I Play Cards In Yu-Gi-Oh

Chapter 1030: better play cards

Not long after the last semester's GX competition ended, and the new semester just started, the students of the Dueling Academy ushered in a new round of dueling competitions.

This time, it is not on the scale of the GX competition, and there is no chance to play against professional players. This conference was mainly held by Professor Cobra from other schools, and the main purpose was to promote the progress of students through actual combat.

For the ten generation classmates, he doesn't care who his opponent is and how big he is, as long as he has cards to play.

What's more, there are champions from each branch to challenge!

On the first day of the opening, Judai had already played against John who used the gem beast. Now he has made up his mind to fight all the champions from the various campuses, and it is fun!

It's just that after watching the game between him and John, several other people seem to be reluctant to play against him. In the past two days, whoever the ten generations went to find a battle was rejected, and I don't know why...

"Really boring."

Judai sat by the pool, yawning listlessly.

Even during the competition, the regular courses of the academy cannot be missed. Otherwise, if every game is put on hold, the classes in these two semesters will not be taken at all.

Judai is taking swimming lessons at the moment.

Swimming class is the favorite of most boys, even the most nerdy boys who hate going out have a special liking for this course - even people like Maruto Sho are ridiculously poor in water and spend a whole year. The landlubber who just barely learned.

The reason is very simple, because there are many white and beautiful long legs in the swimming pool.

This is simply a rare perk in campus life. And many boys are especially envious of Judai and their class-because the academy's flower-level student Asuka Tenshoin took the same swimming class as them.

They are in the third grade now. It is said that every semester in the first two years, whenever the course selection channel is open, there will always be a large number of people who stay up all night, staring bloodshot eyes in front of the computer to grab the class, just to be selected with Asuka. Same swimming lesson.

The tenth generation classmates have always chosen courses here - even often, they always forget to choose when the time limit is approaching. But the weird thing is that his swimming lessons every semester are the same as Asuka, and I don't know why.

Well, it's not just swimming lessons, they have a lot of lessons in the same session. But the tenth generation classmates didn't think much about it, they just thought that the two of them had a good fate...

At this moment, Asuka came up from the edge of the pool after playing around, and the water fell down her snow-white and delicate skin like a hibiscus.

The younger brother Maruto Sho's eyes almost went straight, but Judai was still in a daze.

"Why don't you finish class, I really want to duel..."

Asuka walked straight over.

"Hey Asuka, you've changed into a new swimsuit." Sho Maruto noticed it at first sight.

"Yeah." Asuka wiped her wet blonde hair with a towel, still a little embarrassed, "Is it a little too bold..."

"How come? I think it looks good." Sho Maruto nodded desperately.

"Really?" Asuka turned to Judai, "What do you think Judai?"

Shidai finally recovered from the daze and glanced at her.

"Ah? Did you replace it with a new one? It feels similar to the previous one?"

Asuka: "..."


You Yu was sitting in the room of his house, checking Professor Cobra's past resume and personal information on the computer.

Qiannai was sorting out the freshly washed clothes behind him, and when she saw the photo data on the screen, she couldn't help but curiously put her head up on You Yu's shoulder.

I don't know if it was an illusion or not, You Yu felt that Qiannai seemed to have grown taller these days in the academy.

The skin also seemed to be whiter, as white as dazzling. The face may be well-maintained, as delicate as it has been carved and carved, and the slender legs are smooth and smooth, with beautiful and smooth lines.

...but we usually don't lift our **** in front of China-chan.

"Why would you invite such a person to the academy?" she asked.

"This kind of person?" You Yu asked curiously, "Professor Cobra is a very experienced duel teaching expert, what kind of person are you referring to?"

"It's... a very bad-looking person."

You Yu was amused: "Aren't you judging people by their appearance? A handsome person is not necessarily a good person."

Qiannai blinked her big eyes twice: "But You Yu, you are a good person."

You Yu held his chin and thought for a while: "What you said is not unreasonable..."

Qiannai asked again: "So why do you want to check this person's information? Is there anything worth noting about him?"

"Not yet." You Yu shook his head, "but I'm worried that he will have any idea about Shidai. You know, now Shidai is... very famous, even a little too big. ."

China nodded in understanding.

Indeed, after the end of last semester until now, Judai's fame is hot. It might even be a bit too much for a teenager his age.

So far, a large number of organizations have tried to contact him. There are both official and non-governmental organizations, and almost any organization or organization in the world is willing to bring this student under its command.

After all, now is not the same as in the past.

When the Dueling Academy was just established, there were still voices of opposition in the society, thinking that this kind of school that only cultivated certain game skills might be producing useless garbage for the society.

But now the sound has completely disappeared.

Everyone clearly sees the prospect of "Dueling Monsters" in this world, and knows that this kind of card game will inevitably penetrate into any field and any aspect, and become the core element to promote the progress of civilization.

Therefore, based on the brilliant achievements of the ten generations and the super god-level dueling talent he has shown, after he graduates, he can basically choose any group organization in any field in the world, and it is impossible for anyone to reject such a talent.

It's just considering that Shidai is still a student, and people are a bit stupid and can't handle this kind of thing, so many contacts in this area are temporarily blocked by You Yu.

Therefore, the ten generation classmates can continue to stay in the academy without worries and live his daily life of playing cards.

"You Yu, you really care about him." Qian Nai whispered to herself.


"Nothing~lightnovelpub.net~ Actually, Qianna likes You Yu quite a bit.

...well she loves every bit of Yoo Woo.

You Yu is ruthless to outsiders. When facing the enemy, he has always used the most ruthless means to destroy the opponent (and pull out the duel plate), but he has always shown concern for the people around him.

...like myself.

Thinking of this, Qiannai's face turned red.

Men are probably like this. There are times when they are hard and times when they are soft.

This made him even more attractive.

You Yu: "?"

What's wrong? I didn't say anything, why did I react again?
