I Opened An Online Shop In Myriad Realms

Chapter 1359: Su Chen was arrested

Winnie cried sadly.

The panicked people fled from her side one after another, for fear of another accident, everyone glanced at her when they passed by, but no one came to help.

Until a large black robe draped over her.


A strange yet familiar handsome face came into view, making Winnie's body startled, "You..."

"Is he your grandfather?"

"Don't worry, I can save him."

Su Chen first gave this beautiful girl a smile, then squatted down on one knee and activated the doctor's finger!

The medical **** of LV5 has a very exaggerated healing ability!

In short, if there are five seriously injured people who are infinitely close to brain death, lying in front of Su Chen, he can revive these five people with blood in one second!

Compared with before, the healing ability has increased nearly ten times, but it still cannot be used for self-help.


Su Chen patted the old man in the suit on the chest and said with a smile, "Don't worry, your grandfather is fine."


Winnie couldn't understand Su Chen's words, and there was a trace of anger in her heart, "You are too much! Grandpa Wood has shed so much blood..."

"Don't worry, I said he can't die, he definitely can't die."

Su Chen is very confident.

Now he, in the field of medicine, has a temperament that can be said to be tightly controlled.

In order to hide from the public, he only injected 5% of the healing energy into the old man, but it was no problem to hang his life for three or four hours.

"Look, Superman is back!"

"Yes, it's him!"

"He's a hero! Our hero!"

"Hero, I love you!"

"Hero hero! You are amazing, I adore you so much!"

"Hero, are you still missing a pendant on your thigh?!"

At this time.

Inexplicably, there were a lot of complimenting voices around.

A large number of people watched him with shock, envy, awe, and admiration, applauding applause, and whistling whistling, making Su Chen's face bewildered.

"This, what's the situation?"

"Are the people of the country so enthusiastic?"

Su Chen greeted a few times with a confused expression, "Hello! It's okay, haha, I should do it, hehehe..."

"Why do you look at me like that?"

Looking back, he found that this girl with beautiful lake blue long hair was staring at him with a complicated look.

"Are you a fairy?"


"Why don't you get old? It's the same as ten years ago, and... Did you fly back after hearing my prayer?"

The blue-haired girl said a bunch of inexplicable things to Su Chen.

"Won't get old? Ten years ago? Fly back?"

Su Chen was completely confused.

Can not understand.

What the **** is going on here?

until Winnie called his name.

"Su Chen."

"Although you have plastic surgery and become very handsome, I still recognize you."

"You...why didn't you answer my question?"

Su Chen frowned into a Sichuan character, "Uh, how do you know my name? Do we know each other?"

I wipe!

Such a punctual girl, how does it feel to have an affair with me? But I don't remember at all, is it a one-night stand after being drunk? No, sir, I've never been drunk at all...

Just as Winnie was about to answer, the police and paramedics rushed in.

Several kidnappers were taken away, and the dead and wounded were carried away, and the hall soon returned to a stable order.

Su Chen found that many people around him looked at him wrongly, and he always felt that it was not good, so he slipped away.

"Wait a moment!"

"Su Chen!"

Winnie stopped him.

The girl was wearing the standard black robe he presented, her little hands clenched tightly around the neckline, there were still tears on her cheeks, and two long, snow-white slender legs were looming in the hem of the robe.

"Give me your phone."

"Uh, what are you doing?"

Su Chen never refused customers' requests, so he took out his mobile phone, unlocked it, and handed it to her.

Winnie freed one hand, opened the memo skillfully, and wrote the following line in English:

"Can you come and see me in New York this weekend?"

"Also, this is my mobile number, this is my Facebook account, this is my Instagram account, this is my Twitter account..."

For fear of Su Chen disappearing for another ten years, Winnie left not only her home address and mobile phone number, but also five other communication methods, which are equivalent to domestic WeChat, Weibo and Douyin accounts.


"If you're not busy, I'll come to you, and by the way, I'll take a look at your grandfather's situation."

After Su Chen finished speaking, he saw two tall police officers walking towards him, turned his head and ran away.

"Wait a minute, sir!"

"catch him!"

"Don't let him run away!"

"Krent! Krent! Don't let a Chinese youth running out of the main entrance of the bank, about twenty years old, with short hair and a white sweater!"

The two policemen chased out, and Su Chen was immediately lost.

The police stationed outside did not see any Chinese people running out of it at all.

"Huh, fortunately, I used the black unicorn's disguise technique in time to change a face..."

Su Chen turned into a middle-aged white man, put his hands in his pockets, and left the scene silently.

Everything that happened today was so weird, he had to go back and think about it.

a few hours later.

Su family villa.

Su Mingzhe told Wu Fei and Su Daqiang about the bank robbery, and Su Chen suddenly received the order settlement.

It seems that the grandfather of that beautiful girl has successfully escaped the dangerous period.


"Congratulations, you have completed the rescue order of the national anthem star 'Winnie Harrel Liszt' in the main world, and received a five-star praise."

"You got 10 gold coins as a reward."

"You were rewarded with 200 points."

"Singer Winnie, in order to thank you for saving your life, I will present you with a plastic red envelope × 1."

"Singer Winnie, in order to thank you for your life-saving grace, I will present you with a bronze red envelope × 1."

Su Chen knew that a star in the main world would definitely not be able to give anything good, "Tear it down, tear it down."


After opening it, the plastic red envelope contained an album of Winnie's songs that had not yet been released. There were six songs. Su Chen listened to it, and the little girl's voice was very good.

In the bronze red envelope, there is a million dollar treatment fee.

Just when Su Chen was thinking about Winnie's identity.

A loud siren sounded into the living room, and the police finally found Su Chen.

Under the shocked and frightened eyes of the Su family, Su Chen was tortured away.

He was not afraid, but he was a little depressed. He decided to follow the past to investigate the matter.

When he arrived at the police station, a white detective with a full beard on his face showed him a video of his mobile phone.

In the video, he descended from the sky and knocked out a big hole in the ceiling of the bank hall. Then he showed great power, chopped melons and vegetables, and killed six robbers. Finally, he flew away in the air, handsome and unrestrained.

During the whole process, Su Chen is simply a superman in the comics, invulnerable, extremely fast, extremely powerful, and can fly!


After watching this video, Su Chen finally understood what was going on.

His face turned green, his right hand clenched tightly and made a creaking sound.


"You're fine!"