I Play Cards In Yu-Gi-Oh

Chapter 986: Fleet airborne!

The alien fleet came suddenly, countless small shuttles swooped down like birds of prey, and the laser bombed the sky and covered the sky, and the whole island seemed to be ignited in an instant.

"Ah? Is this also a three-dimensional image?" Judai couldn't help but stare at the series of sky-high flames in front of him.

While he was stunned, a flying shuttle happened to dive down towards his position. The hot blue laser beam is like a javelin thrown straight at him!

Shidai was still stunned in place, a phantom had separated from him. Yubel materialized in front of him, and with a wave of his claw, the beam immediately turned back in front of her power, and in turn blew the shuttle into pieces.

"Idiot, everyone has launched a general attack. Do you think this looks like a stereoscopic projection?" Yubel rolled his eyes at him.

"Eh? That means, these are real aliens!?" Judai suddenly woke up, "Okay... so exciting!"

The academy immediately entered a wartime state, and all duelists temporarily put aside the competition. Those without special abilities were evacuated directly under the arrangement of the academy, while those with abilities summoned their respective dueling monsters to counterattack.

Even though it looks like an academy, it may actually be more difficult to fight than many military facilities. All kinds of dueling monsters rose into the sky and quickly formed a group with the alien formation.

"Destroyed destiny brings the end of all things, come out! Destiny Hero, Gorefiend D!"

Ed takes his ace hero to the duel plate. The blood-colored dark hero fluttered his wings and flew out, his broad bone wings spread out, and the **** arrows shot towards the shuttle like a rain of flowers in the sky!

Countless alien shuttles that were hit fell one after another, but that also attracted the attention of the aliens. They quickly mobilized troops to attack Gorefiend D.

But Gorefiend D is powerful, and his abilities are quite strange. His power exploded, and he opened a **** field with himself as the center. Every enemy who rushes into that field will only feel the pressure doubled, and even the weapons and equipment of the shuttle are not as easy as usual, and they are shot down in a short time.

But the number of enemies was staggering, and they were surrounded from all sides. Gorefiend D flapped his wings and shuttled back and forth between the dense lasers, only a little careless, and was suddenly wrapped around his arm by a light whip.

Gorefiend D's body was bound, and it was difficult to break free in a short time. Countless alien shuttles suddenly caught the opportunity, and dense beams shot from all around!

"Gorefiend D!" Ed shouted anxiously.

But at this moment, the golden light appeared, and the brilliance condensed into a heroic white human figure!

The elemental hero, Xin Yuxia, appeared in the shining brilliance, and stood in front of Gorefiend D. He made a mistake with both palms, and the circular barrier formed by energy swept away all the aurora that was about to besieged.

Immediately after he swept his arm, the hand knife slashed in the air, and the energy light knife like plasma slashed horizontally, and the shuttle suddenly exploded with a rumbling sound along the way.

"Ten generations!"

Seeing Aide who came to support Judai, he briefly showed an expression of instant surprise. But the expression was fleeting, and soon turned into a cold and unhappy expression.

"Hmph, mind your own business, I don't need your help."

"Of course." Judai smiled, "But I need Amity's help."

The corner of Ed's mouth twitched, revealing a "it's almost the same" smile.

"Okay, then I'll reluctantly cooperate with you this time. But don't hold me back."

"Of course."

Judai patted his chest, expressing his confidence that I am stable.

After all, in dealing with aliens, his new (Ao) Yu (special) Xia (Man) is a professional.

However, students with fighting ability like them are in the minority after all, and most of them still choose to follow the guidance of the academy to take refuge.

Here, Maruto Sho was shrugging his head and following the crowd in the shelter. He saw a familiar figure from a distance, and his eyes lit up: "Ah, Asuka!"

Asuka walked around looking around as if she was looking for something, her eyes lit up when she saw Xiang, and she quickly squeezed through the crowd.

Before she opened her mouth, Maruto Xiang shook her head: "Big brother isn't here, he's not with me, and I don't know where he went."

Maruto Sho already has experience, and Asuka will never leave her big brother with three words...

"Is that so." Asuka was a little disappointed.

"But don't worry, eldest brother, he must have gone to evacuate, he will be fine."

"Well, hopefully..."


Gorefiend D flew in mid-air, he shot his tentacles and stabbed into a shuttle, forcibly grabbed an alien shuttle and returned.

He stepped on the top of the shuttle, and the countless tentacles extending from his wings stabbed into the cabin. The light cannons under his feet were continuously strafed by remote control, and several aircraft were sunk in succession.

Ed was a little proud and turned to look at Judai: "See, I have killed more enemies than you, and my destiny hero is stronger than your elemental hero!"

Tendai still only smiled: "That's natural."

But as soon as the voice fell, he saw that Xinyuxia in mid-air had borrowed the power of his colleagues in the new universe to sublimate into the form of "Xinyun Xinyuxia", "swipe" a laser shot out like a galloping river, accompanied by a series of The roar of the explosion blew up an entire alien flight formation.

Ed: "............"

In addition to the security team on the island, the instructors stationed in the forest behind the teaching building also actively participated in the battle. One by one, they went one by one, dashing to the front line without fear of life and death, and they even looked like... very happy?

"Ha! I knew there would be big events in the academy!"

"Brothers have started a group! Fight monsters and gain experience!"

Of course, the sand sculptures themselves do not have the ability to visualize monsters, but they have props.

When fighting against the power of "Olihagang" on a large scale, the International Fantasy Society specially prepared a disposable envelope containing dark power. Before the "power" in the envelope is exhausted, the holder can briefly obtain the The ability of monsters to materialize.

After that incident, You Yu hung up this special item in his personal store. Many players have bought some envelopes from him, in order to be able to cope with this sudden and important task.

The alien technology is ahead of the earth, and the weapons and equipment may also be ahead of the earth's armed forces, but the dueling monsters summoned by everyone are not weak at all~lightnovelpub.net~ Especially the main force that basically occupies the C position in this island war The output big brother Xinyuxia - now in the form of "Xinyun Xinyuxia", although this form seems to only last for three minutes, but at least in these three minutes, this big brother is really called a person to block the killing Buddha and block the killing Buddha, outside In the star formation, rushing back and forth is like being in a no-man's land.

It seems that the fire bombing failed to achieve the expected effect, and the invasion of the alien fleet quickly entered the next stage.

Spaceships descended from the wormhole, casting golden beams of light toward the islands below. A grotesque figure descended along those beams of light, as if descending on an elevator.

It was a variety of biological robots, each with an alien instrument similar to a duel plate, and it looked like a duel plate.

They are very numerous, and they are densely distributed throughout the Academy Island...

...and opened a duel plate to whoever they encountered first.

"Remove...every obstacle," they said. "Receive the baptism of light, and destroy it!"