I Opened An Online Shop In Myriad Realms

Chapter 1271: The first gang of reincarnation: Kyushu

Kyushu League? "


Su Chen glanced at the shield warrior.

Handsome military brother, level 64, an elite member of the Kyushu League.

He doesn't see much information. In "Reincarnation", the initial occupations are divided into six types: Warrior, Shield Guard, Assassin, Wizard, Archer, Physician (revised)

After the tenth level transfer, there will be many branches.

Among them, there are three branches of shield guards: paladins, shield warriors, and wrestlers.

Paladins can fight with milk, shield warriors are the main battles, and Luxurious piles of meat are the main players. Each has its own characteristics.

There are also many branches of other occupations, and Su Chen has not looked at them carefully.


"You haven't heard of the Kyushu League, have you?"

The handsome military brother looked at Su Chen in surprise, "The leader of our Kyushu League is the most beautiful girl in the south of the Yangtze River, the daughter of Li's family, Li Qingyue!"

"Who are you talking about?"

"Li Qingyue??"

Su Chen's expression changed immediately.

Immediately, an angelic face appeared in front of him.

The eldest daughter of the Jiangnan Li family, Li Qingyue!

Unexpectedly, she also plays this game?


There was a hint of fun at the corner of Su Chen's mouth.

The handsome military brother also smiled, "How about it, brother, do you want to join our Kyushu League?"

"I pulled up a small team myself, and there is still one soldier left. I see that you are wearing a Bailian suit, and your combat effectiveness should not be low."


Su Chen agreed immediately.

The handsome military brother shook his head and laughed.

The name of the president is really good. 90% of men can't resist the temptation, and they all want to witness the peerless style of the first beauty in Jiangnan.

"I added you as a friend."


Su Chen searched for a while before finding out where the friend request list was.

The handsome military brother looked at his jerky operation with a strange expression, and couldn't help worrying, "I said, buddy, you won't buy this number, right?"

"Hehe, don't worry, Brother Jun."

"I will play."

Su Chen smiled and passed the friend application, and then followed him away.

All the way to a big house in the city.

Thousands of players gathered here, bustling and rubbing shoulders.

"so many people?"

Su Chen walked in from the door and frowned.

Brother Jun waved his hand disapprovingly, "How many people are there? It's just a sub-rudder base!"

"Split rudder?"


While sending a message to the other team members, Brother Jun said to the rookie Su Chen: "Our Kyushu League has five sub-rudders, Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, Xuanwu, and Qilin."

"We are the Suzaku rudder with the smallest number of people here, and the rudder master is the cousin of the president,"


"The group!"

"This way, this way!"

In the middle of the conversation, Brother Jun suddenly greeted five players.

Headed by a man and a woman, the scorpion Lai Lai, a small dumpling who loves to laugh.

The male is a level 65 Berserker, and the female is a level 64 Physician.

The other three, Pineapple Superman, Grapefruit Man, and Crescent Moon, play wizards, archers, and assassins, all at around level 63 and 64.

Here's a standard small brushbook lineup:

Two Ts, one legal output, one physical output, one nanny, and finally an assassin for control.

"Brother Army!"

"Is this the new guy you just pulled?"

"Only sixty?"

Scorpion Lai Lai, dressed in a green armor, walked over majestically, and looked at Su Chen with disgust.

"The level is a bit low."

"But how can you still recruit people now?"

Brother Jun shook his head, "Everyone has formed a team to fight the enemy."

"It's so depressing!"

The doctor girl 'Little Tuanzi' frowned, "It's all Xiao Qi's fault. The chain fell off at a critical moment. Otherwise, we wouldn't have teamed up with passers-by. I hate teaming up with strangers the most."


After listening for a long time, Su Chen understood.

It turned out that this small group was because a warrior player was temporarily busy and was not online, so they randomly pulled him to form a team on the street.

"Hey, forget it."

Scorpion Lailai waved his hand, "Anyway, there is a level 60, which can resist a few damages. Anything is better than nothing."

Assassin Crescent Moon, Wizard Pineapple Superman, and Archer Grapefruit Man didn't say anything.

Now that the whole city is under martial law, people are panicking, and all the players who stayed in the city have gone to the front line to fight the enemy.

"Brother Su Wolong, why can't you see the display of your warrior turn? Is it hidden?"

When a few people walked out of the mansion, Brother Jun asked.

Su Chen scratched his head embarrassedly, "Well, I... don't seem to have changed jobs yet."



"What the hell?"

The six were stunned.

He stared at Su Chen with big eyes and small eyes, as if he was seeing a neuropathy.

Played to level 60, still haven't changed career?

Or starter career? ?


Scorpion Lai Lai's face was ugly, like eating shit.

Anyone who has played online games knows that if you don’t change your starting class, you won’t be able to learn new skills or take on advanced tasks. That’s not a star and a half in terms of combat power compared to normal players!

"Brother Jun, where did you find this wonderful flower..."

Pineapple Superman, dressed in a navy blue robe and holding a staff, looked at the military brother extremely speechlessly, and said in a low voice.

"I @#!¥..."

Brother Jun has the heart to cry.

How could he know that there are people who haven't changed careers after playing at level sixty, how could there be such people in "Reincarnation"!

"Oh, forget it."

"Hurry up and change jobs."

"Just over there at the entrance of Ping'an Alley, very soon."

The archer Yuzi Man shook his head. He was carrying a large black bow, wearing leather armor, and long hair in a shawl. He was very dashing.

Assassin Xianyue is also wearing tight leather armor, frowning and urging: "Let's change jobs first, we will wait for you in front."


Su Chen didn't talk nonsense anymore.

He ran to where the grapefruit man pointed.

"What a **** retard."

Scorpion Lailai was so angry, "Let's go, we don't care about him, let's go first."


"Let's go!"

Brother Jun also sighed.

The six players quickly formed a team and rushed towards the north gate of the Imperial City.

And the other side.

Su Chen got lost in the huge Imperial City Square, and the dozens of alleys extending in all directions made him dizzy.

"Ping'an Lane... It seems to be over there."


"Running backwards!"

Su Chen closed the minimap and hurried to the job transfer point.

In the prosperous and lively Imperial City Square on weekdays, there are almost no players now, and Su Chen soon saw a few old NPCs sitting together.

Soldier transfer mentor, Li Zhan.

The wizard's transfer tutor, Li Fa.

Physician transfer tutor, Li Lian.

Assassin's transfer mentor, Li Ying.

Dunwei's transfer tutor, Li Wei.

Li Fei, the archer's career transfer tutor.

Six transfer tutors are gathering together to chat, worried.


"Several mentors, I want to change jobs!"

Su Chen ran over out of breath.


Hearing the words, the six old men turned their heads and looked at Su Chen strangely.

Under the influence of the effect of the immortal talent "Goddess of Luck's Blessing", their favorability towards Su Chen exploded.

All of them have kind eyes and kind expressions, as if they are looking at their own grandsons...