I Opened An Online Shop In Myriad Realms

Chapter 841: The mystery of the game!

"it's me."

"What advice does Manager Su have?"

Liu Boxing glanced at Su Chen, and his serious and calm eyes met, apparently killing the young man's majesty.

"I really have advice!"

Su Chen pursed his lips and smiled

The executives raised their eyebrows one after another, listening to this tone, their new deputy general manager seems very arrogant!

When you come up, you have to teach your immediate boss!

‘Hang! ’

'It really sucks! ’

'It's just a fool! ’

Some people think.

Just listen to Su Chen say:

"Manager Liu just said that "Plants vs. Zombies" has no staying power? Well, based on the current situation, it is indeed the case."

"However, for things like the number of levels, wouldn't it be better to design more?"

"Fifty levels are not enough, then come to a hundred levels, if a hundred levels are not enough, then come to five hundred levels! Let the players play enough!"

Liu Boxing immediately sneered: "Naive!"

"The further back the level is, the more difficult it will be, and the more players will be persuaded to quit!"

"Your type of game is destined to not go far!"


The more levels there are, the more difficult it will be. Domestic players lack the competitive spirit (caused by national conditions, and the pressure of life is high), so if you can’t play it, you will definitely stop playing. It’s definitely not a long-term solution!

In this regard, Su Chen has long thought of a countermeasure:

"The level is too difficult, why don't you set up paid props?"

"The second stage of my game is the charging stage. Let ordinary players spend a little money, use props to clear the zombies, and go all the way unimpeded. They must be very willing!"

"In addition to props, skins, backgrounds, and peripheral products can also make money!"

"Even, the first game players are tired of playing, let's launch another "Plants vs. Zombies 2", which integrates elements of other nation-states, such as killing zombies on our Great Wall of China, or designing the pyramid of Egypt as a map. Isn't it fun?"

"Oh, I can't figure out why Manager Liu is not optimistic about my game."

Su Chen reluctantly spread his hands.

Liu Boxing was still not optimistic, and snorted coldly, "Since you are so confident, let time prove it!"


Su Chen smiled indifferently:

"Anyway, I have cards in my hand. Even if "Zombie War" is really bad, I can just play another one and go out."


Hearing this, the executives and Chen Jingchu seemed to have heard a metaphor, and their eyes lit up.

"Xiaochen, do you mean game creativity when you say you have cards in your hand?"

Chen Jingchu asked quickly.

Su Chen nodded, "Yes."

"Hmph, creativity is worthless at all, I have a lot of it in my hands!"

Liu Boxing expressed disdain.


Su Chen's eyes flashed coldly, "Would Manager Liu also bet with me? We each design a game with equal resources and fair competition. Whoever loses will pack up and leave, how about that?"


Liu Boxing stared.

A strong sense of crisis enveloped him, and he subconsciously hummed:

"Sorry, I hate gambling the most."

"If you are really sure, you can design the game directly and let the big guys see it! If it is really popular, the group will naturally give you a good bonus at the end of the year! Enough for you to earn!"

Chen Jingchu heard that Manager Liu was a little cowardly, and smiled:

"Xiaochen, since you have a good idea, give it a try."

"I'll have the entire department cooperate with you."

"Take this opportunity to show everyone your strength."

Naturally, Su Chen would not waste this opportunity to both pretend and make money.

In fact, on the way here in the morning, he looked for some popular games that were erased by the entertainment modifier, let alone, he really found one!

But for a while.

Su Chen spent 10 gold coins to buy a full set of design materials for a certain game from the system, then joined the QQ group of the Tianyu game department and uploaded the files.


"what game is this?"

"That name is too random."

"It turned out to be a mini game on WeChat."

"I'm drunk too... How much money can I make from a WeChat mini game?"

"I thought it was some kind of magical masterpiece."

"It seems to be worse than "Plants vs. Zombies"..."

Hundreds of employees in the development department were puzzled and talked about each other.

This QQ group is a file group, and everyone is banned, so the employees in the development department didn't say much, just received the files and started working.

And in an office.

Su Chen, Chen Jingchu, Liu Boxing, and several executives from the game department were all discussing this little game called [Jump and Jump].

Don't look at the vulgar name of this game, it's just been on fire for half a year since it was launched!

In the original world, WeChat has one billion users, jumping online for a week, madly attracting 900 million players, peaking 200 million daily active users, plug-in coaches receiving tens of thousands of orders a month, and a block advertising space of 20 million!

Are you saying it's hot or not?

In this world, China has a population of 10 billion, and WeChat has 8 billion users. As long as it is pushed, it will definitely become popular!

"Xiaochen, your game is so simple, can you do it..."

Chen Jingchu looked at the game information roughly, and looked embarrassed.

This game is to make a small chess piece jump back and forth between blocks with different distances to earn points. The length of the jumping distance depends on the time your finger presses the screen.

Each time you jump to the center of a block, one point will be added. If you continuously jump to the center of the block, the score will increase in multiples of two.

In addition, there are a few small Easter eggs.

For example, standing still on the sewer block for two seconds will add 2 extra points, standing still on the Rubik's cube for two seconds, will add 10 extra points, Hsu Kee Store will add 15 points, and the music box will add 30 points!

Both the gameplay and the interface are boring...


"The mode that was played bad hundreds of years ago, but also take it out!"

"If this game is successful, I will eat **** on the spot!"

Liu Boxing glanced at it, then threw the game manuscript away, his tone full of disdain.

Su Chen ignored him, but said to Chen Jingchu mysteriously:

"Chen Dong, the secret of this game lies in the PK between WeChat friends!"

"Remember the old QQ farm?"

"In addition to the novelty of the gameplay, there is another important element that makes QQ Farm popular for a while, that is, the interaction between friends!"

"Games are a very wonderful thing. It is interesting to play with friends. If you play alone, no matter how fun the game is, it will become boring..."

Su Chen narrowed his eyes and explained his opinion:

"My game is for WeChat friends!"

"I set up a PK list, and the points of each game will be refreshed in real time on the list to see who has the highest score."

"Then, the game screen and soundtrack must be beautifully and concisely designed, and must not give people a sense of cheap plastic, and let players regard this game as a stage for PK between friends!"