I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 131: Codex of the Creator of Dark Creatures

Outside the hotel, in the scorched clearing, the space was torn apart suddenly, and a huge emerald dragon came from other planes in response to the call.

The dragon's head has sharp horns and a long and winding body. The emerald green scales on its body are carved from pieces of gentle jade, giving people a gentle feeling.

A pair of light green eyes reflected Jiang Hao's appearance, opened his mouth, and a mouthful of emerald dragon breath came out.

"Lightning storm!"

"The bush of thorns!"

Green thorns grew on the ground to block the way, and lightning flashed down from the dark clouds.

I finally know what a mage is, and it's really hard to hide the large-scale attack magic... While Jiang Hao communicated with the black dragon through the contract in his heart, he raised the god-killing spear Longinus and shouted.


Longinus, the Gun of Killing, flickered.

Immediately, he continued to rush forward recklessly, and his figure jumped left and right in the electric light.

The emerald dragon's breath passed by him, and the roaring lightning fell, but it was always inexplicably unable to hit him, and it always inexplicably hit the thorns, and the thorns were struck by the lightning. Then quickly turned into coke.

"Is he an assassin? Why is his ability to dodge magic so strong?"

Seeing Jiang Hao avoiding the lightning storm, Valentine wrinkled his brows. Can such a dense magic attack be avoided?

Immediately, he sang again, "The higher beings from the elemental plane command the existence of all water elements. Please respond to my call according to the ancient contract and descend your clone."

A giant phantom, wearing armor, carrying a giant sword, and composed of azure blue water, appeared behind Valentine, brandishing the giant sword at Jiang Hao, and smashing it down into the air.

Summoning is quite annoying... Let's go to the next city... Jiang Hao, who dodges the giant sword, flipped his palm, and Kungunir appeared on his palm.

When a branch appeared in Jiang Hao's hand, Valentin's mind warned wildly about the danger.

He did not hesitate to manipulate the giant phantom to block in front of him to defend against the upcoming attack, while he launched a teleportation.

With a flash of emerald green light, Valentine disappeared in place.

At the same time, a meteor passed by.

When Valentine appeared in the distance, there was a branch stuck in his chest, and his robe was stained with red blood.

"This is impossible."

I obviously sent...

Valentin had just flashed this thought in his mind, before his eyes went dark, and he fell to the ground.

Affected by Valentine's death, the giant phantom began to collapse and disintegrate, and the emerald dragon disappeared bit by bit.

It was expelled from the main plane.

"Valentin actually died."

Chris' pupils shrank, and her breathing suddenly became heavy.

As the leader of natural wrath, Valentine is of great importance. In this war, many clergy under the gods’ clergy will be left to natural wrath to do things that are inconvenient to do.

Losing Valentine, the power of Nature's Fury is greatly reduced, and many things will become very troublesome.

Funeral for him.

Chris' lips moved.

"Praise you, the great goddess of the forest..."

"Long Wei!"

The black dragon flying from a distance heard someone shouting the name of the god, and instinctively released Longwei's voice that wanted to interrupt the other party.

Any act of calling the gods will bring unknowable variables in the battle.

Because no one knows what unexpected actions the **** who is far away in the void and in his own kingdom will make after attracting the attention of the gods.

Although restricted by the main plane, it is very difficult for the gods to interfere with the main plane, but it is very difficult and not impossible. As long as the **** is willing to pay the price, the gods will punish, and the gods will surrender.

Even if the gods do not surrender or punish them, the gods forcibly open the passage of their own kingdom to the main plane, teleport the legendary creatures under their command, and use the human sea tactics to pile them up.

Perhaps in the main plane, legendary creatures are rare.

But in the void outside the realm, among the countless planes, many races belong to the higher races that are automatically promoted to legendary professionals as long as they don’t die halfway, and these creatures tend to gather under the gods and accept the protection of the gods. , Fight for the gods.

The great majesty suddenly shrouded Chris' body, but Chris continued to read without stopping.


As a life created by God himself, the level of angels is also at the apex of many species. Apart from the power of the gods, it is not subject to any coercion.

In the same way, as an angel serving the gods, as long as she shouts out her name, she will inevitably attract the attention of the gods.

With Jiang Hao's move, Kungunir appeared in his hands.

He raised Kungunir and yelled softly,


Kungunir's tree body suddenly glowed.

The effect of the oath comes into play.

An invisible force surged, and Chris, who was about to call out the name of the **** in its entirety, suddenly stopped.

She could not move, nor could she speak.

Jiang Hao walked up to her, raised the god-killing spear Langinus, and stabbed her at her.

Then he turned around and went back to kill the vampires one by one, taking out their blood~lightnovelpub.net~ and putting away the blood, the pages of the book, and the werewolf's teeth.

"Werewolf teeth and vampire blood can be taken back to Blue Star to make werewolves and vampires."

"But what is this page?"

Jiang Hao mobilized his divine power and urged the authority of ‘omniscience’ to perceive the information on the pages of the book.

Suddenly, he saw a picture.

——A man lying on the ground with his eyes closed, lifeless.

Underneath the man is a strange magic race. He knows vampire bats, Argonians, tree spirits, goblins, dark elves, coward, succubus, succubus, soul demon, seducer, etc. , The ones who don’t know are more.

These creatures, like the men, are all dead.

The blood drained and died.

Suddenly, there was a figure from the back of Jiang Hao's sight, a figure from the back of a woman.

The owner of the back figure raised his pair of jade-white hands and placed a drop of red blood on the center of the man's eyebrows. This drop of blood immediately melted in when it touched the man. Soon, the man's back grew out of it. With a pair of bat wings, the nails on his hands became long and sharp, and the dead man came back alive.

She seemed to notice that someone was watching her, and the woman turned around and looked back.

Jiang Hao's eyes shrank sharply, and he immediately recognized who the other party was.

The creator of the vampire, the demon of the moon, or rather, the lady of the night.

"Praise Ms. Night..."

Almost instantly, Jiang Hao spoke.


The picture collapsed, and countless knowledge poured into his mind.

The pages of the book in his hand burned, turned into a mass of ashes, and slowly disappeared.

Almost at the same time, he came to understand what the page was.

"The handwriting of the creator of the dark creatures, or the record of the creation of a vampire!"