I Opened An Online Shop In Myriad Realms

Chapter 1785: Jindanqi completes the realm


Su Chen sighed for the twenty-eighth time. He naturally did not expect his life to be so bitter. He was just beaten wildly by a flat-haired beast with golden hair all over his body. bloodletting.

And it's not just a bowl of blood...

Su Chen looked at the wound that hadn't solidified for a long time, his eyes twitched, and he felt that at least one third of the blood in his body had been lost.

Although his resilience is strong, he will be able to recover in just a few moments.

Su Chen felt like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, constantly watching his blood drain.

This feeling is so bad that he can't help but want to resist. But think about the person who had the bloodletting operation was his beloved master, and his mind of rebellion collapsed instantly.

The ups and downs of the mood accelerated the blood loss. Su Chen looked at the wound but could only sigh one after another.

If it wasn't for the secret of the system to be his final bottom line, he really couldn't help but grasp the elixir and explain it well.

The virus that has been fused in his body is not so easy to study at all. Even if his blood is drained, the real spirit medicine will not be able to study a ugly man.

But he couldn't tell the truth, he didn't dare to resist, so he could only obediently admit his fate. Relieve your depressed mood by sighing.

The real spirit medicine was immersed in his own research, and sighed to protest his behavior when he didn't pay attention.

After a long time, the real spirit medicine finally confirmed that Su Chen's blood had nothing peculiar. No matter how he tried, he didn't have any peculiar reactions before giving up.

Su Chen was already spreading out on the soft couch, accepting his destiny as a fisherman rather than alive.


The spirit medicine real person didn't research anything, and he didn't care when he saw Su Chen lying there half-dead.

Su Chen got up, the wound had recovered, there was no weakness in his body, and his powerful recovery ability made him make up for the lack of blood qi in an instant.

"Let's talk about it, what happened?"

The real spirit medicine person didn't remember until now that Su Chen was seriously injured because Taoist Zixiao brought him into the Yunwu Mountain.

Who can severely wound Su Chen in front of Daoist Zixiao?

The real spirit medicine person didn't know much about the old monsters in the depths of the Yunwu Mountain Range, but he didn't think that the old monsters would do anything to a small Jindan stage disciple.

Su Chen sighed again, and said, "When you encounter a crazy flat-haired beast, you will fight if you don't say anything."

He recounted what happened after meeting Jin Lie, the son of the Eagle King. He emphatically described Jin Lie's madness, without regard for his identity, tormented him, and even threatened to kill him.

The real spirit medicine said indifferently: "In this world, you are the only one who dares to be called the son of the Eagle King Bianmao beast, except for those old monsters."

"Master, you said that he is a son of the dignified Eagle King. I don't know how much he is higher than me, so he still wants to kill me. I can't beat him now, can't I just curse him to relieve my anger?

Su Chen was taken to the top of the cliff by the Taoist Zixiao at that time. Facing two powerhouses with unfathomable realms, he naturally did not dare to act rashly.

In addition, Jin Lie's image was too sturdy. Su Chen was indeed surprised when he saw an eagle with golden retrievers all over his body talking at the time. He didn't think of resistance and fear at all.

Now that I think of him being beaten on the ground by Jin Lie, I don't know how many bones have been broken, and all the meridians are broken. After suffering the extreme pain, I finally felt scared and angry afterwards.

Let alone scolding a Bian Mao beast, even if he was scolding his ancestors of eighteenth generations, Su Chen felt puzzled.

The real spirit medicine person glanced at Su Chen, and said with a smile: "Why don't I take you to see him, how about cursing in front of him? That's more relief."

Su Chen grinned his teeth and said bitterly: "I am afraid I can't control it when I see him."

"Oh yo?" The real spirit medicine was surprised, "Could it be that you still have to do something with the monster beast in the void of the hole?"


Su Chen looked at the spirit medicine real person speechlessly. He hated his lack of strength just now, and he probably couldn't control the turning around and ran away.

Wouldn't it be too embarrassing, not only the person who lost him, but also the real person who lost the spirit medicine.

As his dear master, the spirit medicine real person could have misunderstood his meaning. Conversely ridicule him?

Seeing Su Chen's expression of grief and indignation, the real spirit medicine laughed out loud, "Who makes you kid unlucky? He just broke into the surroundings of the Yunwu Mountains and caused the monsters in the Yunwu Mountains to be poisoned. Out of those old monsters."

Su Chen frowned. Cried: "Master, when will I really become stronger..."

"I didn't say that if you want to become stronger, you must fight."

The spirit medicine real person calmly picked up the tea, ignoring Su Chen’s crying, and there is absolutely no shortcut to becoming truly stronger, but there is only one way to go to Su Chen, and that is to experience constant life and death battles, in actual combat experience time and time again. Among the rapid growth.

"I also know," Su Chen said: "But it's still too slow, half a year has passed, and I'm still in the Golden Core Stage."

The real spirit medicine cast a sideways glance at Su Chen. There was something inexplicable in the expression, Su Chen trembled fiercely in his heart when he saw it, and asked cautiously: "What's the matter?"

The real spirit medicine snorted, "You kid is still not satisfied. It takes only a few months to condense the golden core. You have reached the golden core stage and you know it, let alone purple. Yunzong, even the entire Floating Cloud Continent can't find one."

"...No," Su Chen didn't expect, "The Golden Core Stage is just the foundation. As long as you continue to condense and hammer, you will naturally break through quickly."

"It's easy to say, but how easy it is to do it."

The spirit medicine real person shakes the head lightly. Although the golden core stage is the foundation in the path of cultivation, it is the most critical realm.

There are countless people who have been trapped in the Golden Elixir period for several decades, even decades, but they have not been able to be born. The reason is precisely because the Golden Elixir period is not refined.

Su Chen was able to break through the five levels of the Golden Core Stage one after another in just a few months.

The spirit medicine real person knows that Su Chen is eager to become stronger, but a firm foundation does not mean that he can reach the sky in one step.

However, as her apprentice wants to become stronger, she will naturally not stand idly by as a master.

"You are now at the perfect state of the Golden Core Stage, and there is only one hurdle away from the Nascent Soul Stage," the spirit medicine real person wondered recently that it is indeed time to refine Su Chen blindly. "Tomorrow you will go out with me and find a way. Let you break through."

Su Chen immediately jumped up happily, "Really? Does Master have a way to make me break through the Golden Core Stage?"

"Don't be too happy, it depends on you whether you can break through."

The real spirit medicine didn't say much, and asked Su Chen to roll back and pack his luggage. The latest chapter address of my online shop in Wanjie: https://lightnovelpub.net/book/129398. htmlI opened an online store in Wanjie to read the full text: https://lightnovelpub.net/read/129398 /I opened an online shop in Wanjie txt download address: https://lightnovelpub.net/down/129398 .htmlI opened an online shop in Wanjie to read on my mobile phone: https://m.lightnovelpub.net/read/129398 /For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on \"Favorites\" below to record this time (Chapter 1785 Golden Elixir Consummation) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I open an online store in Wanjie", please recommend it to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) This book, thank you for your support! ! (lightnovelpub.net)