I Opened An Online Shop In Myriad Realms

Chapter 1295: Sacred vessel, dropper spear

"Brother Xiaoman!"

"How are you?!"

The invincible beautiful girl in the universe is holding a needle-shaped long spear and standing not far away, giving the players of the Kyushu League an inexplicable sense of oppression.

Obviously she is a small little loli, but her character level is as high as level 1. How terrifying is the full level at this stage?

Li Qingyue is now at level 74. Every day, with the assistance of various high-levels, he is able to spawn monsters and level up. He has 1% experience, which is extremely efficient. Even so. It takes 1 to 2 weeks for each level up.

It is too difficult to reach level 1.

A 98-level savage god. It's scary enough, now there is another level 1 one!

Li Ling'er, the lottery king of the fighting god, and the others, no longer know what to say.

"Great, Vivienne!"

"You finally came!"

The savage **** in the seal was overjoyed, and killing intent quickly appeared in his eyes. The corners of his mouth raised savagely, "Quick! Get rid of this group of people and take revenge on me!"

"Hehe, okay!"

"Brother Xiaoman!"

"Vivian loves PK the most!"

The corners of the lips of the invincible girl in the universe are curled up, she is a very cute little loli, but she has a terrible smile.

"Ready to fight!"

Li Qingyue gave a soft drink, and the nine players immediately hunched over and entered a fighting state, looking at the girl as if facing an enemy.


"Is it a real name?"

Li Qingyue squeezed her staff, squinted her beautiful eyes, and wondered how it would end today. After she was offline, she would check the identities of the two children.

"Don't be afraid, everyone!"

"We have Brother Wolong!"

Fighting God holds a shield in his left hand and a sword in his right hand, and shouts "excitation and anger" to enhance the buff for his teammates.


"She is of normal size, even if she is of high level, we are not without chance!"

"Everyone is determined to die!"

"Don't worry, as long as Brother Wolong wins. It's okay to explode the suit!"

Pu Xiu draws the brunt of the lottery and stands in front of everyone.

Li Ling'er, Ye Xinlian and other team members also thought the same way. The monsters like the monsters are huge in size. They are not easy to fight. Now that the enemy is of normal size, they can help.

Even if you can't deal damage, RBI support is also excellent!

"Ah ha ha!"

"Killing me!"

"These people. Do you think you can defeat Vivian?"

The barbarian **** lay on the seal cover, happy to death, "In this game, Vivian is even stronger than me. When it comes to fighting, even if I have all my strength and every means, I am not her opponent."

"The sacred instrument in her hand, the life dropper spear. It is the real bug-like existence!"


The invincible beautiful girl in the universe smiled, and suddenly launched an attack!


Her footsteps were slightly crushed, and her figure rushed forward!

The speed was so fast that she pulled out a phantom in the air, and no one could see her movements!

"Be careful!"

Li Qingyue just uttered a word, and put it on the head of Pu Xiu lottery king. Just jump out of an exaggerated injury!


Everyone suffocated!

It is another metamorphosis with more than 400,000 damages in general attack!

The total blood volume of the King Puxiu lottery was only over 300,000.


Su Chen raised the bloodthirsty sword in his hand, a dazzling emerald green light burst out from the corpse of King Pu Xiu lottery draw.

Huh, full of blood and demons resurrected!

The high-level skills of the hanging pot saint doctor are extremely powerful!


The beautiful girl in Invincible Universe was stunned for a moment. She was obviously surprised that the Level 73 Little Shield Guard in front of her was hit by her and didn't die?

She quickly found out the clues. Looking at Su Chen with interesting eyes.


"Be careful of the person who hides the ID!"

The **** yelled: "He has three hidden professions, namely physicians. Shield guards and warriors, as well as many props and scrolls, which are very difficult to deal with!"

"Oh? Brother Xiaoman. Really?"

The invincible beauty girl's eyes shone brightly and she was very happy, "Is he really as powerful as you said?"


"Otherwise, who sealed me by?"

It's pretty mad.

Seeing the two chatting, the players of the Kyushu League seemed to have suffered a great humiliation.


Pu Xiu lottery king charged with an annoyance, hitting the invincible beautiful girl in the universe with his shield, and then trampled it in a war, stunned her!


The general lottery king showed joy, "Quick!"

"Thorns entangled!"

Li Ling'er waved his staff, surrounded by forest elves, and quickly summoned thorny thorns and vines to firmly bind the invincible beautiful girl in the universe.

At the same time, a frost storm blew up in Li Qingyue's beautiful eyes!

"Ice Dragon Roar!"

"Ice Dragon Broken!"

"The ice bursts!"

High-level hidden occupation ハ Bingshuang Xuan Nv. Throw out the three most damaging skills!

Between the cold and the cold crystal burst!

Bring up three damage numbers!




A total of 38w points of damage were caused!

Li Qingyue is stupid!

This is too low, right? ?

She used this set to beat land immortals before, and the damage could be more than tripled. How high is the magic resistance of this invincible beautiful girl in the universe?


"Vivian's blood volume is thicker than mine, a sacred weapon. It is no different from the magic immune!"

Manshen stood in the seal hood and whistled locally.

Just these few chicken dogs, Vivian stood still and let them fight for a whole day, but she couldn't kill her!

"not bad!"

"Can actually cause harm to me!"

The invincible beautiful girl awakened from her dizziness and smiled coquettishly, making people wonder if she was deliberately stunned?

Just when Puxiu Lottery King wanted to faint her again!

The dropper spear in her hand was pierced violently, poking Pu Xiu King's ribs!

The internal dropper device can be activated instantly to draw blood out!

A big green rebirth number floated from the head of the invincible beautiful girl in the universe, shocking everyone in the Kyushu League:


On the other side, a ᅫ58w injury figure appeared on the head of the Pu Xiu lottery king, and his blood vessels were cleared again!


"I only sucked 58w of blood, and it seems that there is no crit~!"

The invincible beautiful girl smiled, "You know, my crit rate is 6%. A crit can **** more than one million blood!"


Everyone vomited blood crazily and didn't want to fight anymore.

This Nima, the basic attack has returned millions of blood, and it's a fart!

"See that Vivian is abnormal!"

Manshen smiled triumphantly, "That dropper spear was made after the equipment in an anime she liked. It was very abnormal!"


Green light comes up!


Su Chen waved the bloodthirsty sword, a healing skill shot, and once again pulled the Pu Xiu lottery king back from the gate of the ghost.


"so smart?"

The invincible beautiful girl in the universe noticed Su Chen, and her interest immediately shifted to him, "It's been a long time since no one can play with me to the fullest, I hope you can~ hee hee! Come on!"

She smiled evilly!

Holding the dropper spear, he stabs Su Chen suddenly!

On the other hand, Su Chen stood still, with a gloomy expression and didn't move.

"Su Wolong!?"

Li Qingyue said in horror, her beautiful eyes widened.

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