I Opened An Online Shop In Myriad Realms

Chapter 1357: sweet cat winnie

Ten years later, Winnie was once again faced with this kind of terrorist attack.

The last time, it was an assassination attempt, this time, it was a bank robbery.

Although she was scared to death, she still tried to pretend to be very strong, squeezed a smile from her face, comforted and encouraged the fans around her.

"Ah...Miss Winnie."

The old butler, Wood, sighed softly.

When Miss Winnie encountered a spider or cockroach, she would be so frightened that she would scream and scream. How could she not be afraid in such a situation?

However, celebrities are different from ordinary people after all, and they must maintain their personalities in front of the public.

"Bump all the money into the bag!"

"Hurry up!"

After the robbers blasted the bulletproof glass of the bank window with a bomb, they threatened the teller with a gun. Several of the tellers turned pale with fright and kept putting money into sacks with trembling hands.

The old housekeeper Wood quietly raised his head and found that there were five robbers in total, one watching the gate, two guarding the crowd, and the remaining two instructing the bank teller to load the money.

"If you keep quiet, they shouldn't dare to start killing people."

Wood put his head in his hands and lowered his head silently, waiting for the storm to pass.

But things were far from being as simple as he thought.


"Who is this?"

At this moment, a young black robber made a sound of surprise, his eyes fixed on Winnie in the crowd.

Although Winnie was wearing a mask, she had fair skin and outstanding features, with a pair of amber-blue pupils and long, dazzling blue hair that anyone who knew her would recognize at a glance.

"Little sweet cat!"


"Hahaha, is that you?"

After the black robber was confirmed, he suddenly became excited and almost jumped from the ground.


The old housekeeper Wood's expression changed.

Winnie also trembled in her heart, and looked up to see the black robber wearing a mask and dreadlocks, but only twenty-five or six years old, looking at herself excitedly—she has many fans like this.

‘Perhaps, I can persuade him to turn back? ’

Winnie's heart moved slightly.

"Bob, what do you want to do?"

Another robber, guarding with guns, glared at him and warned, "Don't make trouble."

"It's alright, they're a bunch of unarmed civilians, there's no danger."

Bob cast a relaxed look at him, "I've robbed Lao Tzu's bank, do you still care about the number of charges?"

"Little sweet cat, Winnie~"

A fiery light appeared in his eyes, staring at Winnie:

"Come here, take off your mask, and let me see your pretty face."

"How to do……"

Winnie's little heart suddenly twitched, and she didn't know what to do.

"do not want!"

"Miss Winnie!"

The old housekeeper Wood grabbed her little hand and shook his head secretly.

At this moment of hesitation, there was a sound of "Bang!", a gunshot rang out, a middle-aged man was killed on the spot, fell to the ground and twitched, and his wife fell on him like crazy and cried.



Screams rang out in the hall.

Winnie was also stunned, with a fair complexion and no blood.

She did not expect this robber named Bob to be so ruthless that he would shoot and kill if he disagreed!

"I repeat, come here."

Bob kills a man as relaxed and laid back as he kills a chicken.

The other robbers were displeased when they saw what he was doing, but they didn't say a word, which showed that he had a special status, and even his companions did not dare to provoke him.

"Okay...Okay, I'll come here, stop killing people."

Winnie disregarded the old housekeeper Wood's dissuasion, and came out bravely, her trembling snow-white hands took off her mask, revealing her stunningly beautiful face to the air.


"As expected of the goddess I want to **** every day!"

Bob was sluggish for half a second, then his tongue licked his lips involuntarily, "You know what, Winnie? I wanted to tie you up and be my girlfriend..."

Winnie stood in the middle of the hall, shivering with fear.

Bob handed the M16 rifle in his hand to Collier, then walked towards Winnie with a smile on his face, mumbling incessantly, "Winnie~my little sweet cat~I love you so much~"

While making a morbid confession, he kept his body very close, and the warm gas exhaled from his mouth made Winnie's neck itchy.


Winnie had never encountered such a pervert before, she was so frightened that she couldn't even breathe, she lightly covered her mouth and nose, and the crystal tears kept streaming down.

"Winnie, do you have anything to say to me?"

Bob closed his eyes directly, walked up to Winnie, and hugged her delicate shoulders.

Winnie couldn't take it anymore and cried and said, "You... can you stay away from me, your bad breath is so bad, I have a cleanliness addiction."

Wood: "..."

Bob: "..."

Collier: "..."

A few hostages who were close enough were almost amused by Winnie.

But Bob couldn't hang on his face, the corners of his mouth twitched fiercely, and a sinister smile evoked, "Little Winnie, you have a cleanliness addiction, don't you?"

"Hahaha, just right!"

"I haven't showered in two weeks!"

With that said, Bob slammed closer, hugged Winnie, and the latter screamed again and again, "Ah! Ahh! Don't, don't come here, help!!"

"Hahaha, come on!"

"This is our stage!"

"I'm going to put you here today..."

Bob laughs and throws Winnie to the ground.

"Let go of her!"

"Let go of my goddess!"



Immediately, angry scolding came from all around.

But no one dared to step forward.

Except for the old housekeeper Wood.

"Let go of Miss Winnie!!!"

"I fought with you!!"

The white old man in his sixtieth year saw that the young lady he had grown up with was bullied by others, he roared wildly, and rushed over desperately.



people fall.

The robber Collier looked at him indifferently, "Old thing, I don't know whether to live or die."

"Cough cough... **** ho ho..."


The old housekeeper Wood stretched out his hand to Winnie. He was shot in the abdomen and was bleeding profusely. If he was not sent to the hospital for emergency treatment within five minutes, he would die of hemorrhagic shock.

"Grandpa Wood...Grandpa Wood..."

"Woooooo! Don't!"

Winnie was crushed to the ground, crying so hard.

But her limbs were charged, and her thin body was completely unable to resist.


Old Wood fell into a coma.

Winnie gradually panicked amid bursts of perverted shrill laughter.

"Wa hahaha!"

"I'll see it soon, what I've always dreamed of!"

Bob swallowed, his eyes burning like fire.

The absolutely fragrant scene attracted greedy eyes from several other robbers.

However, a second before the penultimate fig leaf was torn off, a mutation suddenly occurred!

With a loud noise of "Boom!", a large hole was blasted in the ceiling of the bank hall, and pieces of reinforced concrete were shot in all directions, causing the crowd to scream even louder and fled in all directions.