I Opened An Online Shop In Myriad Realms

Chapter 1808: Make a deal

Eric stood up blankly, looking at Su Chen a little bewildered, "Are you leaving now?"

He thought that Su Chen would stay. After all, they had agreed to exchange research on energy conversion before, but the sea beast riot suddenly occurred and stopped.

Su Chen came here for a purpose. Eric has always known that he didn't have much guard against Su Chen because of this. After all, he knew what Su Chen wanted, so there was no temptation to get along with him.

Eric is obsessed with the study of energy conversion, and he hopes that one day he can truly realize the desire of the human body to carry energy, so. The arrival of Su Chen brought him hope.

There is a large area of ​​land where Su Chen is located, and it contains the energy that can fill life. He wants to know what that kind of energy is.

He knew that Su Chen would not stay here forever. However, he never thought that he would leave so soon.

But now he seems to be normal, but in fact he is not at peace, his mind is confused, and he can't think of any reason at all.

Su Chen expressed regret, "No way, my time is limited. Your Excellency seems to have reservations about me. It is not a good thing for me to stay."

Heckman's pupils shrank slightly. He had never seen someone as direct as Su Chen. Saying such things in front of him was just telling him that he was not satisfied.

Eric looked at Heckman in a daze, "Your Excellency, Su Chen is a very important friend of mine. Please allow me to retreat first. I have something to say to him."

Su Chen smiled directly, his eyes were good, Eric was not a stupid friend.

Duke Heckman was dumb, looked at Eric and Bailey, and sighed: "I understand."

In the middle of the building, there is a pure white room to isolate any energy fluctuations. The walls are made of special materials, water and fire are not invaded, naturally luminous, and can last for hundreds of years.

There are a total of twenty such rooms in this building, and each room is guarded by a specific person. Those who can live here are very important to the Kingdom of Recreation.

At this time, Duke Heckman and Su Chen stood outside the door of the room. The pure white wall exudes soft light, and a young man in armor bows respectfully and salutes.

"Open the door."

Duke Heckman looked at the wall with complicated eyes, with a hint of sadness in his tone.

The young man stepped back respectfully, opened his helmet, and aimed his pupils at the instrument next to him. The white wall was shining with light, and then a gap slowly appeared, gradually turning into a door.

Duke Heckman sighed lightly and looked back at Su Chen, "My son lives here. He has lived here for two years. I have been trying to get him to wake up. But he still lies down."

Su Chen instantly understood that the man who lived in this room should be the male protagonist in the **** love story.

Eric said that the heir of the Kangle Kingdom fell ill and remained unconscious.

In order to **** back her lover, the princess of the Kingdom of Geler did not hesitate to trigger a war between the two countries, and even willingly formed an alliance with the sea beasts.

Su Chen didn't expect that Duke Heckman would bring him here. It seems that his previous words broke his defenses.

Duke Heckman opened the door, but did not enter the room. After standing at the door for a long time, Su Chen did not urge. Eric and Bailey were even more silent.

I don't know how long it took, Duke Heckman seemed to react suddenly, and he smiled apologetically at Su Chen in a daze, and then slowly walked into the room.

Su Chen followed behind Duke Heckman. After entering the room, the most direct feeling was warmth. Apart from warmth, there was no other feeling. The light in the room is very soft, although the walls are white but not glaring.

There is a white stone bed in the middle of the room, on which a young man lies, his face is calm, his cheeks are flushed, as if he is asleep.

Duke Heckman walked over and stood by the bed, looking at the young man tenderly, "This is my son, his name is Joyce."

Su Chen stood by, his eyes swept across the young man's body, and his consciousness slowly probed over. When he came in, he felt that this room was cut off from all external energy, and only the soft light from the white wall enveloped the young man.

The soft light didn't seem to have any energy fluctuations, but Su Chen had determined almost the moment he entered the door, that it was a very pure life force.

There will be such a baby in the future space-time?

Such a strong and pure life force. Let alone a dying person, even those who have died living here will be immortal for thousands of years, and may even be born with new vitality one day.

Joyce's body is full of life. But the consciousness fluctuated very slowly, as if he had fallen into a long sleep, Su Chen, trying to communicate with Joyce's consciousness, but he could feel Joyce's consciousness very chaotic.

Duke Heckman looked at his son tenderly, gently slid his fingers across his long blond hair, with a faint smile, and said his plan.

He didn't know where to find an ancient legend. According to the legend, the purest life force collides with the purest dark energy to give birth to life.

He deliberately blocked the news that Joyce was in a coma, just waiting for the arrival of Princess Lancome.

Princess Lancome frantically wanted to **** Joyce and bring Joyce to the Kingdom of Geller, and this was exactly what Duke Heckman wanted.

Duke Heckman believed that Joyce had absorbed a lot of life force, and after arriving in the Kingdom of Geller, Princess Lancome would definitely wake him up with dark energy. When the life force meets the dark energy, perhaps his son will wake up.

With this idea, he implemented his plan step by step, deliberately revealing the news of Joyce's wedding, and let Princess Lancome do everything possible to **** Joyce.

He even bought the Duke of the Kingdom of Geller and asked that Duke to reveal the news to Princess Lancome and let them trade with the sea beasts.

"He has only one year, and if he doesn't wake up again, he can only sleep forever."

Although Heckman was smiling, his expression looked extremely sad. This is the most important place in the Kingdom of Recreation, but only the Grand Duke of the Kingdom of Recreation knows that everyone can only live in this room for three years.

After more than three years, life will end and become a living dead who will never age.

Su Chen has already completed the investigation by the summoning system. Although Joyce's situation is a bit complicated, it is not difficult for him to wake up.

"Your Excellency's love for his son is really touching," Su Chen said, "If your Excellency can trust me, let's make a deal."


Duke Heckman looked back blankly.

"If I can make Joyce wake up, can the Duke meet my two requirements?"

Su Chen didn't sell Guanzi either. The latest chapter address of my online shop in Wanjie: https://lightnovelpub.net/book/129398. htmlI opened an online store in Wanjie to read the full text: https://lightnovelpub.net/read/129398 /I opened an online shop in Wanjie txt download address: https://lightnovelpub.net/down/129398 .htmlI opened an online store in Wanjie to read on my mobile phone: https://m.lightnovelpub.net/read/129398 /For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time (Chapter 1808 does Transactions) Read the record and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I open an online store in Wanjie", please recommend it to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) This book, thank you for your support! ! (lightnovelpub.net)