I Opened An Online Shop In Myriad Realms

Chapter 819: reunion dinner


Su Mingyu was amused by his foolishness.

Su Daqiang also looked confused, looked at Su Chen, looked at them again, and muttered:

"What the **** are the two kids doing?"

"How delicious a piece of stinky tofu can be..."

The old man picked up a piece unbelievingly, stuffed it into his mouth, and chewed slightly.

The whole face froze immediately!

A lot of saliva is secreted from the mouth!

A pair of eyes are as big as a cow!

"This... what kind of stinky tofu is this?"

"What the **** is stinky tofu!"

"too delicious……"

"I... I have never eaten something so delicious in my life!!"

Su Daqiang is crazy!

I quickly clipped two more pieces and stuffed them into my mouth indiscriminately, like a starving ghost!


"Save me a piece!"

"Don't grab you guys! No more orders!"

The chopsticks of the family are crackling and fighting!

Su Chen grabbed a piece while in chaos and stuffed it into his mouth.


"This taste. This...this taste..."


"It's worthy of being a gold-level gourmet skill!"

Su Chen took a deep breath, his eyes skyrocketed!


With his concentration, he couldn't suppress this throbbing. It is conceivable how much impact it will have on the taste nerves of ordinary people!

Well known.

There are about 10,000 taste buds in the oral cavity of an adult, which are mainly distributed on the tongue and papilla, with a small amount in the jaw and pharynx.

The reason why we can taste the sour, sweet, bitter, spicy and other flavors is that the taste buds use this information. It is transmitted to the taste center of the brain through the taste nerve, which produces a'taste' and tastes the taste of the meal.

And the milky white energy that Su Chen injected into the stinky tofu directly commanded the brain, sending out ten times the original taste signal!

The golden skill of deep-fried stinky tofu is not like chemicals like flavor enhancers. Long-term use will damage the taste buds and taste nerves. The system energy it emits is completely harmless to the human body! It will not increase the human taste threshold!

Moreover, it essentially changes the texture of stinky tofu, the taste of the food itself!

and so--

This ordinary Changsha stinky tofu has this amazing flavor!

The spirit vegetables and beef and mutton produced by QQ Farm and QQ Ranch have been systematically identified as bronze-grade ingredients, and the taste is far worse than gold-grade fried stinky tofu!

After eating the stinky tofu, Su Daqiang, Su Mingyu and Su Mingcheng hurriedly ordered four more plates. One person, one plate!

"You... hello."

"Changsha stinky tofu."

"Please enjoy."

The waiter served four more plates of stinky tofu.

Su Daqiang gave him a thumbs up and praised, "The stinky tofu in your store is so delicious! It's a must-see in the world!"

Su Mingyu and Su Mingcheng nodded in agreement.

"Thanks...thank you."

The waiter was ashamed.

Isn't this ordinary stinky tofu? The sign of their store is the Royal Beef and Mutton...



Something strange happened.

No matter how the three of Su Daqiang eat, they can no longer taste the taste just now, which is too strange.

To this.

Su Chen just laughed and said nothing.

He invited his sister-in-law and his third master to dinner today, one is to increase the relationship between relatives, and the other is to test the skills of the god-level deep-fried stinky tofu.



Because something strange happened just now. So the relationship between the Su brothers and sisters is not as rigid as before, and they chat a few words from time to time, even if they are still bickering.

"Oh, it's a pity that Mingzhe is not here."

"Otherwise the family can have a reunion dinner."

Suddenly, Su Daqiang let out a sigh.

Su Mingyu smiled, "Big brother works in Minguo, it's too much trouble going back and forth. How expensive is the ticket now."

"Big brother will be back when he waits for the New Year."

Su Mingcheng also said.

"it is good!"

Su Daqiang was immediately happy. "Haha, at that time, our family will have to get together and have a meal together!"

"Also, Xiaochen, call your father and mother when that time comes. And your milk, this year our two families will celebrate the Spring Festival together!"

Su Chen nodded immediately, "Okay!"

The atmosphere is harmonious.

Su Chen is also in a good mood.

But in his heart, there is always a seeming loss...

Su Chen knew very well that he was not the Su family.

What flows in his body is the blood of an unknown family.

I don't know when he will be able to sit down with his biological parents, grandpa, grandma, and younger sister just like the Su family. Have a lively reunion dinner together...

By then, he will definitely do all he can to make a table of the world's top delicacies!




Down the hall!

A sound of lifting the table. Interrupted Su Chen's thoughts.

"what happened?"

The three of Su Daqiang walked to the window to watch the excitement, their expressions quickly changed!

"I go!"

"Someone is making trouble!"

"You are too courageous!"

Su Mingcheng exclaimed.

I saw the center of the lobby on the first floor. There are three or five masked brawny men with sticks and sticks in their hands.

Also warned arrogantly:

"Hey Hey hey!"

"Boys, let me hear everything clearly!"

"Whoever comes to eat at this restaurant in the future will end this way—"

A leading masked man raised his foot and kicked a young man down, then interrupted his calf with a stick and let out a "click!"


The unlucky young man screamed like a pig, rolled his eyes and fainted.




The guests screamed and fled.

Five masked brawny men. Haha laughed, beaten up frantically and arrogantly!

Su Chen saw fire in his eyes!

"San Ye, sister-in-law, you stay here!"

"I'll go to the toilet!"

Without a word, just slam the door out!

Su Mingyu couldn't stop him. Stomped with anger!

"Boy, haven't you seen how dangerous it is outside? You can't hold it back for a while!"

Go down the stairs.

Su Chen picked up a broken beer bottle from the ground and slammed it, "Puff!" With a cry, he slammed into the thigh of a masked brawny man!


Blood flowed!


The strong man screamed and fell to the ground.

The leading masked brawny saw half of the bottle plunged into his thigh, his eyelids jerked in fright!

Quickly bow and salute:

"I wonder if seniors are dining here, excuse me!"

"Quickly retreat!"

The masked man hurriedly greeted the younger brother to retreat.

But I don't know, a ghostly figure always follows them.


"What the hell?"

The three of Su Daqiang and Su Mingcheng were confused when they saw it.

Hua Deng is on.

A black SUV is driving on the streets of Donghai.

The masked man did not dare to send his hand to the hospital, so he could only send it back to the stronghold first and seek treatment with a black doctor.

When parking in an unfinished building in the southern suburbs, the masked man tore off the black cloth on his face, revealing a face with Chinese characters with scars.

After asking the younger brothers to carry the wounded in, he took out his mobile phone and dialed a number:

"Hey, Brother Hua."

"It's done."

"Just a little accident happened in the middle..."The latest chapter address of my online shop in Wanjie: https:/ /lightnovelpub.net/book/129398.htmlI opened an online store in Wanjie to read the full text address: https: //lightnovelpub.net/read/129398/I opened an online store in Wanjie txt download address: https: //lightnovelpub.net/down/129398.htmlI opened an online shop in Wanjie to read on my mobile phone: https: //m.lightnovelpub.net/read/129398/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \" below Collection\"Record the reading record of this (Chapter 819 Reunion Dinner), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I open an online store in Wanjie", please recommend it to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) This book, thank you for your support! ! (lightnovelpub.net)