I Opened An Online Shop In Myriad Realms

Chapter 2026: we go together

Su Chen really wanted to say to Bell, "If you go, you will die!"

But he knew that these words were useless to Bell. He had already guessed that Bell would most likely return to the crypt again after waking up. After all, Bell fainted without warning at that time, and it was estimated that it was not clear at all. What happened, or he didn't know how he fainted.

Although Bell knew that he was attacked by a strange fish, he didn't know that when Su Chen checked his body, he only found a wound on his ear.

When Su Chen slapped Bell's body, at least twenty strange fish fell from him.

But so many strange fish left only one wound on Bell's body. That's all, he couldn't hold on anymore and fell into a coma.

It took a whole day and night for the body's immunity to clear those toxins. If he entered the crypt again, Su Chen couldn't guarantee that he would leave a few wounds this time.

Can Su Chen watch Bell go to death?

Of course not!

Whether it was out of humanitarian concern or the requirements of the lottery program, it was impossible for Su Chen to watch him enter the crypt again. Once he was targeted by those strange fish, Bell would never return.

Su Chen looked at Bell, who had already started to pack his backpack, and curled his lips helplessly. He didn't know how Bell survived until now. With his mortal character, since he was able to escape from so many dangerous places, he was safe and sound. Survival is probably due to the many blessings he has cultivated in his previous life.

He has completely ignored Bell's superb ability to survive in the wild, and now in his eyes, Bell is an out-and-out mastermind.

"Wait," Su Chen took the backpack directly from Bell's hand, stared into his eyes, and asked earnestly, "You just want to catch a few more strange fish, right?"

Bell said: "I can only accurately judge their living habits by finding their old nest. I want to know whether this strange fish is the evolution of our known species or a brand new species."

Su Chen's forehead suddenly jumped up, and he said patiently, "Do you still want to find the strange fish's nest?"

Bell seemed to see Su Chen's thoughts and smiled, "Don't worry, I already know how to prevent me from being bitten."

Do you really know?

Isn't the best defense not to stay away from this strange fish?

Why do you still have to go forward and die?

Although Su Chen is not sure where the old nests of these strange fish are, he can be sure of one thing, there must be more than a dozen strange fish in the old nest.

If Bell just wants to catch a few, it's not too difficult. As long as he can give up one of his arms, at most he will be bitten a few times, but he has to break into other people's nests. This is not a provocation, what is it? ?

People have always hated you for taking away their companions, and if they want to kill you, they can't wait to bite you to death!

You still have to go directly to the door to find people and tell them that I will not only arrest your companions, but also arrest you all?

What the **** is this robber idea?

Su Chen has always believed that he can do whatever he wants, but he has always been able to bend and stretch, and never commit suicide.

What Bell is going to do now is like he has captured a disciple of a cultivating sect, and swaggeringly came to tell others that your disciples were arrested by me. Take them all, and your treasures.

People want to ask you, what ability can make us capture?

Then he licked a face and said, "My ability is that I don't want to die."

Su Chen had 10,000 grass and mud horses rushing past in his heart, but looking at Bell's unstoppable expression, he was finally convinced by the pressure of the lottery program. He took a deep breath and slowly When he came out, he said earnestly, "I can understand your thoughts. You want to make your own contribution to the biodiversity of this world."

"I'm not a biologist, I don't have such lofty ideas, but the purpose of my expedition is to let all the people in the world understand the difference in the world," Bell said.

Su Chen nodded and said, "Yes, yes, yes, yes, you want to lead everyone to appreciate the difference in this world, but you don't need to do this yourself."

"What's the meaning?"

"I'll go," Su Chen said quickly: "What do you want to do, tell me, I'll go for you."

Bell said uncertainly: "Do you know how to do it?"

Su Chen affirmed: "Of course, don't forget, I also caught this strange fish."

Bell also seemed to be a little undecided, he considered it left and right, looked at Su Chen's determined expression, and finally considered that his physical strength at this time was indeed not suitable for entering the crypt again, "No, I will go with you. "

I beg you!

Su Chen's inner roar almost burst out, and he forcibly held back Bell, but he didn't notice his anxiety at this moment, so he sat down and said: "Let's find something to eat first. Get some physical strength."

Su Chen didn't want to waste time anymore, "It doesn't matter, you stay here to rest, I'll just go down by myself."

Bell shook his head, "No, the situation in the crypt is very complicated. You have never been here before, and once you get lost, it is very likely that you will never be able to get out again."


Bell didn't say more, rested for a while, then slowly got up and walked into the forest, and began to look for something to eat. Su Chen had no choice but to follow him.

Su Chen had to admire that Bell's ability to survive in the wild had indeed reached the full point. In just a few minutes, he found a pile of edible protein and cellulose.

He automatically regarded the pile of wriggling bugs as protein, and threw them into his mouth calmly.

The Five Zang Temple roared happily because of the long-lost food, Su Chen choked, and swallowed the sour fruit hard. Although the taste was not good, the long-lost moisture still made him feel very satisfied.

Standing at the entrance of the crypt again, Su Chen's expression was indescribable. He thought he could say goodbye to the experience of stooping and crawling forward, but he didn't expect to revisit the old place.

He glanced at Bell. Bell's legs were tied with two branches. Although it was a little inconvenient, it didn't seem to have much effect.

Filled with unwillingness and helplessness, he jumped into the crypt with Bell, and the moment the light dimmed, he slapped his **** fiercely.


The two quickly slid down one after the other, and Bell reminded him quietly in front of him from time to time to let him speed up and slow down.