I Plant Zombies in The Last Days

Chapter 396: Beheading plan (part 2)

The content of the message is like this.

Today I received a communicator from your army. I was so happy that I finally had the opportunity to say a few heartfelt words to General Gong.

Although you and I have never seen each other, I have been in a relationship for a long time. Whenever I think about the use of soldiers, I stand in awe and respect.

The king's talents look to the world, no one can reach, and our king has a heart for loving talents.

Now that the coalition forces are over, why do you let your compatriots kill each other for the three major groups?

If you don’t dislike it, the general of Qin will be vacant. Hope you will think twice!

Signed Bailixing.

The coalition command soon received this special news.

When the adjutant read the letter out, Gong Ziqian couldn't help laughing.

"This Bailixing is really ridiculous, he wants me to surrender, hahahahahahahaha..."

The adjutant helped Gong Ziqian pat his back while asking: "Then shall we return?"

Gong Ziqian said angrily: "Go back, why not reply!"

Gong Ziqian never dreamed that this unremarkable decision would completely end the era of the three major groups.

The reply received by Bailixing is like this.

What is the difference between humans and blood demons? Blood demons cannibals and humans are also cannibals, and their methods are more cruel.

I watched the group of beasts all over, although there are people of the same clan who eat each other, but I have never seen anyone who tortured the same clan for pleasure.

The human heart is ugly, vicious, cruel, despicable, and treacherous, and is the crown of all races.

It’s good if everyone is dead, leaving this white and vast land so clean!

Although you come to attack, I am ready to fight to the death.

Signed Gong Ziqian.

After reading Bailixing, I couldn't help but sweat in cold sweat. In this letter, every word was weeping, and every word was heartbreaking.

On the bright side, it is an accusation against human beings, but if you think about it carefully, it is not a profile portrayal of Gong Ziqian's life experience.

How many human darkness have you experienced before writing these words!

Bai Lixing couldn't help thinking of himself, the mouse gang he had previously established.

If he hadn't met Qin Hao, he would have gone to extremes like Gong Ziqian, completely desperate for mankind.

It was Qin Hao who made him understand that human nature is more than darkness.

It was also Qin Hao that shone on him like the sun, and did not let him slide into the abyss of darkness.

Thinking of this, Bailixing couldn't help but feel fortunate.

"I must have saved the world in my previous life, so I met the king in this life."

While Bailixing was sighing, Yin Pingan, who had been staring at the high-precision compass in his hand indicating the direction, suddenly called out.

"Found it! Thirty-eight degrees due north to west, ninety-five kilometers away from here!"

Bailixing immediately drew a ray on the map, taking his location as the center and true north as the reference line, measuring a 38-degree angle, and drawing a circle with a radius of 95 kilometers.

The intersection of the arc and the ray unbiasedly fell in the center of an abandoned town named Chunlai.

Bailixing suppressed the excitement in his heart, and ordered to everyone: "Go for Chunlai Town!"

The closer everyone got to Chunlai Town, Yin Ping'an's face became paler.

Baili walked to find out that the electromagnetic waves emitted from Chunlai Town were too dense and frequent, which made Yin Ping'an very painful.

Hearing this, Bai Lixing was 100% sure that the headquarters of the coalition army was in Chunlai Town.

More than two hours later, Bai Lixing and others appeared behind the hillside to the west of Chunlai Town.

After reconnaissance, Bai Lixing discovered that Chunlai Town was stationed with a regiment of troops.

Looking at the deployment of allied forces in Chunlai Town, they were very tight and affected the whole body. It was very difficult to break through or hide.

"Since strong attack and stealth are not good, then we will give it a combination package, strong attack and stealth."

Bailixing ordered 90 special forces to attack from the south of the town, attracting the attention of the coalition forces.

The remaining special forces, in groups of two, sneaked in from the north of the town.

Before the split, everyone's expressions were heavy.

Everyone knew in their hearts that the players in charge of the storm would have a high probability of all sacrifices, but no one backed down.

For the victory of Qin, in order to end the end times, for the future generations to grow up carefree.

Every soldier of the Qin Army was prepared to sacrifice, even Bailixing was no exception.

As soon as the scheduled attack time came, ninety special forces team members activated the MN-type mech, the attached energy cannon and machine gun, and started four rounds of fire.

The coalition forces south of Chunlai Town were caught off guard. The large fortifications and coalition soldiers were drowned in artillery fire!

The coalition forces fell into a brief chaos.

Ninety special fighters took this opportunity and drove their mechas to charge the coalition forces.

When the coalition reacted, the special forces had already rushed to the front.

The laser sword and the large gear saw on the MN type mecha have become the sickle of death, reaping lives frantically.

Allied soldiers fired back, but were shocked to find that these steel monsters couldn't get in with bullets. Even the energy guns just made them take a half step back.

"Monster, run away!"

"The supervising team is here, whoever dares to flee, kill without mercy!"

After the supervising team killed dozens of people in a row, the coalition soldiers did not dare to retreat and could only bite the bullet and push up.

But where can their flesh and blood stop?

The special fighters drove this mech, like a broken bamboo, toward the center of the town.

In the center of the town, in an inconspicuous residential house.

Gong Ziqian, who had just closed his eyes and rested for less than ten minutes, was awakened by the sound of the cannon, and quickly asked.

"What happened outside?"

The adjutant replied: "It's the mecha squad of the Qin Army. I have instructed them to keep the group of bastards. If you want to come this time, the energy cannon should also be pushed up, and it will be resolved soon."

Obviously, the adjutant regarded the special forces team as the mecha team that Bailixing had sent in to implement the driving tactics.

When Gong Ziqian heard this, he didn't take it too seriously.

The frontal attacking special forces team was quickly hit by the energy cannon.

Although the MN-type mech built by Niegin will not be broken by the energy cannon, the impact that can lead the cannon is real.

Some special fighters were directly hit and flew backwards, some were knocked to the ground, and would not be able to get up for a while, and some mechas began to slowly deform and become hot in the dense energy cannon .

On the other side, Bai Lixing and others took advantage of the chaos to kill several coalition soldiers, put on coalition clothes, and began to touch the center of the town.

Seeing that he was almost touching the central area, he was stopped by a group of coalition soldiers.


Where did Bailixing know what the password was, and he was thinking about countermeasures quickly in his mind!

"Password, let's not say we shot!"

Baili Xingzhi said directly: "The Rain Girl has no melon!"


"What melon?"

"Damn, you play with me, hurry..."

The coalition soldier was about to call someone, but found that he couldn't call it out, and the action of drawing his gun seemed to have stopped, so slow!