I Opened An Online Shop In Myriad Realms

Chapter 122: My name is Su Wolong!

The place where Su Chen descended was next to a private house in the town.

The system is locating the publisher's location!

On the battlefield, changing rapidly!

Two dozen Nazi infantrymen armed with 98k sniper rifles raised their guns without hesitation.

"The King's Domineering"

"Asura murderous!"

Su Chen didn't panic at all!

Across a dozen meters, the double momentum rolled over!

More than a dozen soldiers were instantly shocked, their eyes were lost, and they were trembling!

Su Chen took advantage of the movement speed bonus of 'Fatal Strike' to quickly get closer!

With a slight sword cry, the Yuanhong sword came out of the ring!

Five lightning flashes!

With cold light in his eyes, Yuanhong Sword turned into five lightning bolts, and wiped down the throats of seven or eight Nazi soldiers in an instant!




A chain of blood necklaces emerged from the throats of the soldiers, and the blood shot!


"Kill him!!"

"What are you doing!?"

The tall and thin non-commissioned officer just woke up, hurried German, took out his pistol, and hadn't had time to aim——

Su Chen bowed his waist and walked around several soldiers with a strange footwork. In less than a second, he came to the thin and tall non-commissioned officer!

Yujian seals his throat!

A sword, wipe it off!


The tall and thin sergeant fell to his knees, blood gushing from his throat...

This technetium corporal, I'm afraid he would never have imagined that he was killed by a swordsman from the East on the beach of Normandy...

Kunlun earthquake!

Five lightning flashes!

Oblique Feiyan!

Su Chen rushed into the ranks of the soldiers, and the Ghost Valley Longitudinal Sword was displayed to the fullest, and the corpses fell one by one!

In less than ten seconds before and after, twelve soldiers were killed!

There are four or five soldiers left!

Rich combat experience tells them that facing this person, they need to stand apart!

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

A hail of bullets!

Su Chen walked around the footwork with King Qin, and at the same time displayed the dragon-yin iron cloth shirt and the tiger's roaring golden bell, which increased the muscle density of the whole body to the extreme!

The bullet hit it, just embedded a few millimeters, and it was caught by the tyrannical muscle!


A short Nazi soldier was stunned!

This man can't even kill a gun! ?

In a daze, Su Chen had already killed the other four and stretched out his right hand to him!

"Ah ah... ah!"

"Devil! Don't come here!"

The short soldier was frightened and shot Su Chen!

But the bullet was shot, and suddenly disappeared - Su Chen took it into the Osteoarthritis Ring.

In the Najie space, time and space are still, the matter will not interact, and the bullet will be received, and there will be no loss of kinetic energy!


Su Chen flicked his fingers!

The bullet shot out and pierced the Nazi soldier's forehead!


Fall to the ground!

His last thought before dying was...

"We offended the gods!"

Su Chen took a lot of effort to eliminate two classes of Nazi soldiers.

"Ding ding!"

"Ding ding!"

A few bullets fell from Su Chen's chest, the bullets were stained with blood and slumped in.

"Longyin iron cloth shirt, tiger roaring golden bell hood, these two horizontal training kung fu are really powerful!"

"Defense attribute, tripled directly!"

"Although he was still injured, it didn't affect his combat effectiveness at all."

With a wave of Su Chen's hand, he put more than a dozen Mauser 98k rifles on the ground into the Osteoarthritis Ring.

At this time-


"The radar has scanned the position of the order issuer, in a half-collapsed private house in the direction of the host at eight o'clock!"

"A blast of wind!"

Su Chen turned around quickly, a circular cyan magic formation unfolded under his feet, his legs were still entwined by the strong wind, and the speed increased greatly!

He has Garen's passive skill "Toughness", and the injury on his body will take at most ten minutes.

at this time!

Dozens of Yingjun planes flew over the golden beach in the distance!

The Allies have dispatched bombers!

Under the blanket of fire, Su Chen could clearly see that countless firemen fell down screaming.

"This is the cruelty of war..."

Su Chen shook his head.

A few minutes later, he arrived in the southeast of the town and found a cellar in the half of the ruined building that was still burning with fire.

"Bright eyes!"


Su Chen's eyes widened, and the golden flames surged!

The 20-centimeter-thick cellar roof was pierced in seconds!

Combined with the golden eyes of golden pupils, the ability to see through, go to the next level!

"Soldier of the Enamel Kingdom?"

He saw a lonely soldier in a steel helmet curled up under the cellar. It was estimated that he hadn't eaten for three or four days.

But in the town, there are Nazi soldiers everywhere, and he dared not go out even if he borrowed ten courage!

Su Chen walked over, smashed the wooden ceiling with one foot, and jumped down from the cellar!


The soldier was frightened to death, and quickly shot at Su Chen!

Su Chen was prepared for a long time, raised his right hand, and put the bullet that came over into the bone inflammation ring.

"Don't be afraid."

"I'm not your enemy, I'm here to bring you food."

With a kind smile on his face, Su Chen spoke in fluent French.

The light in the cellar was dim, and the other party was a white young man with a high nose bridge and blue pupils. Judging by his appearance, he was estimated to be only sixteen or seventeen years old.

"I don't understand what you're saying, you... Who the **** are you?"

The white young man speaks fluent English, and his eyes are a little frightened-he clearly fired a shot at this person, and he is all right?

"Uh, Ying people?"

Su Chen was stunned for a while, switched to English, and repeated what he just said.


When the white young man heard these two words, his stomach vibrated violently, and he swallowed several mouthfuls of saliva.

Su Chen smiled, took out dozens of skewers of roasted kidneys in plastic from behind his waist, and threw a few bottles of mineral water over.


"smell good!!"

"Meat! It's meat!"

The white youth's mouth was frantically secreting saliva, and the saliva kept flowing down the corner of his mouth.

God knows!

He hasn't eaten for five days!

Crazy hungry! !

"Give me... please, give me!"

"I can not make it……"


The white youth immediately knelt down and burst into tears!

"These are yours, eat them, don't choke."

Su Chen gave him the food.

The white youth grabbed a few skewers of roasted kidneys and quickly bit them in their mouths!

The rich aroma of roasted kidneys erupts between the lips and teeth, the taste is fat but not greasy, the loin is tender on the outside and tender on the inside, plus cumin and pepper...


"What exactly is this!"

“It was delicious too!”

Eating and crying!

White youths have never eaten such delicious food, let alone in a state of extreme hunger!

I was crying right away!

Even started talking nonsense:

"Mom! Mom! This is food from heaven!"

"Mom! Mom, it's so delicious!"

"Wow woo woo woo..."

Su Chen was speechless.

Isn't it just a waist?

He eats it every day and vomits!

"Oh, the war is really cruel. Fortunately, I was not born in that era."

After a sigh, Su Chen turned and left.



"Please tell me your name!"

The white youth held a large handful of roasted kidneys and stopped Su Chen on the wooden ladder.

at this time.

There was just a ray of sunlight that slanted into the cellar, illuminating Su Chen like a god!

"My name is Su Wolong."

"I'm a Chinese!"

Say it, and leave leisurely.

Only the white youth with dull eyes and murmured lips remained.

"Su Wolong..."

"He must be an angel sent by God!"

"Only heaven can have such delicious food!"

Two tears flowed from the eyes of the white youth.

Immediately afterwards, in the blue pupils, a raging fire of faith burned!

"I'm Charlie Rothschild, here I swear!"

"If I can leave Faguo alive, I will spend my whole life finding my benefactor Su Wolong, and then..."

"Repay him!!!"