I Opened An Online Shop In Myriad Realms

Chapter 43: Mystery of life experience and deep hatr

【Clarification Announcement】

Recently, there were media reports that Liu Hongyuan was in love with Douyin user 'Su Dongpo', and now our office has officially clarified:

1. Liu Hongyuan's love rumors do not match the facts!

2. Liu Hongyuan will claim 1 million for reputation damage from ‘Su Dongpo’!

3. Liu Hongyuan expresses strong condemnation for the shameless behavior of 'Su Dongpo' to rub off on the popularity!

hereby declare.

Liu Hongyuan Studio.

When Su Chen was sitting on the sofa at home and saw this statement on Weibo.

He's totally dumbfounded!

"Claim for a million?"

"Condemn me??"

"Nima, she was the one who found me first!"

Su Chen exploded!

Oh shit!

This watch!

He directly deleted the short video of "Shaolin Heroes", and anger appeared in his eyes.

"Liu Hongyuan Studio, right?"


"When Lao Tzu becomes the No. 1 Internet celebrity on the Internet and the No. 1 star in the entertainment industry, I will make you... I will regret it later!"

"Wait for me!"

Su Chen angrily turned off the phone, threw it aside, and continued to massage Li Lanjuan.

"Xiaochen, what's wrong?"

Li Lanjuan raised her head and asked.

"It's all right."

Su Chen breathed out in an instant.

"Mom, you should pay attention to rest and don't be too tired. I have prepared two medicines for you. Remember to take them on time."

"Okay, my son is sensible..."

A happy smile appeared on Li Lanjuan's face.

this week.

Su Chen became a village doctor. He not only cured his parents and grandmother's illnesses, but also opened the door for consultations and treated the villagers in Niutou Village for free.

In addition, he also spent 1,000 points and 200 gold coins in exchange for a volume of "Eight Extremes Collapse" and a book of agility.

"Eight Extremes Collapse"

The high-level close combat skills from the Dou Qi Continent make the attack contain eight layers of energy, enough to shatter an elephant's internal organs!

Book of Agility.

From the attribute book of "World of Warcraft", Su Chen increased his agility attribute to 100 points, and his movement speed and neural response have more than tripled!

Since Su Chen's comprehension value is as high as 9999, he instantly cultivated to the culmination of a volume of "Eight Extremes Collapse"!

One punch and eight layers of dark energy, the power is so terrifying!

The day before the results of the college entrance examination were announced.

Su Chen is ready to return to Chuzhou.

He left the small greens, tomatoes, cucumbers and apples grown on the QQ farm to his parents.

The fruits and vegetables grown from the full-scale farmland have first-class taste and large size, killing all similar products on the market in seconds.

"Little dust!"

Before leaving.

Li Lanjuan suddenly called out to Su Chen, her eyes full of tears.

Su Chen thought that his mother hated him.

But he suddenly discovered that the expressions of his father and mother were very wrong!

There seems to be something unspeakable!

"Dad, Mom, what happened?"

Su Chen has fiery eyes, and instantly saw the clue.


Su Zhiqiang shook his head and sighed:

"That's all, Xiaochen, you go into the house. Your mother and I want to tell you something..."

Come to the main room.

Li Lanjuan and Su Zhiqiang, you look at me, I look at you, with very struggling expressions.

Finally, Su Zhiqiang said:

"Xiaochen, do you know..."

"You actually..."

"Not your and my mother's biological son!"


Su Chen's body is like a thunderbolt!

With a sigh, he got up from the chair.

"Dad, what did you say?!"

"Little dust..."

"I know you can't accept it, but it's the truth!"

Li Lanjuan cried and cried very sadly.

"I'm actually an infertile woman!"

"Seventeen years ago, your biological mother gave you to me, saying that you are a waste with blocked meridians, you can't cultivate, and it's useless to keep it..."

"Anyway, after saying a bunch of things I didn't understand, I threw you to me, and then she never showed up again."


After listening to these words.

Su Chen sat on the ground with a butt, and the whole person was covered.

"The waste that is born with blocked meridians!"

"Can't cultivate, it's useless to stay?"

"No wonder! My comprehension value is 1..."

"It turns out that I am a waste with severely blocked meridians!"

"Ha ha ha ha…"

Su Chen smiled up to the sky.

"Little dust!"

Li Lanjuan and Su Zhiqiang were afraid that he would not be able to take the blow, so they rushed forward to comfort him.

"Dad, Mom, I'm fine."

Su Chen looked calm and mature.

With a faint smile on his face:

"Since that woman doesn't want me, I naturally don't care about her."

"You are my biological parents!"

"Little dust..."

Seeing Su Chen like this, Li Lanjuan felt even more distressed, and kept wiping away her tears.

"well said!"

"Master, stand upright, you can't bear this little thing, how can you do big things in the future?"

Su Zhiqiang patted Su Chen's shoulder hard.

"Little dust..."

"Anyway, I still need to tell you what your biological mother looks like"

Li Lanjuan cried and said:

"She is very pretty."

"A blue hair, just like a fairy in the sky, very temperamental!"

"There is a tear mole in the corner of her left eye."

"By the way, she also has a purple sword."

Cyan hair!

Purple sword!

And a tear mole!

Su Chen deeply remembered these three characteristics in his heart.

'Don't let me touch you! ’

'Otherwise, you will live in regret for the rest of your life! ’

Su Chen silently swore in his heart.

He would not take the initiative to find this woman.

But if he stumbles upon it by accident, then, sorry...

"Little dust!"

"there's one more thing!"

At this moment, Li Lanjuan shouted with red eyes.

"Lan Juan! Shut up!"

Su Zhiqiang's face changed greatly, and he reprimanded.

"Mom, what's wrong?"

Su Chen was taken aback, is there anything else?

Su Zhiqiang wanted to stop Li Lanjuan's mouth, but the latter still said:

"Your dad's hand was cut off!!"

"Lan Juan! You... oh, didn't you say you shouldn't talk about me?"

Su Zhiqiang blamed the road.


Su Chen's face changed wildly.

on the high-speed rail.

Su Chen looked at the scenery outside the window and couldn't calm down for a long time.

This trip home...

The amount of information his parents gave him was too great!

Except for the cruel biological mother.

My father's hand was actually cut off by someone?

"Chuzhou, Gongsun's family..."

Su Chen silently recited the name of a family, his eyes filled with murderous intent!

Ten years ago.

Su Zhiqiang worked as a servant in Gongsun's house.

One day, a young and beautiful maid was humiliated by the young master of the Gongsun family. Su Zhiqiang stopped him and was beaten badly!

That young master, although only thirteen years old, was ruthless and ordered someone to chop off Su Zhiqiang's right hand with an axe!

After the incident, Su Zhiqiang sought medical treatment in time, and barely managed to save his life...

"Gongsun's house."

"The largest family in Chuzhou."

"You just wait for my revenge."

"Young Master Gongsun, I want you to..."

"Cut off your own hands!"

Su Chen's face was calm.

In my heart, a monstrous murderous intent was set off!

His parents worked so hard to pull him up!

This hatred, this hatred, if not repaid!

He Su Chen, is he still human?


At this moment, a new Taobao order came quietly.

"A new Taobao order?"

Su Chen looked happy.

"Ding! Remind the host that this order came from ten years ago, in the Western world, and is a historical order."

"Poster suffers from severe anorexia and needs a late night snack!"

"Do you accept the order?"

ten years ago?

Su Chen was startled.

This time is too close!

Who is the one?