I Plant Zombies in The Last Days

Chapter 87: Qin Hao Teaching (Part 2)

"Let go of me, big villain, let us go... oooooo... the teacher will definitely kill you..."

"Remove your dirty hands, take away..."

Ye Zi and Mu Ting struggled desperately to no avail. On the contrary, they stimulated the beastly desires of the bearded and began to take control of them.

Mu Ting cried more miserably, and Ye Zi yelled while struggling!

"The **** Qin Hao, where you died, come hurry up..."

"Ahem, who, are you sure you are scolding me?"

The sudden appearance of the voice made everyone stunned, because the voice came from above the head!

Everyone looked up and found a fierce beast hanging in the air, and a young man was standing on the beast's back, it was Qin Hao.

What Qin Hao said was obviously addressed to Ye Zi, and Ye Zi was amused immediately, smiling with tears.

The lead bearded said coldly: "You are the teacher they call it?"

"Um...I don't think I need to talk to a dead person!"

The death ray was launched and hit the beard's eyebrows.

Hearing the loud noise of "dang", the bearded man stepped back several steps, and there was a small hole one and a half centimeters deep between his eyebrows, which was not fatal.

Qin Hao didn't expect this beard to be so hard, and he was a little surprised for a while.

The beard's complexion became serious. Although he was not fatally injured, he realized that Qin Hao's strength was extraordinary from the hit just now, and he should not be an opponent.

The big beard pinched Ye Zi and Mu Ting's necks and threatened: "If you dare to make another move, I will break their necks!"

"Okay, I won't do it!"

Qin Hao said, raising his hands, but in the next second, Qin Hao activated the death ray.

This time Qin Hao was smart, and it was the opponent's eyes that were attacked. Qin Hao didn't believe it, the opponent's eyes were so hard!

The silent and invisible ray of death pierced the bearded eye directly, followed the eye, and pierced the brain.

The beard let out a scream, then fell to the ground and lost his breath.

Seeing that the boss is dead, the surrounding big guys all turned their heads and ran away. Qin Hao jumped off the back of the rice bucket and said to the rice bucket, "They will leave it to you. Don't be in front of you when you eat. Be careful to scare the kids! "

The rice bucket let out a long roar and flew out. You can predict the fate of those big guys without looking.

Qin Hao saw that Ye Zi and Mu Ting were only slightly injured, and there was a serious problem, so he first checked the three male students who had fallen in a pool of blood.

"It's okay, it's just a coma from a serious injury!"

Qin Hao hurriedly fed the three deer living grass and **** grass, and the three of them recovered within a short while.

After letting everyone rest for a while, Qin Hao asked, "Who put the flare gun?"

Qin Hao's meaning is obvious, whoever puts the flare gun will be eliminated. What surprised Qin Hao was that all five of them said they had released it by themselves.

Qin Hao said with some relief: "Just because you are willing to take responsibility for each other, you are qualified!"

"Really? Are we qualified?"

Qin Hao smiled and said: "I, the examiner, said that I passed, so there can be fakes!"

"Oh! Great! We passed!"

"Hahaha, after paying so much, it was finally not in vain!"

The five were happy like children.

The sky began to darken slowly, and Qin Hao also began to prepare for the evening. Primary one, primary two, primary three, primary four, each with a wind chime flower, scattered around the periphery of the students’ activity area, and the zombies heard wind chimes. The voice of the flower all avoided this area far away.

Qin Hao was still worried, and under the cover of night, sent out the Golden Army to clean up the nearby high-level zombies, leaving only ordinary zombies and mutant zombies.

Qin Hao really broke his heart for the students!

But Twilight College was in a mess at this time. The teacher in charge of checking the dormitory found out that 75 students were not in the dormitory. This was a very serious matter, and the old dean was alarmed.

"Did you go wandering around the city and send someone to find it?"

"I heard from the students that these seventy-five students seem to have gone out of the city!"

The old dean's face was pale, "Naughty! It's dangerous outside, if there is a shortcoming, how can we explain to the parents! Who started?"

"It seems to be Qin Hao!"

The old dean let out a sigh of relief, "Oh! It's him! That should be no problem, and it is no problem to protect a few students with his strength!"

"Your granddaughter, seems to have followed too!"

Before the old dean spoke, the deputy dean Zheng Botao walked in with a cane!

"This Qin Hao is so bold, even the dean's granddaughter dared to abduct him out of the city, the dean can no longer indulge him this time!"

The old dean frowned slightly, and said unhurriedly: "It doesn't matter, it's just going to experience the city, we don't often send teachers out to practice!"

Zheng Botao retorted: "This is not right. Every time you go out for experience, the school leader must approve it. I didn't see the application materials for this time out for experience. I don't think the dean has it with you! They are acting privately!"

A hint of helplessness flashed in the old dean's wise eyes, "When they come back, I will report criticism from the whole school!"

"This punishment is too light. The other students know that they will definitely learn to stay away at night, so how do we manage it?"

"Then the teacher will be fined for another two months' salary, and all the students will write 10,000 words to check!"

Hearing this, Zheng Botao happily left with a cane!

For many things, the old dean is also involuntarily, and if the academy wants to survive, it cannot do without the support of the Freemasonry, the Illuminati and the shrines.

And Zheng Botao is the agent of these three companies. Although the old dean hates this person very much, he can't move him. To move him is to have trouble with the three big groups. If you have trouble with the three major groups, it will be the college and the students who will suffer.


The night outside the city was dark, but Qin Hao couldn't sleep. He also used crow puppets to monitor the movement of the group at all times, so that he could rush over in time when he encountered danger outside.

As time passed, the battles that each team saw became more and more frequent. Qin Hao noted down the students who performed well in each team one by one, and the night passed.

On the second day, the battle between the groups became even more intense, and the intensity was not much worse than the battle of life and death.

Twenty-four hours finally arrived. Only three teams had enough three tokens, and the fourth team only had two.

Qin Hao also passed. Those who fail are disappointed,