I Play Cards In Yu-Gi-Oh

Chapter 931: Dystopia!

Exactly the same as the previous round. Ed once again placed the phantom hero into the trap area, and then prepared to special summon the Shimmering Man at the expense of the diamond man on the field...

......Soon, the phantom of the Shimmering Man in the backcourt was blown into slag.

"The quick-attack magic 'Double Electric Light'," Judai smiled, "I took the 'Elemental Hero Cixin Yuxia' on the field as a sacrifice to destroy the 'Phantom Hero, Shimmerman'.

And, you can draw a card from the deck later! "

The Shimmering Man was bombed again, and the Diamond Man also went to the cemetery as a sacrifice, and the tenth generation not only interrupted his actions and even added a hand card, this wave of confrontation was obviously a blood loss for Ed.

But still it doesn't matter.

"The magic card 'Beyond Destiny'!" Ed shouted, "Choose a Destiny Hero in your Graveyard, and Special Summon that Destiny Hero with a level below half of the Destiny Hero from your deck!

I choose the Level 4 'Destiny Hero Diamondman' in the graveyard, and Special Summon it from the deck——

——Level 1, Destiny Hero · Disc Man! "

[Destiny Hero · Disc Man, Attack Power 300]

"Then the effect of the 'Phantom Hero · Incremental Man' in the trap area!" Ed said, "I took the 'Phantom Hero · Incremental Man' as a sacrifice, and specially summoned the 'Phantom Hero · Incremental Man' in the trap area!

Come on, Incremental People! "

[Phantom Hero · Incremental Person, Attack Power 900]

Although the process was somewhat tortuous, Ed finally returned to the storytelling path engraved in his DNA.

"The effect of incremental people, special summon 'Phantom Hero · Android' from the deck!"

[Phantom Hero·Bionic Man, Attack Power 1000]

"When the android is successfully summoned, send 'Destiny Hero, Demon Man' from the deck to the cemetery." Ed drew a card from the deck and sent it to the cemetery, "Then the second effect of the android.... .."

"Wait a moment!" Judai interrupted the chant again, "Open the cover! Trap card 'Hero Blast'! Choose an 'Elemental Hero' normal monster from your Graveyard and add it to your hand, and put the attack on your opponent's field as high as possible. Choose a monster below the hero and destroy it!"

Judai showed the card that he had just sent to the graveyard: "I return the 'Elemental Hero Cixin Yuxia' to the hand, and destroy the 'Phantom Hero Bionic' with an attack power below 1900!"

Ed: "!?"

The phantom of the new Yuxia appeared, like a projectile flying! The silver-white afterimage pierced the phantom hero with one blow, and the black phantom was blown into countless pieces.

Ed gritted his teeth: "Ten generations..."

He has seen the horror of this combination.

The same "Elemental Hero: Cui Xinyuxia", first use "Double Electric Light" as a sacrifice to blow up a card of the opponent, and then recover it through "Hero Blast", and then blow up another card of the opponent.

After one operation, not only did it interrupt the opponent's actions twice in a row, but in the end, "Xinyuxia" was recovered and returned to his hand, which can be reused in the next round. During the period, he even drew an extra card through the effect of "Double Electric Light", and the resource gap was widened.

On the other hand, Aide's actions were interrupted one after another, and a series of subsequent developments were stifled at the budding stage.

If he followed the normal process, now he should use the effect of "Phantom Hero · Android" to retrieve the "Fusion" magic card from the deck - that is the key point for the hero system to spread out the field.

But this crucial step was interrupted, and Aide not only lost his cards, but also couldn't even summon monsters...

But Ed also has an alternative.

"Activate the effect of 'Demon Lord of the Swamp' in your hand." Ed said helplessly, "By discarding 'Demon Lord of the Swamp' to the Graveyard, you can 'fuse' a magic card from your deck into your hand."

The Demon Lord of the Swamp can not only search for fusion, but can also be used as a universal fusion material for any fusion monster. Ed would like to keep it as a fusion material if he could, but now there is no other way.

"The magic card 'fusion' is activated!" Ed said, "The 'Destiny Hero·Sprinter' and 'Destiny Hero·Determination' in the hand cards are fused!

The fusion condition is, two destiny hero monsters! Fusion Summon -

——Destiny Hero · Dystopian! "

Two beams of destiny shot into the air, and the majestic energy exploded downward. Dark blue armor reflecting metallic luster emerged from the storm, and the hero descended calmly and slowly from the center of the energy vortex, with a "D" imprinted on his helmet.

[Destiny Hero · Dystopian (), attack power 2800]

"This is Ed's new hero!" Tendai began to stare again, "He's so handsome!"

"Oh, that's natural." Ed said proudly, "Stop drooling, soon you will experience the power of dystopia for yourself!

I activate the effect of 'Heroes of Destiny Dystopian'! When Special Summoned, inflict damage equal to the ATK of a level 4 or lower 'Destiny Hero' monster in the opponent's Graveyard! "

He showed one of the images he had just sent to the cemetery as a fusion material.

"I choose the level 4 'Heroes of Destiny Determination' and give 1600 damage!"

The dystopian flipped his right palm, and the golden beams bombarded him head-on. Shidai staggered back half a step, and his health value plummeted.

【Ten generations, LP4000→LP2400】

"Then activate the effect of 'Destiny Hero Divine Man' in the graveyard!" Ed shouted, "You can only activate it when your hand is 0! Remove Divinity and other 'Destiny Heroes' from the game, from Draw two cards from the deck!

I removed Divinity and 'Destiny Hero Diamond Man' from the game and drew two cards! "

After adding two cards in his hand, Ed glanced at one of them and showed one of them: "The magic card 'Treasure of Burial Spells', remove the three magic cards in the graveyard from the game, and draw two cards. ” (animation card)

He showed three cards: "I remove the magic cards 'Beyond Destiny', 'Doctor D', and 'Bury from Another Dimension' from the game, and draw two cards!"

Ed followed and waved his hand: "Battle stage! Use 'Heroes of Destiny Dystopians' to directly attack Judai!"

The black electric current overflowed around the dystopian, and the electric light condensed in his palm, transformed into a pitch-black thunder ball of light, roaring out towards the tenth generation!

"Oops," Asuka leaned forward subconsciously, "If he eats this trick, the tenth generation will..."

"You can continue to launch such a violent counterattack after being disturbed so many times in a row." Misawa looked at Ed with awe, "Is this the strength of a world champion?"

But of course, the ten generation will not stop this: "The effect of the 'kite drone' in the cemetery! When there is a cemetery ~lightnovelpub.net~ the combat damage of direct attacks will be reduced to 0 only once!"

The phantom of the kite pilot reappeared, and all the thunderous attacks of the dystopians were blocked and completely failed to penetrate.

"Unexpectedly," Ed said lightly, "but then you have no means of defense. 'Phantom Hero · Incremental Man', attack directly!"

Incremental people launched a sprint, although the attack power is not high, but the three-dimensional image impact still slammed the upper body of the tenth generation slightly.

【Ten generations, LP2400→LP1500】

"Oh, as expected of Aide," Judai wiped his mouth and laughed, "It really works."

Ed didn't speak, but the expression with his tail raised clearly seemed to say "That's not to talk about".

"Gave two cards, the round is over!"