I Opened An Online Shop In Myriad Realms

Chapter 1507: Break through again! Grandmaster realm,

"let's start."

Su Chen casually constructed an ice bridge in the crack in the deep abyss, sat cross-legged on it, preparing to absorb the spirit ring exploded by the big tengu.

"Unleash the power of the soul..."

"Let the soul ring into the brain..."

Only at this time would Su Chen use the power of the soul.

While absorbing the spirit ring, he thought that he would have to learn some spirit spells in the future.

If you only rely on your body, if you encounter a powerful seal, it will be over.

A genius with extremely high savvy like him must have double cultivation.

But spirit spells. That is, the way to use the soul and thoughts. It seems that there is no special plane. This is really embarrassing...


"Didn't I have a ticket to the world of cultivation of the seventh-order?"

"Look back and take a look!"

Su Chen thought about this in his heart. Already sucked all the spirit rings of the big tengu into his brain.

He hurriedly urged all his spirit thoughts, rushing towards the black spirit ring, desperately absorbing and refining, and could no longer tell what else he was thinking about.

Although the Great Tengus lived for 10,000 years, its spirit ring strength and quality. It is better than the colorful poisonous dragon python! Can compare with Galio!

"Too painful, too tormented..."

Su Chen's face was pale, and cold sweat came out of his forehead.

After only a few hours, he was a little restless, and every thought of his spirits was extremely weak, but he relied on his strong martial arts will to hold on to his life.

In the silence, there was another big battle, but this big battle took place in another small world.

"Mr. Su Chen..."

Amemiya Water Dance is still waiting on the top of the mountain.

Although Su Chen sent her a text message in advance to let her return to Tokyo, she refused, and under the icy night breeze, she had to wait for Su Chen to leave the customs. She even felt that this kind of waiting was very happy.

"Butterfly, what if she doesn't leave? Will she freeze to death here?"

Not far away, the rabbit head ghost looked at the shivering Amemiya Shuiwu, "A mortal body. But it's very fragile."

"How about we show up and scare her away?"

Toad ghost proposed.



The Butterfly Guishen gave a shudder, "What bad idea is there! If Miss Amemiya is scared, can you afford it?"

Not long after, someone from the Amamiya family ran up and brought thick blankets and hot coffee.

The next day.

When the first rays of the sun shone on the ruined Meiji Shrine, a powerful force burst out from the big crack in the abyss.

After a quiet night at Xueying Mountain, another earthquake occurred!

"What. What's wrong?"

"An earthquake again?"

The bodyguards of Meiji Shrine woke up from their sleep.

Amemiya Shuiwu was also awakened, staggered, and the jade feet in high heels almost disappeared.


An unimaginable physical body qi and blood, like a volcanic eruption, gushed out of the big crack in the abyss!

The three ghosts and gods all crawled on the ground, shivering.

A figure suddenly jumped up, and looked at the butterfly three ghosts. Su Chen at this moment is like a sun, the martial art blood in his body is as fierce as blood flames, burning constantly, and the whole person is like a little sun, exuding terrifying pressure all the time.

of course. This kind of pressure only worked on the soul, and it only lasted for a while before it disappeared.

"Mr. Su Chen!"

"Did you break through?"

Amemiya Shuiwu was overjoyed, quickly threw away the blanket, and ran over in stride.

Hit it full of arms.

Su Chen smiled and kissed Yugong Shuiwu's cheek and nodded gently.

He is now in the realm of a great master, and placed in the dark world is equivalent to an SS-level powerhouse, enough to be on the dark list!

"This time slaying the Great Tengu ghosts and gods. Take its spirit ring and break through the realm of the Great Master!"

"The reward is huge!"

"I have to go back and digest it!"

Su Chen said, opening his eyes. He glanced around and found the three ghosts behind, he nodded.



Su Chen discovered through seeing and hearing and color domineering. There are faintly waiting for him on the mountainside. There are a large number of them, holding cold-standard weapons. "It seems to be an army, but just because of this, you want to stop me?"

Afterwards, he asked a few bodyguards of the Amamiya family and three ghosts to come over and directly activate the teleport skills!


Group transmission, leave directly!

After the dispatched special operations forces came up, they found that the top of the mountain was empty, some. There are only bottomless rifts, broken cherry trees, and the ruins of Meiji Shrine.

As for the disciples of Meiji Shrine, they ran away last night because they were afraid that Su Chen would kill them.

at this time.

A luxury apartment in Tokyo Bay.

Seven people and three ghosts suddenly appeared. Occupies the living room.


"Shun...Move instantly?"

The five bodyguards looked silly and looked around incredulously.

They escorted the young lady back home, so they knew it was Amemiya Mizumai's residence.

Not to mention them, the three ghosts of toad, butterfly and rabbit head are also extremely shocking!

Amemiya Shuiwu just pressed her red lips, she was used to it, because Su Chen often used this trick to teleport to Taoshanju and do some shameful things with her.

After that, the five bodyguards left, and Su Chen also let the three ghosts stay here. They were not allowed to leave at will, and must personally protect Amemiya Shuiwu for 24 hours.

"According to the system, breaking through the realm of the Great Master is equivalent to the foundation-building cultivator in the world of immortality!"

"Divine Realm, equivalent to the Purple Mansion Period!"

"After that, martial arts, it's over!"

"You must cultivate immortals!"

"And for cultivating immortals, one must cultivate spirits!"

"It seems that finding a volume of Divine Soul Secret Art is imminent!"

Su Chen watched Yugong Shuiwu wearing an apron and working in the kitchen, while he was sitting on the sofa, self-cultivation and self-cultivation.

"Shuttle in Ten Thousand Realms, complete the order, and get all kinds of red envelopes, it's really delicious!"

"But cultivating immortals is the right way! The water flows for a long time, and it is far away for a long time!"

"I hope that admission ticket to the world of immortality cultivation will give me some adventures..."

Take a breath.

Su Chen silently made a wish in his heart, and then opened the system page information fifteen minutes ago.


"Congratulations to the host, for breaking through to the realm of the Great Master, it is equivalent to the foundation-building cultivator of the immortal cultivation system!"

"You got 5 gold coins as a reward."

"You got 5 points reward."

"You got 3 skill upgrade cards."

"You got 1 equipment upgrade crystal."

"You got 5 star cards."

"You got 1 diamond."

"You got a chance to draw a lucky turntable!"

The rewards for breaking through the master are still very rich.

A glance at his current system gold coins, there are 14w5 thousand!

Points, a full 62w!

Diamonds, 1w5 thousand!

"But the most important thing is that my Haotian Axe has obtained the second spirit ring and comprehended the second spirit ability..."The latest chapter address of my online shop in Wanjie: https://lightnovelpub.net/book/129398.htmlI opened an online store in Wanjie to read the full text address: https://lightnovelpub.net/read/129398/I opened an online shop in Wanjie txt download address: https://lightnovelpub.net/down/129398.htmlI opened an online shop in Wanjie to read on my mobile phone: https://m.lightnovelpub.net/read/129398/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time (Chapter 1507 Breakthrough again! Grand Master Realm, Brother of the Purple Mansion Period!) to read the record, and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf ! If you like "I open an online store in Wanjie", please recommend it to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) This book, thank you for your support! ! (lightnovelpub.net)