I Opened An Online Shop In Myriad Realms

Chapter 1294: Invincible beautiful girl in the univers


The player who claimed to be the owner of the Barbarian Shrine finally died.

Up to this moment, they couldn't believe that Su Chen and Barbarians belonged to the group of ‘players’, and the lord-level bosses were not perverted by them.


After a long time, staring at the smoke on the battlefield, Li Qingyue dared to mutter.

The wind shook the ends of her hair.


"Sister, I won! He really killed that savage god!"

Li Linger hugged Li Qingyue and wept with joy.

Fighting God, Pu Xiu lottery king, light singing. Doctor, the brave man, Ye Xinlian, looked at each other. Some shed tears, while others embraced each other and were extremely excited.

"Brother Wolong!"

"you are awesome!"

"This kind of bug can kill you!"

Pu Xiu lottery king shouted in the team channel, and then took the lead and rushed to Su Chen.

Fighting God, Li Linger and others followed closely behind.


Li Qingyue suddenly discovered that the black air in the corpse of the land immortal had not dissipated.

On the contrary, it is like a stream of water. It drips from its nose and mouth.

"not good!"

"He's not dead yet!"

Li Qingyue's beautiful eyes shook, and she hurriedly shouted, "Drawing King, be careful!!!"


The Pu Xiu lottery king hasn't reacted yet.

The dense black energy gushing from the land immortal's body is directed at him!

"Taking home!"

In the dark, naturally the player is a god!

His hidden profession is very abnormal and can be called immortality!

After the blood volume is returned to zero, he can rebirth the player's account, which is very abnormal!

At this moment, the **** is aiming at the nearest general lottery king, ready to win the home!

But at the moment of the moment, Su Chen suddenly descended on a flying dragon, as if he had been ready for a long time, a talisman in his hand was suddenly thrown at him!

"The Giant Seal!"


A dazzling blue light burst out!

Everyone subconsciously covered their eyes, and when they opened it again, a spherical energy shield appeared in front of them, and the black energy inside surged and crashed on all sides. It was that savage god's body!


Su Chen got off Xiao Hei's back and walked towards the energy seal cover, his frowning finally relaxed.

He had long discovered that this product was not dead, just to see what he wanted to do. Sure enough, there is a ghost.

This seal is a high-level skill for the Titan Guard profession, and in his current state, he can never escape.

"let me out!"

"Quickly let me out!!"

"So courageous, do you know who I am!?"

The black energy gradually condensed into a human form, grinning, murderous.

It's just that, not the appearance of a bullhead, but a half-year-old child.


The players from the Kyushu League came together and were taken aback.

"This... is this the body of the barbaric god?"

Li Ling'er suddenly became less afraid, and stepped forward, staring straight at the brutal **** in the seal hood.

This is a child of 13 or 14 years old. Tiger head and brain, fierce, murderous in the eyes.

In the game "Reincarnation", although the player can pinch his face, the degree of freedom is not high, and the display is basically what it looks like in reality.

"Man God is actually a child?"

"Oh my God!"

"How did he play the game to such an extent?"

"A genius boy?"

"But Brother Wolong is fierce! Even this kind of perversion can surrender!"

Everyone discussed it.

Li Qingyue found that Su Chen's face was a little weird, and she couldn't help but asked angrily: "Su Wolong, what's the matter with you?"


Su Chen's face muscles twitched a few times, his eyes were filled with unconcealed anger, "The spicy next door..."


Li Qingyue was full of black lines. Why did you suddenly swear? What's wrong?

Su Chen took a few deep breaths before he eased over.

No one knows what happened to him.

The savage **** in the seal also had his own little abacus in his heart at this time.

"Brother Wolong, what do you do with this thing now?"

"Can it be killed?"

The **** of war did not respect the old and loved the young, and tried every means to make this child tender to death.

"Kyushu League, God of Fighting, right?"

"I remember you!"

The Barbarian God was trapped in the seal and stared at the God of Fighting ferociously, "Wait for my resurrection. The first one will get you! I want to kill you back!"


The fighting spirit exploded.

At the same time, there was a panic, because this savage **** was not someone else, but the boss of the evil camp, and he could kill him with a basic attack!

He said that he can really do it to kill himself back to level zero!

But in front of so many people, how could he be frightened by a little kid?

Just about to talk--

Su Chen, whose face had always been ugly, suddenly said, "Are you delaying time?"


Man Shen was taken aback and looked at Su Chen in shock.



"Brother Wolong, what do you mean?"

"Could it be that he is sending a message to the players in the Barbarian Shrine? Let them besiege us??"

The Pu Xiu lottery king was startled, "Then we have to hurry up and call people!"


Su Chen shook his head. "The group of shrimp soldiers and crabs is not enough for me to kill."

"He's calling one, as strong as him, player."


Everyone looked at each other.

Can't believe Su Chen's words at all.

In the world of "Reincarnation". There are players who are as strong as the wild gods? ?

"How did you know?"

The brutal **** in the seal hood looked at Su Chen in shock, "Could it be that I am in the brutal palace. There is an inner ghost?"

"Hmph, I had already suspected it!"

"When I come out, I must find out all the inner ghosts, and you, Lao Tzu will all get back to level zero!"

"Wait for me!!!"

Although Man Shen was deeply imprisoned, his momentum remained undiminished.

Although he was a child, he scared everyone present, except for Su Chen, of course.


"Haha, my friend is here, you are done!"

Suddenly, Man Shen let out a weird laugh and looked up at the sky.

Everyone also quickly turned their heads to look at it, and sure enough, there was a player, a female player!

A pair of colorful wings with gorgeous and cool special effects, like an imperial butterfly. Allow her to fly freely.

Coquettish long red hair, fluttering in the air.

A dark purple armor, the weapon in his hand is very weird, like a needle.

She has white skin, delicate features, and bright red eyes, just like a vampire queen.

only. She was still young, only thirteen or fourteen years old at most, and she was about the same as a god, with a hint of immature on her body.

"Brother Xiaoman!"

"Who is bullying you!?"

The girl's angry voice echoed in this world.

With the help of telescope props, everyone can see her ID and level clearly.

Invincible beautiful girl in the universe!

Level 1!


"Grass (a plant)."

"Am I dazzled?"

"A level 1 player? Two levels higher than the barbarian god?"

"What the hell..."

Fighting God, lottery king, Li Ling'er and others were completely confused.

Looking at the joyful savage gods in the seal hood, the mood they had just relaxed, suddenly fell into the abyss of despair...

Are they really playing the same game? The latest chapter address of my online shop in Wanjie: https://lightnovelpub.net/book/129398. htmlI opened an online store in Wanjie to read the full text: https://lightnovelpub.net/read/129398 /I opened an online shop in Wanjie txt download address: https://lightnovelpub.net/down/129398 .htmlI opened an online store in Wanjie to read on my mobile phone: https://m.lightnovelpub.net/read/129398 /For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time (Chapter 1294 Universe Invincible beautiful girl) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I open an online store in Wanjie", please recommend it to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) This book, thank you for your support! ! (lightnovelpub.net)