I Opened An Online Shop In Myriad Realms

Chapter 625: You don’t match me, you are a dead eun

"Shenwei General?!"

The generals heard these five words.

First, he was taken aback, and then his eyes widened!

The shock in the heart, the surging river is endless, and even the breath is stopped for it!

"God... General Shenwei..."

"How is that possible, isn't that a legend..."

"I, Qin Chao, is there really such a person?!"

"I heard that he has disappeared for ten years!"

"According to the legend, the general Shenwei is an immortal who has cast my great Qin and succeeded in the supremacy of the age..."

More than a dozen generals and Lang Wei were not calm in an instant.

Sweat palms. Even the hilt of the sword is almost unsteady, because standing in front of them is a legendary figure!

"Zhao Gao. What are you trying to do?"

Su Chen glanced at the battle, "You are a small CRRC Commander, dare to meet me in battle?"

Zhao Gao snorted coldly, "I should ask you this? Does General Su want to assassinate Your Majesty when he rushes to the palace at night?"

"Hehe, your majesty assassinated. I'm afraid there is someone else?"

Su Chen glanced at Zhao Gao meaningfully.

This look made Zhao Gao's heart stunned, as if Su Chen's whole body was stunned!

"Does he know my plan?"


"Made, this Su Chen appears at critical moments every time, it's a good thing for me!"

"It's better to take him down first, put him in jail, and find a reason to kill him after the plan is successful!"

In an instant, Zhao Gao made a decision!

And Su Chen, even too lazy to talk nonsense with Zhao Gao, strode directly to the palace!

"General Shenwei intends to assassinate!"

"Get it for me!"

Zhao Gao gave an order!

All the generals, Lang Wei, and guards all rushed towards Su Chen with their swords!

Su Chen waved his sleeves!

The purple emperor is domineering, like a volcanic eruption, lava swept!

These guards are at most congenital cultivation base. In Su Chen's eyes, it was as weak as an ant!

"Boom boom boom boom boom..."

Countless impact sounds resounded through the front hall!

One face, dozens of guards all flew out, blood spitting everywhere!

"Su Chen..."

"You are so bold!!"

"You are going to rebel!!"

Zhao Gao finally couldn't help it!

Do it yourself!

In history, Zhao Gao could only play tricks, but in this plane where anime and history blended, Zhao Gao was an out-and-out master, surpassing the horrified salamanders and the sun-shielding in the eight swords of the king. All his men!

"go with!"

Countless blue and black auras, like poisonous snakes, bite towards Su Chen!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The blue and black aura hit the barrier formed by the emperor's domineering, one by one, it collapsed, dissipated, and could not penetrate at all!

"Damn it!"

"What kind of spell is this?!"

"It's even stronger than my'Yin Yang Aikido'!"

"Su Chen is not only superb martial arts, but also unpredictable spells. He must be eliminated..."

Zhao Gao's murderous heart burst!

He has a hunch. If you don't kill Su Chen here today, then his plan of managing for many years will be in vain in his hands!


"Gather Qi into a blade!"

Zhao Gao's pale five fingers grabbed it, and countless blue and black auras formed a gloomy blade!

"This... Is this the method of the Yin Yang Family?"

"Master Zhao is amazing!"

"You can fight like General Shenwei!?"

"Hide it deep!"

Many guards, Langwei, fell on the ground, clutching his chest and vomiting blood. All looked at Zhao Gao in shock.

On weekdays, Zhao Gao is in charge of his Majesty’s carriage and travel, and he is just an ordinary person no matter what.

But unexpectedly, he went out of the same door as the National Master Star Soul Master, possessing a powerful spell!

the other side.

Su Chen snorted disdainfully when he heard the discussion of the two generals!

"Just because you are a dead eunuch, are you worthy to fight me like a match?"


Su Chen's hands are covered by armed color domineering!

It's dark!

Grab Zhao Gao's air blade and easily crush it into pieces!

Today, he has 15 thousand catties Li Yuanba's supernatural power. Is it more than three times stronger than the last time I came to Daqin World?

"What a terrible strength!"

Zhao Gao was shocked!

Flick your sleeves back!

He wants to run away!

But a horrible scene happened!

Su Chen's right hand suddenly separated from his wrist. Like a black iron tongs, flying straight towards him!

"What kind of spell is this!?"


Zhao Gao was shocked!

He has invaded the prostitution technique for decades, and has never heard of this weird technique of ‘separation of hands from the body’!

"I flash!"

Zhao Gao is also a top-notch master in the Great Qin World. The strength is so strong that it can dodge mechanical flying claws.

But what greeted him was a crimson flame!

Fire of Fracture!


The 3134-point spell was powerful and directly detonated the flames, causing Zhao Gao to fly upside down, crashing the wall!

When everyone looked at it again.

Zhao Gao lay in the ruins, his face covered with blood stains, his clothes ragged, and his chest was blackened, and he was extremely embarrassed.

"Su Chen..."


"Cough cough cough cough!"

Zhao Gao staggered up from the ground, clutching his chest, and gritted his teeth. A lot of blood comes out with every cough.

"Su Chen, I want to kill you..."

Zhao Gao's eyes are full of hatred!


Three points into the soul!

"Oh, the strength is not bad, it can actually block my fire of fragmentation."

The corner of Su Chen's mouth raised.

The next moment, he took out a strange iron thing from behind his waist.

In the world of Daqin, no one knows what this is. And if there are modern military fans present, they will definitely recognize them at a glance!

This is a QBZ assault rifle!

That's right!

This is an improved version of the Type 95 rifle that was given to him by CN171-11 Captain Wang Lei in the "Wandering Earth" order!

"What is this?"

"Mohist institution?"

Zhao Gao is still in a daze.

Su Chen has pulled the trigger!

"Da da da da da da da da!!!!"

After a burst of fire!

Although Zhao Gao tried his best to evade and used onmyoji to protect his body, he was still shot several times in his thigh and shoulder, and blood flowed...

You know, the power of the gun is terrifying.

Like the protagonist in the movie, he can run around with a shot, it doesn't exist at all!

Even if the congenital warrior is shot, if he is not treated in time, he may become disabled!

Zhao Gao's physical body, at the level of an ordinary innate martial artist, fell to the ground and screamed like a pig after being shot a few times...

The guards of Zhonglangwei turned pale.

What kind of weapon was in General Su's hand?

The speed of the hidden weapon shot out of it was too terrifying, it was hundreds of times faster than the arrow!

The power can't be compared!

Even the spells of the Yin and Yang family can't be defended!

The Mohist school's non-offensive tricks and the overbearing tricks of public losers were completely crushed into scum!

If this kind of weapon can be mass-produced, the soldiers of the Qin Army will be equipped with one manpower. Then they will be invincible in the world! ?

Immediately, all the guards looked at Su Chen's gaze, full of awe! The latest chapter address of my online shop in Wanjie: https://lightnovelpub.net/book/129398. htmlI opened an online store in Wanjie to read the full text: https://lightnovelpub.net/read/129398 /I opened an online shop in Wanjie txt download address: https://lightnovelpub.net/down/129398 .htmlI opened an online store in Wanjie to read on my mobile phone: https://m.lightnovelpub.net/read/129398 /For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time (Chapter 625 and I don’t match each other, you also deserve to be a dead eunuch) Read the record and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I open an online store in Wanjie", please recommend it to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) This book, thank you for your support! ! (lightnovelpub.net)