I Opened An Online Shop In Myriad Realms

Chapter 1786: Trial out

Zixiao Palace.

The spirit medicine real person wore a black gauze skirt and a tulle on his face, staring sharply at the upper Daoist Zixiao.

"Sect Master had better give me an explanation. When did my disciple of Spirit Medicine Peak take a beast's lesson?"

The spirit medicine real person didn't look at the Lingxiaozi on the side, and didn't need to look at it to know that his brother's face must be very ugly now, after all, he was looking for the trouble of Sect Master Ziyun.

Dao Zixiao was expressionless, his usual gentle expression seemed to be invisible after he bought it from Yunwu Mountain, "He is the culprit, and he deserves a little punishment."

The real spirit medicine ridiculed: "According to that. The disciple of Ziyun Sect has to let a brute be disciplined. What use is it for us?"

Taoist Zixiao said lightly: "Then what do you want?"

"Don't you want to know how Su Chen's situation is now?" The face under the veil of the spirit medicine real person was as cold as frost.

Daoist Zixiao raised his eyelids slightly. Looking at the real spirit medicine person standing below, there is no emotion in his eyes, "What do you want? Do you want me to apologize to him personally?"

"... Sect Master knows that Su Chen almost died in order to heal the same family," the spirit medicine real person tried several times. However, he found that he couldn't see through Daoist Zixiao, his tone was a little slow, "If it weren't for him this time, the sect would have suffered a huge loss."

Ming Xiaozi took the words and said, "Sister Lingyao, don't forget, this matter originally started because of him, and it should be solved by him."

"So, you are all going to die without saving?" The spirit medicine real person's tone was cold.

Ming Xiaozi frowned and asked in confusion, "Where do you start with this? He has already broken through before, but he has suffered some skin trauma. How can his life be in danger?"

"Skin trauma?" The spirit medicine real person snorted coldly, and said: "How could it be a skin trauma that a monster beast in the hole-deficiency stage killed? Su Chen has now broken his meridians, and the golden core has cracks. This is skin trauma. ?"

Ming Xiaozi moved his eyes to look at Taoist Zixiao. How could it be so serious? Naturally, there is a pill to cure the broken meridian, but if there is a crack in the golden pill, it can not only be solved with the pill.

"You want satin gold thread," Taoist Zixiao said lightly, "naturally it can make up for the cracks in the golden core, but inner disciples are not qualified to use it."

The spirit medicine real person needs to say again, Daoist Zixiao's tone has not changed, but his eyes are staring at her. "Only disciples who teach directly are qualified."

The spirit medicine real person did not fear Daoist Zixiao's sight, and said forcefully: "What if I want it?"


Ling Xiaozi yelled angrily, the spirit medicine real person was messing around at this time, and he vaguely felt uneasy in his heart. Daoist Zixiao's attitude was too strange to be argued.

The spirit medicine master seemed to take care of the spirit of the sky a little, and tolerated, said: "Okay. I don't want satin silk, I want two orchids and a green lotus."

Daoist Zixiao was silent for a moment and nodded. The real spirit medicine person took the herb and left, leaving the hall without looking back.

Ling Xiaozi secretly noticed that Taoist Zixiao didn't care about the mischief of the spirit medicine real person. Go straight back to retreat and practice, and then he was relieved.

He went to Lingyao Peak privately and planned to talk to the real Lingyao, but he didn't expect to rush for nothing.

Knowing that the spirit medicine real person and Su Chen had left the sect unexpectedly, Ling Xiaozi had no choice but to leave temporarily, but he made up his mind.

"Master, where are we going now?"

Su Chen spread out the angel wings and followed the spirit medicine real person, looking at the mountains and rivers below, his heart also widened a lot.

The real spirit medicine was sitting cross-legged on top of the magic weapon, with his eyes closed, thinking about refining the pill. Hearing Su Chen's words, he pointed his finger forward.

Su Chen was very eye-catching guessing that the real spirit medicine should be thinking about things, so he calmed down. Without further questioning, he flew thousands of miles with the spirit medicine real person, and finally stopped in a canyon.

The real elixir stood on the side of the canyon. Looking down at the bottomless gorge, "This is a dark gorge. There are many strange monsters growing in the valley. There is also a crypt in the gorge where the ground fire demon spider grows."

Su Chen looked at the gorge curiously, and the misty gorge that he saw in the secret realm was very similar to the gorge in front of him, the same as bottomless, and the same as mist-shrouded.

It's just that Su Chen can see the bottom of the valley directly when he opens his eyes and golden eyes. It is peaceful and quiet, with butterflies flying and green grasses. It's refreshing.

"I want you to enter the canyon, kill a Sky-Swallowing Python and Earthfire Demon Spider, and take out their inner alchemy."

The real spirit medicine looked at Su Chen, his tone indifferent.

Su Chen's subconscious search memory contains records about these two monsters. His eyes slowly became bigger than bull's eyes, and he looked at his dear master in disbelief.

"Let's not talk about the Sky Swallowing Python. Just talk about the Earth Fire Demon Spider, which is comparable to a monster in the thunder period."

Su Chen's voice trembled, if the Earth Fire Demon Spider was an adult, it would definitely be comparable to a master in the thunder phase.

The real spirit medicine is asking him to die?

Except for the Fire Demon Spider, if the Giant Python is an adult, it can be cultivated to the Mahayana stage...

How could he be a trial? This is to give rations to the monster beast. Why is his life so bitter? He was just half-dead by a flat-haired beast, and now he is struggling with a big snake and a big spider.

The spirit medicine real person rolled his eyes very unceremoniously, "You better be honest, and take out the two kinds of inner alchemy mentioned by this seat obediently, otherwise you want to break through the Nascent Soul Stage. That's a dream."

"...Master," Although Su Chen was bold, he couldn't help beating a drum in his heart at this time, "Are you going to accompany me?"

"There are other things to do in this seat." Seeing Su Chen's pitiful appearance, the real spirit medicine person cast a disdainful look at him, "The highest level of the monster beast in the dark valley will not exceed Chun Yang. Period, don’t worry, I’m half dead at most."

I go!

Master, this is killing him!

Although the Pure Yang Period was weaker than the Yin Thunder Period, it was more than a star and a half stronger than his small Golden Core Period.

If it was the spiritual power period, he could barely fight, but in the pure sun period, he would have spent two thunder calamities!

Su Chen wanted to say it again, but when he turned around, he found that the real spirit medicine had disappeared, and he was standing alone on the top of the canyon, with only a lingering fragrance around him.

"By the way, a few medicines are still needed, if you encounter them, they will be collected together."

The voice of the real spirit medicine appeared in Su Chen's mind, but after a command, there was no more movement.

Su Chen finally recognized the reality. He was thrown into the Dark Canyon by his respected and beloved master. If he did not follow what the master said, the consequences would be even more terrifying than encountering a monster beast in the thunder period. The latest chapter address of my online shop in Wanjie: https://lightnovelpub.net/book/129398. htmlI opened an online store in Wanjie to read the full text: https://lightnovelpub.net/read/129398 /I opened an online shop in Wanjie txt download address: https://lightnovelpub.net/down/129398 .htmlI opened an online store in Wanjie to read on my mobile phone: https://m.lightnovelpub.net/read/129398 /For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on \"Favorites\" below to record this time (Chapter 1786 Out Trial) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I open an online shop in Wanjie", please recommend to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) This book, thank you for your support! ! (lightnovelpub.net)