I Play DC Hero In Marvel

Chapter 426: New Era! (season finale)

The battlefield on the moon is like boiling water, constantly bubbling with bubbles, standing next to the boiling water, you can feel the hot water vapor rushing toward your face.

The soldiers of the Thanos Legion collided with the desperate soldiers of the earth mankind.

In a short period of time, huge damage can occur in both hands.

Fortunately, humans did not suffer.

The number of casualties was pitiful compared to the opponent.

After all, it was because, under the leadership of many superheroes, one hundred thousand desperate soldiers completely suppressed the soldiers of the Thanos Corps.

Although many of the elite soldiers in Thanos Legion are among the extraordinary ranks, they are not worth mentioning in front of Little Spider, Captain Marvel, Wonder Woman, Steel Bone and others.

It is worth mentioning that shortly after the start of the war, Asgard received intelligence, Heimdall, who was observing everything, captured the moon, and reported it to the successor king, Thor, who became the master of Asgard. .

Thor quickly led the elite fighters of Asgard to the scene.

This is also one of the reasons why it is difficult for the soldiers of Thanos Army to resist the forces of the earth.

Under the overwhelming and unstoppable offensive on the earth's side, the Thanos Legion, which was originally full of confidence and didn't take the earth into consideration at all, was smashed into a "horse-back", almost instantly forced to collapse by the earth's side.

at the same time.

The eyes of the civilizations of the universe are locked in the battle between Thanos and Superman.

They all know that no matter how powerful the power of the earth side is, in such a situation, the one who can best control the battle is actually not the victory or defeat of the army under their command.

The battle between the two generals is also extremely important, and even accounts for a large part of the victory section.

Therefore, the battle between Superman and Thanos is more conspicuous and easier to distinguish than the war itself.

But the immediate result completely surpassed the imagination of all cosmic civilizations and even many generals in the Thanos Army.

Because Thanos has no power to fight back in Superman's hands.

Many cosmic civilizations showed incredible expressions, and almost began to doubt whether they were watching the real Thanos.

It's impossible to be dropped by someone, right?

Thanos’ most loyal subordinate, Ebony Maw is still there...

Others don’t know Thanos, it’s impossible for Ebony Maw to not know...


These cosmic civilizations turned their attention to the ebony throat.

It turned out that Ebony Maw was in the same situation as Thanos in the fight against Shazan.

While Ebony Maw was in the battle, seeing the miserable state of his master, his spirit was in a trance for a second.


In the next moment, he paid the price.

A sturdy lightning slashed down in the air, and as the electric light flickered, the ebony throat was smashed into the surface of the moon by the lightning energy.

The huge depression spread across the ground.

The dust flew in all directions, and the terrifying air current spread.

The inside of the moon base was shaken by Shazam's attack.

Shazam did not accept mercy.

At this time, the ebony throat was very miserably paralyzed in the pit, with warm blood flowing along his cheeks on his forehead, and the robe on his body was torn by this force and turned into cloth strips to hang on his body.

Apart from the pain, Wu Mu Maw did not pay much attention to his condition.

The shock in his heart covered all the extra emotions.

Because at this time Thanos was worse than him.

In the hand-to-hand battle with Superman, Thanos retreated steadily, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and his body was torn by Superman's palm, with deep bones visible.

However, although Thanos could not beat Superman, he still did not give up.

The gritted teeth fisted with Superman.

Superman stayed still, and after he fought against Thanos with two punches, he suddenly spoke.

"This is the overlord of the universe?"

Superman grinned and said, "You disappoint me very much."

The voice fell.

Fists were thrown out and collided with Thanos.


Thanos flew out directly.

When the surrounding desperate soldiers saw this, their morale continued to rise, and they really saw the dawn of victory.

As the vanguard against Thanos, their understanding of Thanos Army is fairly deep.

The lunar base did not block their access to Thanos' information.

Therefore, most of the Soldiers of Despair joined the battle with the determination to die.

They believe that even if the earth can win, they cannot survive.

no way.

The enemy is the overlord of the universe for thousands of years. He has invaded unknown life planets. Perhaps this is a trivial example of his countless achievements.

But obviously, although these desperate soldiers have a grasp of the power of Thanos Legion, they lack understanding of the power that the earth possesses at this time.

Regardless of how Batman or other people in the base encourage, the passion is the passion, adults always have to accept the reality in their own eyes.

However, when the war really came, they found that the enemy was not as terrible as they thought.

Superman even rubbed the enemy's leader, Thanos, on the ground.

Is this the enemy who is waiting for others with a determination to die?

At this moment, their inner shackles were gone, and an even more violent offensive broke out during the battle.

Offensive and defensive swaps.

The desperate soldiers on the earth became more and more excited, and Thanos Army began to fall into a bitter battle.



Thanos was blown out by Superman's fist again.

He flew out uncontrollably, and his body plowed a deep gully on the ground, and did not stop until a hundred meters later.

He stabilized his figure as early as the process of flying backwards, so the first time he stopped his body, he stared at the opponent in front of him with an ugly expression, and the dignity in his eyes was about to become real.

How can it be?

Thanos doubted his abilities.

He actually met such a strong man in a remote place like the earth?

Thanos, who has a full understanding of the universe, knows very well that opponents at the level of Superman can't find a few in the universe.

"who are you?"

Thanos burst out a question from his teeth.

In fact, as early as Superman's debut, he sent people to search for Superman's origin and life experience.

Information from Earth tells Thanos that Superman belongs to Krypton.

But Thanos couldn't find the planet Krypton at all.

The universe is vast and vast, and a planet, even a planet that has long been destroyed, has no remains or remains, which is normal.

However, if this planet can give birth to a powerful person like Superman, there will be more than just one Superman...

The question is a bit big.

Faced with the current situation, Thanos is deeply aware that he has made a dogmatic mistake after all.

Being too arrogant caused him to be under-prepared for the earth.

Even though I felt that the preparation was sufficient, I still underestimated the power of the earth's preparation.

However, Thanos has to defend himself.

The earth alone is not enough to drive him to this point. The most important thing is the power level displayed by Superman, which is far beyond his cognition.

In his concept, people who hold this degree of power in this universe will not easily make a move now.

Either sleeping, or pretending to be dead...

Although this superman comes from the unknown planet Krypton, it actually seems to pop out of a crack in a rock...

"I'm Superman, Clark Kent, the one who killed you."

Out of the humanitarian spirit, Superman answered Thanos’ last question before he died.

He saw Thanos’ dignified face, and knew that this man who had brought great despair to the earth and the reunion in the original plot was now completely caught in the vicious circle of the reunion of the original plot.

Of course, this is also destined.

The appearance of Anton has brought too many surprises, or variables, to the world.

At least, Thanos is no longer the biggest enemy of the earth.

Not even one of the biggest enemies.

The appearance of Thanos today, in essence, is not much different from the alien Lange, the Transformers Decepticons, and even the Zetarians who appeared on the earth before.

It is destined to become the object of historical dust after being swept by the earth.

"I overestimated you..."

Superman slowly stepped forward and walked to Thanos, who had a solemn expression in front of him.

"I thought you would be a little higher than your current level..."

"However, I have to thank you too!"

"It was your appearance that turned the earth from a pool of stagnant water into boiling water that has now been boiled. Humans have rekindled their fighting spirit. This will be our first step to declare to the entire universe that humans are coming..."

"All this, let your death be made for us."

The calm words completely angered Thanos who was still calm from beginning to end.

Thanos never thought that he would be so underestimated by Superman.

Since the beginning of the co-author, the earth has used itself as a tool man?

Even his own invasion is planned by the opponent, no, or rather, a situation that has been anticipated a long time ago?

When did this start?

After the Zitarians?

It is impossible for these people to know that they have thoughts about the earth before Qitari?

Thoughts flashed through his mind.

When Thanos saw Superman approaching continuously, he did not hesitate for a moment, gritted his teeth and drew out his big knife.

This broad knife, which is almost four meters long, double-edged, shone with cold light.

In the original plot, it was this knife that forcibly smashed the shield of the American team Rogers, so that Rogers had to take up Thor's hammer to fight.

Now that the situation has reversed, Thanos has to use this weapon to face the Superman who has put tremendous pressure on him.


Immediately afterwards, Thanos stepped on his feet, and the whole person flew out and rose into the air.

Raising the big sword high, his body bends back slightly, and then slashes forward violently, heading towards Superman's forehead and killing him.


Superman did not dodge.

He insisted on taking the knife with a calm expression.

Too arrogant!

The eyes of other civilizations are locked in this blow.

Thanos’ angry attacks are not vegetarian, after all, this is a terrifying figure at the level of the overlord of the universe.

No one has ever dared to underestimate the overlord of the universe.

Including the Cybertron civilization, which is full of affection for the earth, the auto people have also become more nervous.

They also think that Superman is too big.

This is Thanos.

However, these people also understand that if Superman stubbornly resisted Thanos’s sword and stays unscathed...


These people dare not think about it, holding their breath and waiting for the result.

this moment.

Countless people turned their eyes to the very center of the battlefield.

The battlefield of Superman and Thanos.

Thanos' big knife has fallen on Superman's forehead.

Countless lights stared at this picture.

Time seems to freeze.

Superman stared at Thanos who struck him with extremely calm eyes, his arms violently violently, and he went all out, and then he showed a bright smile.

"Thanksgiving, it's over!"

The voice fell.

Click, click, click!

The big knife in Thanos's hand unexpectedly began to show fine cracks, and then burst out under the eyes of countless people.

The most unbelievable, but unexpected ending happened.

Thanos’ attack has no effect on Superman.

Superman accepted Thanos' slash unscathed.

To countless people, Superman's body looks like the hardest metal in the universe, and nothing can leave a trace on it.

The moment the broadsword fragments were scattered and scattered, Superman moved.

His palm shot out like lightning, landing on Thanos' neck, pinching his breath and rising into the air, slowly coming to the midair of the entire battlefield.

Thanos struggled constantly under Superman's palm.

He clasped Superman's wrists tightly with both hands, hoping to make Superman pinch his neck's hand and move away from his body.

However, he couldn't do it.

The activity level of the whole body's cells is declining. Thanos's purple face is now covered with a layer of blood red, and he is completely unable to breathe, and the control energy of his body has dropped to the freezing point.


Countless cosmic civilizations understand that this battle is over.

From the moment Thanos blatantly released the sword, but couldn't cause any harm to Superman, the battle was over.

The outcome of this war is beyond everyone's imagination.

A miracle is born.

The earth is about to win.

Even if the Autobots in the Cybertron civilization who have a certain degree of confidence in the earth are somewhat unimaginable, it is so simple for humans to win.

It is indeed one-sided.

However, it was the downfall of Thanos and the rise of mankind.

The fight with Thanos Army didn't seem to stimulate the full potential of mankind at all.

"He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He He——"

Thanos stared at the Superman in front of him, as if to imprint this face deeply in his heart.

"Actually I want to thank you."

Superman spoke at this moment, quite sincerely.

"Your death has brought us a new future."

"Also including this universe..."

"New story..."

"here we go!"


The death of Thanos brought a heavy blow to Thanos Army.

After Thanos died, Ebony Maw was also killed by Shazam on the spot. The Thanos army was completely headless, and the soldiers fled and surrendered.

Humans did not chase the fugitives, standing at the base and looking at the stars, everyone was refreshed.

Including the representatives and heads of the World Security Council located in the interior of the earth.

Everyone deeply understands a fact.

The new era has come completely.

The rise of mankind.

And all of this is due to the Justice League, to Superman, to Batman, to Anton...and all the fighters, engineers, scientists, everyone who fought for this battle, everyone has contributed to the earth. .

But no one knew from the beginning to the end, whether it was Anton, Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Steelbone... They were all one person.

Justice League, Dark Justice League, is actually a role played by one person.

After the war, all the details and details of the war were not hidden from the rest of the world, and they were disclosed to the public.

The world was shocked.

Ordinary people who didn't know what happened in this war were boiling instantly.

For one month in a row, mankind was shocked by the rise of the earth.

The Justice League has become the supreme palace in people's hearts.

Superman has truly become a **** in human hearts.

Half a year later, under the impetus of the nations of the world, the World Security Council was renamed the Earth Alliance for Humanity. Nearly 200 sovereign countries around the world became members, and Anton was the first chairman of the alliance.

It is worth mentioning that after defeating and killing Thanos, the earth has a very high prestige in this universe.

Although the earth is located in a remote corner of the universe, it has faint signs of becoming the center of the universe.

Alien immigrants also gradually increased after this war.

Mankind has officially entered the interstellar age.

Technology is evolving rapidly, and the fourth technological revolution is unfolding like a raging fire.

The Extremis Virus came onto the stage and became the strongest weapon for evolving mankind. As science and technology progressed, mankind also ushered in a new evolution.

Transcendence is no longer out of reach.


Three years later.

Manhattan, New York.

As the home of the Justice League on Earth, the headquarters of the Earth Alliance of Humanity has also been established in this city.

Nowadays, this area is full of people.

People come and go, besides humans, there are also aliens with different appearances and different skin colors walking here.

In a few years, humans have become accustomed to the existence of aliens.

The earth has established contact with dozens of alien civilizations and started initial contacts.

However, the civilization most familiar with the earth is Asgard.

A tourist route has even been established between Asgard and the Earth. Although it is expensive for a single person and it takes millions of dollars to buy a tourist place, the number of bookings on the registration website is still extremely exaggerated, only a few days. The time has exceeded one hundred thousand. According to the time, it will be arranged in seven or eight years.

"I am so silly……"

"Why should I pretend to take the lead in forming an alliance of earth and humanity?"

"If God gives me another chance to let me cross back, I will slap myself severely..."

Anton felt extremely anguished. Standing at the highest point of the Alliance Headquarters, looking at the bustling city in front of him, there was no happy expression on his face, but full of distress.

"Anton, there are still several documents waiting for you to sign."

Betty stood behind him and urged blankly: "In addition to signing, there will be a meeting for you to attend two hours later, and there will be a dinner tonight... President Rodriguez is preparing for re-election, although It feels like ten or nine, but he always feels flustered if he doesn't see you..."

"Damn it!"

Anton turned his head, gritted his teeth, and regretted: "I have been busy for three years. I haven't been so busy in the first half of my life...Can you give me some personal time?"

"You only have ten minutes."

Betty nodded, agreed happily, and turned around, twisting his hips and leaving Anton’s sight.

Anton breathed a sigh of relief.

After drawing out six infinite gems from his body, Anton's expression became complicated.

After killing Thanos three years ago, Anton discovered that Thanos had a soul gem on his body.

In this way, he has mastered five infinite gems.

After the victory of that war, Gu Yi quickly gave Shazan the position of the Supreme Master, and the gem of time was in his hands.

Six infinite gems are gathered together.

After killing Thanos and defeating Thanos Army, the system rewarded 20 million justice points.

The balance of justice value exceeded the 100 million mark.

Both conditions are met.

Anton is ready to redeem Batman's ultimate battle armor.

This will be more powerful than Superman.

However, until today, three years later, Anton has redeemed the Ultimate Armor.

But the story continues.

Today, three years later, Anton finally found something interesting in his new story.

With a thought on his mind, his body shape changed, his red suit covered his body, and there was a lightning bolt on his chest.

Not Shazam.

You know, in addition to Shazan, the DC heroes with the lightning logo on their chests also have the Flash.

Of course, the purpose of Anton's incarnation of the Flash at this time was not to escape from the alliance headquarters, but to travel to a new universe and see new scenery.

With the spirit of experimentation, Anton discovered the speciality of the Flash in an accident.

As we all know, the Flash can travel through time and space, and the ability is similar to the time gem in Anton's hands.

However, Anton tried or drove this gem after he got the gem of time.

In the chaotic timeline, he found that time gems can only control the changes of time for a short time, and they are more useful than nothing.

And the time and space of the Flash is the real time and space.


After Anton became the Flash, he acted immediately.


A golden lightning flashed quickly across the streets of Manhattan, invisible to the naked eye.

Even though there are already a considerable number of people with extraordinary abilities in Manhattan Street today, as well as constantly updated technological cameras, the Flash's speed has long surpassed the imagination of these people, reaching a level that surpasses the speed of light.


Anton ran to the coast.

At the moment he jumped to sea level ~lightnovelpub.net~ a space channel opened, and Anton was suddenly sucked in.

And the New York behind him is still very lively, without knowing that their alliance chairman has now left the world.



The starry sky is like a curtain, and the moon hangs high.

Anton, incarnate as the Flash, was standing at the highest point of a city, looking at the bat lights reflected on the clouds above his head, showing a long-lost smile.

Immediately afterwards, his figure changed again, revealing the Batman suit he hadn't worn for a long time, and became Batman.


Anton looked at the row upon row of cities in front of him, and laughed loudly: "When we meet for the first time, we will have fun next time!"

The voice fell.

Jumped out of the tall building, hiding in the darkness.

The Dark Knight returns.