I Opened An Online Shop In Myriad Realms

Chapter 1499: A war is on!

Meiji Jingu is an outsider of evil spirits.

This news was heard by Su Chen from Yamawaki Masamune.

On the surface, the Meiji Shrine is one of the ten largest shrines in Japan. It enshrines the big tengu and keeps incense sticks every day. Visitors are like clouds, bright and sacred.

But what was done behind the scenes was cruel and cruel.

As far as he knows. Meiji Jingu kills people in various ways every day! Sometimes kill a group!

As for why he wanted to kill and what the purpose was, he didn't know. This is why Yamawaki Masamune can live.

"You murdered to enshrine your soul to the ghost and **** who lives in your shrine, right?"

Su Chen also felt Baiji Yuanyi's gaze cast towards him, and looked at him from a distance.

The two eyes collided in the air, bursting out flames that no one could see.

As soon as he came over, he felt the rich ghost spirit contained in this shrine, overwhelming the sky. It's huge, and obviously lives a very powerful ghost.

"Jun Su Chen, what are you talking about?"

Amemiya Water Mai asked inexplicably.

The people around didn't understand what Su Chen was talking about, they were only shocked by his arrogant words!

"Tread off Meiji Jingu?"

"He is Su Wolong?"

"Really, so young?"

"It is said that Su Wolong, who destroyed the Medicine King Valley, is indeed so young..."

"It's worthy of being the No.1 martial arts evildoer in China, and it's too crazy!"

Many people are whispering.

"How can it be?"

"This guy is Su Wolong?"

The second disciple of Fang Xiandao, Qin Junhao, had big eyes, "Isn't it possible!"

The beautiful monk Xia He also opened a pair of beautiful eyes, staring at Su Chen intently, but from Su Chen, she couldn't feel the slightest breath of a monk.

"Could it be that he has already cultivated to the realm of'returning to nature and introverted' as the master said?"

This famous big beauty in the Chinese profound arts world thought to herself.

"Master Su, you..."

Move the mountain road, Yu Zishu. Hua Qi and Gu Songling were also surprised.

In fact, they had guessed that Su Chen was Su Wolong at first, but they were still unbelievable.

Su Chen smiled and answered the question of Amemong Water Dance:

"You don't know that in Meiji Shrine, there is actually an evil ghost and **** who specializes in eating raw people and living souls, and eats every day!"

"For these years, Meiji Jingu has been killing people every day in order to satisfy the appetite of this ghost and god!"

Su Chen's voice just fell.

There were stunned gazes all around!

Amomiya Shuiwu, Huaqi, Xia He and others even covered their mouths tightly, and couldn't believe what Su Chen said!

"Boy, in front of so many people, do you dare to talk nonsense?"

"court death!"

The chief of the temple, Yue Jianshan, flashed a cold air on his face, and a spiritual coercion was released towards Su Chen!

This is a sheer amount of spiritual coercion, all-out shots, without reservation!

Because he knew that his opponent was Su Wolong!

If it is said that he just released the spiritual pressure on Amamiya Water Dance. Only one percent, then the one released to Su Chen now is one hundred and two!


"This kid, the cultivation base of the two-star Venerable, wants to suppress me on the spiritual and spiritual level?"

Su Chen couldn't help but feel amused.

The cultivation base of the two-star veteran in the profound arts world is just equivalent to an intermediate master. At most, it exerts coercion on the masters below the intermediate level.

Not to mention that his martial arts realm is the pinnacle of the master, he said that his blue silver grass and the Haotian axe martial arts are also connected to the spirit and soul. They are unique in the main world, increasing his soul strength to an extreme. To the point!

How could it be suppressed by this kid?

"I think you are looking for death!"

Su Chen smiled coldly and turned into a black shadow, rushing towards it!

"Soul palm!"

He wanted to slap this guy out of his body with a slap!

But as Baekje Fate One, who knows the Lord of the Shrine, how can he make his wish?

"Su Wolong!"

"You are not allowed to shoot against my disciples! You are here to challenge me today!"

The vast voice. Resounding across the peak of Xueying Mountain, when everyone looked again, a master Baekje dressed in black and white yin and yang robe. But from the top of the shrine to the ground, no one could see clearly.

With a wave of his sleeve robe, there was a mighty force of ghosts and gods. Stopped Su Chen's pace!

Su Chen stopped, and everyone had just slowed down.

"Ok... terrible."

Yue Jianshan also let out a sigh, and quickly stood behind his master, and took a deep look at Su Chen.

This guy...huh? This guy, how...

Among the lightning and flint, Su Chen's figure flickered illusory, and gradually disappeared, it turned out to be an afterimage left behind!

Even Master Baekje's eyes widened!

In an instant, Su Chen's speed suddenly increased several levels, and the air in his place shook violently. The sound of "Boom!" was so fast that even Master Baekje didn't react in a moment!


"Break through the sound barrier!"

"This Chinese martial artist has stepped into the realm of the pinnacle master?!"

Master Baekje was taken aback, his thoughts flashed in surprise!

Because only the pinnacle master can be in a static state. Break the sound barrier instantly and launch an attack!


A clap came from behind!

"not good!"

The power of the ghosts and gods all over the master Baekje turned around, and his eldest disciple Yue Jianshan had already fallen in a pool of blood.

Awarded by Marvel Guyi Master!

A palm of the soul!

Soul flies away!

Su Chen didn't keep his hands at all, so he just let this month see the mountains forever without being overwhelmed!


Everyone panicked, and cast their horrified eyes one after another.

No one thought that this Su Wolong would behead the chief disciple of Meiji Shrine when he came up arrogantly! Still in front of Master Baekje! This slapped a face fiercely!

"This is the top three Great Onmyoji in Japan?"

"Under everyone's eyes, you can't even protect your own disciples!"

Su Chen smiled, "I killed, one is because he insulted me just now, Grandmaster! Don't insult!"

"Secondly, as the chief of the shrine, you have done the most conscientious things, I am afraid he also has a part? Maybe it is the little head!"

Su Chen stood beside Yuejianshan's corpse, looking at Master Baekje with a sneer.

Yuejianshan did not vomit blood, nor was he injured. For some reason, he lost his breath of life, and his whole body showed a grayish color.

This is the characteristic of the destruction of the soul.

"Big brother!"

"Big brother!"

"Master! Kill him! Kill this Su Wolong!"

"Master! Revenge for the big brother!"

The other temple disciples did not dare to approach Su Chen, but cast hatred glances.

"Su Wolong, you are so cruel..."

Master Baekje was so angry that he gritted his teeth and sucked his teeth, blushing almost bloody, "First kill my son, then my lover! I and you are not in love with each other!!"


Master Baekje turned around and aimed directly at Amemiya Shuiwu! The latest chapter address of my online shop in Wanjie: https://lightnovelpub.net/book/129398. htmlI opened an online store in Wanjie to read the full text: https://lightnovelpub.net/read/129398 /I opened an online shop in Wanjie txt download address: https://lightnovelpub.net/down/129398 .htmlI opened an online store in Wanjie to read on my mobile phone: https://m.lightnovelpub.net/read/129398 /For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time (Chapter 1499 War is on!) Read the record and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I open an online store in Wanjie", please recommend it to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) This book, thank you for your support! ! (lightnovelpub.net)