I Play Cards In Yu-Gi-Oh

Chapter 860: i might lose

Crayfish and Kagemaru were dealt with one after another, and the threat to the Duel Academy came to an end for the time being.

But in the process, these two made a lot of trouble, leaving a lot of mess for all parties involved in the incident.

After Tragodia was knocked down, the second-generation dueling king Xiang Hongye, who was in a coma for unknown reasons in the hospital, finally woke up after lying in a coma for more than half a month.

The news seemed to spread like wildfire, and soon reporters with a keen sense of smell heard the news. Overnight, a large number of reporters surrounded the entrance of the hospital and asked about the duel king's condition.

A few days later, Xiang Hongye, whose health had basically recovered, took the initiative to accept an interview with reporters.

In the interview, he first expressed his concern for the fans who cared about him, and revealed his willingness to return to the game after his recovery.

After all, it has been some time since he won the title of dueling king, and he has not stepped into the arena for many years. The environment in the dueling circle now is very different from when he won the king's position.

The brand-new environment, the new powerhouses that have sprung up after the rain, all of which are full of challenges for the current Hongye.

He is also undoubtedly a man who loves dueling. He enjoys the confrontation with the strong, is willing to meet the challenge, and is not afraid of failure.

The world of dueling is developing extremely fast, and the speed at which the top players in the professional world are changing can sometimes be unimaginable. Even Xiang Hongye himself felt that he may not be able to be as powerful as he was back then, but this made him even more motivated.

"However, the two dueling kings before you, the two first-generation kings who are known as the strongest in history, have been many years since the last time they participated in an official large-scale professional competition."

A reporter said in an interview.

"Many people in the dueling world feel that their era has passed, and even if they return to the arena now, they may not be able to reproduce their original dominance.

Mr. Hibiki, do you think you have the confidence to win if you have the chance to face the two seniors back in the arena? "

Xiang Hongye folded his palms together and was silent for a while, then turned towards the camera with a serious expression: "There is no suspense."

"Oh? Are you so confident?" The reporter's eyes lit up, as if smelling a battle between dragons and tigers.

Then I saw Hongye stretch out a hand and hold up five fingers.

The reporter felt that he understood what he meant, and couldn't help holding his breath: "Are you going to challenge within five days?"

As the second-generation dueling king's comeback, challenging a senior with a bigger reputation than himself seems to be a good option, and it can also quickly create a gimmick to make his popularity quickly heat up again.

But then saw the sound of Hongye shaking his head: "No, I mean I may lose within five rounds."


"I haven't had a chance to meet Mr. Muto Game yet, but Mr. Yu Yu and I have had a relationship. Although I was in...not very good at the time.

But Mr. Yu Yu's duel was very different from anyone else I've seen. If he goes all out, I'm definitely not an opponent now. "

Although he was brainwashed by the crayfish last time, because the crayfish retained his own consciousness, the current Hibiki Hongye has not forgotten that duel.

He's heartily grateful to Yoo-woo for having freed him from that hopelessly long bondage—and he'd really like to thank him in person if he had the chance.

But at the same time, it also made him realize the gap in strength between the two sides.

Considering that it is well known that the real strongest trump card representing the duel Wang Youyu should actually be the Three Illusion Gods, Xiang Hongye also clearly realized that the duel was not even Yu Yu's full strength.

That's why he will make a judgment. If he really fights with all his strength, he may lose within five rounds at most.

However, Mr. Xiang Hongye is also a real person. He said this directly to the camera, which surprised the reporters.

The professional circle has always respected the strong, and only the strong with outstanding card skills can attract fans and traffic. Other players are all blowing hard, wishing they could punch and kick You Yu - anyway, you don't need to pay taxes for blowing, so let's talk about cheating some traffic first.

In case you can't really beat the deity in the future...that's all for the future.

As a result, Hongye was good, and even before he could fight it, he decided that he couldn't beat it.

What is this operation? Is the reverse poisonous milk trying to overturn other people's milk?

After the news of Xiang Hongye's recovery and preparation for comeback attracted the attention of the dueling world, this wave of interviews once again attracted a lot of attention. Even the frequency of appearing with You Yu's name in the search engine has increased, and inexplicably, it has a wave rhythm.

But Yu Yu, who is the party concerned, has no time to pay attention to these.

Yu Yu is very busy.

As the headmaster, he must personally deal with a series of impacts brought by the affairs of Crayfish and Kagemaru to the academy, such as those Seven Stars who were captured after being defeated and sent their experience...

...Well, the main point is actually Camilla.

You Yu didn't know what the vampire was doing, and a lot of old witches had to be his own maid.

Camuela has done her best to promote herself, showing off her chest muscles and long legs. Hey, don't say it, it's really big and white...

...of course that's not the point.

Finding that You Yu didn't seem to be interested, Camuela immediately changed her tactics, saying that she was not only a vase, but also very skilled.

She said that she was born as a vampire aristocrat and has been an artistic bacteria since childhood.

Speaking of which, You Yu had already got up and was about to leave. With a look of "I don't even look at this", Camuela immediately became anxious.

Miss Vampire was in a hurry, she quickly took out a pair of cards from nowhere, and said right, this is my ancestral vampire deck! Among them, there are not only super powerful superior vampires, but also super powerful banned cards that can rewrite the duel situation with a single card!

It turns out that she seems to have found the right way to open it this time. Hearing this, You Yu, who had gotten up and walked to the door, was immediately sucked back into his seat like a magnet that sensed the magnetic pole.

Camula is also sensible, and quickly put the card group into Youyu's hands, with cute and cute written on her face.

She let out a long breath.

Fortunately, the old lady has collected a lot of information before, and knows where the duel king is interested, otherwise there may be no chance this time...

You Yu sat back in the face of the deck~lightnovelpub.net~ playing with the deck in his hand, and finally looked up and down the vampire.

Camuela took the opportunity to try to raise an uproar, as if participating in some talent show.

"You are a vampire."

The moment You Yu shook his head, Camuela felt a little chill in her heart.

"I don't need an untrustworthy subordinate."

Camilla was in a hurry: "But didn't you shelter Quinn? She is also a vampire!"

"She lost to me in the dark duel, and the contract of victory and defeat made it impossible for her to betray."

Camula's eyes lit up.

"This is easy to say! Then we will also play a dark game, and I will abstain immediately! If I lose, I will be your man, Mr. You Yu!"

The vampire blinked wildly as he spoke.

You Yu: "..."