knew the abilities of the red scales, when Xuanwu and the Black Iron Shark came this time, they all brought strange beasts above the seventh rank.

Moreover, the seventh-order alien beasts are mostly, after all, there are not so many high-level ocean alien beasts.

But who knows, Hong Lin actually broke through to the eighth level now, and can directly control the monsters below the eighth level.

In an instant, all seventh-order alien beasts turned their backs.

There were only a few strange beasts on the water and fire basalt and the black iron shark.

But even if it was small, Honglin did not despise the other party.

After all, the rest are above the eighth level.

Different ranks, with one enemy and one hundred.

This is the performance of the greater the strength gap in the later stages.

But... is it just that?

The next moment, I saw Honglin sneer, and the Trident of the Hundred Fights suddenly emitted a burst of red energy.

These energies quickly penetrated into all the alien animals controlled by the red scales.

In the next moment, all the strange sea beasts instantly turned red, and the energy in their bodies continued to rise, directly rising by 300%.

"This disgusting ability again!"

The water and fire basalt felt helpless, that's how he was beaten.

"It's his weapon, don't blame other beasts, just kill him!"

At this moment, the black iron shark made a deep sound.

Then, the body, which was nearly 100 meters away, surged over like a bulldozer.

Wherever he went, all the strange beasts were knocked away.


The big mouth of the blood basin opened, and dozens of strange beasts were swallowed in just one bite.

On the other side, the water and fire Xuanwu was also angry, the turtles and snakes moved together, water and fire spewed, thousands of different beasts were directly burned to ashes in the water.

This flame is not an ordinary flame.