I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 132: A **** has fallen

Jiang Hao closed his eyes and began to digest the newly acquired knowledge.

"Vampires in other worlds are not a new race. Strictly speaking, they are closer to the undead."

"Fear of the sun, unable to reproduce, relying on transforming humans to reproduce..."

"For a long time, there have been wizards that classify vampires into the undead, juxtaposed with the undead such as skeletons, ghosts, and death knights."

"From the knowledge I have obtained, the mages are right. The vampire is indeed a semi-dead creature transformed from a human corpse by Lady Night."

"On the contrary, the werewolves born behind the vampires seem to be more like a new race."

"You can move freely in the sun, there is no obvious means to restrain him, and he has the ability to reproduce himself."

"It's like Ms. Night created a more perfect werewolf after practicing with vampires."

Jiang Hao suddenly remembered the legend that vampires and werewolves were mortal enemies in another world.

It is also the creation of Lady Night, and it is also pursued and killed by the Church of New God headed by the Lord of Dawn. Instead of sincere cooperation between vampires and werewolves, they continue to hunt and kill werewolves.

Is there an element of jealousy in these thousands of years of persevering pursuit? They are jealous of werewolves who are closer to a race.

Jiang Hao's thoughts turned, and he began to think about the matter just now.

"First of all, it can be confirmed that the creator of the vampire, the demon **** of the moon, is the lady of the night."

"Secondly, Ms. Night's attitude towards me should be neutral or friendly. After seeing me, she didn't yell at me."

"Praise the kind-hearted Lady Night..."

After Jiang Hao spoke a word, he continued to analyze, "Is it because the enemy's enemy is a friend? No, the Lord of Dawn is not her enemy, or the Lord of Dawn is not qualified to be her enemy, then it should be: I see The enemy of people who are not pleasing to the eye is the one who is pleasing to my eyes?"

"In addition, judging from the time when the vampire was born, in the last thousands of years, Lady Dark Night should be trying to master the authority of the ‘Creator’."

"Ms. Dark Night's title, the appearance of the title ‘Creator of the Dark Race’ is closer to the time when the vampire was born, and this can also serve as a corroboration."

"But the authority of the Creator is not easy to grasp."

Jiang Hao thought about it. The gods who clearly occupy the power of the ‘Creator’ are: the main **** of the elves, the main **** of the orcs, the main **** of the dwarves, the king of the undead, and the lord of the dragon lich.

The gods who may occupy the authority of the ‘Creator’ include: Lady Spider, and the Queen of Five Colored Dragons.

Other gods that secretly occupy the authority of the ‘Creator’ are more. After all, there are quite a lot of races in other worlds, and the creators of those races may occupy the authority of the ‘Creator’.

"Although there are many enemies, the lady is very good at fighting, and maybe she can get out of the siege."

Thinking about it, he became guilty. There were many enemies of Ms. Dark Night, as well as many of his enemies.

On the bright side, there is the Lord of Dawn who competes with him for the authority of the'sun', and secretly there is the God of Knowledge who competes with him for the authority of the'omniscience'.

In addition, once the two powers of "king of the gods" and "destiny" are exposed, they can immediately reap a lot of hostility from the gods.

No **** wants to have an extra king on his head, and no **** wants his fate to be manipulated by other gods.

"If I were to be exposed, there would be almost no other choice but to return to Lanxing."

Jiang Hao once again warned himself in his heart that he must hide the authority information he possesses before he can slap the gods to prevent himself from becoming the enemy of the gods.

He took out the scroll of prayer and tore it open.

Suddenly, he felt himself in a trance, something was disappearing from him.

His spirit was surging, and he quickly searched for the cause in his consciousness.

The answer was found quickly.

The authority of ‘omniscience’ has disappeared!

"The God of Knowledge has the authority of ‘omniscience’?"

Jiang Hao instinctively thought of this possibility.

Suddenly, the world in his sight brightened up.

He raised his head and cast his gaze to the source of the anomaly.

What caught his eyes was a bright ball of light, which expanded from small to large.

No, this sphere of light is not expanding, it is approaching the main plane, so it presents a different phase from small to large.

Jiang Hao's eyes condensed, he saw mountains, rivers, and angel petitioners from the ball of light.

This is an illusory and real world, a world that is constantly disintegrating.

"This scene is so familiar."

"It seems that there is this scene in the memory of the dragon mother's inheritance of the five-color dragon. This world that is approaching the main plane is... the kingdom of God?" The black dragon Bamas searched the memory in his mind, and its fierce face appeared. Obviously surprised.

"A **** has fallen?"


Kirchniur, Sixth Avenue.

Fiona Russell looked up at the ball of light in the sky, with a curious look on her face.

"Father, what is that?"

Howard Russell, in a gorgeous robe, also looked up at the sky, a little in a daze and didn't hear his daughter's question clearly, "How could...there is a **** falling?"

The expression on Fiona Russell's face instantly solidified. UU reading www.uukanshu. com


Northland, Dallaire.

The violent wind howled and rolled up snowflakes, covering the earth with silver suits.

In the shrine of the goddess of ice and snow, Afram Krell in a gray robe knelt at the feet of the idol and prayed in a low voice. Behind him, a middle-aged man in an ice blue priest's robe was lying on the ground with his eyes closed and his lips closed. The color was blue and purple, and the pool of red blood under his body was covered with a thin layer of ice, and he was obviously dead.

After dozens of seconds, he stopped praying and looked up at the transparent colored glaze on the ceiling, watching with awe at the kingdom of God that was constantly approaching the main plane in the sky, with a hint of anticipation in his voice.

"The old gods fall, and the new gods are born."

"A new era, is it coming soon?"


Kingdom of Venia.

Iyeta Cavendil, dressed in a craftsman's clothes, left the kingdom surrounded by legendary professionals.

Another kingdom accepted the steam.

The Pope, wearing a crown and holding a scepter, looked up at the sky. After a while, he lowered his head and looked at Iyetta Cavendil, with a low eyebrow.

"My lord, there is a **** in the void outside the domain that has fallen."

Iyeta Cavendil was shrouded in white light, seeming to be communicating something. After a while, the white light dissipated, and a faint smile appeared on his face, "It is the God of Justice who has fallen."

"God of justice, one of the three gods of Heaven Mountain?" The pope was taken aback. This very powerful **** said, "My lord, is the Heaven Mountain that has changed?"

"Seventh Heaven Mountain is the base camp of the good gods. Even I can't easily cast my sights over." Iyetta Cavendil said lightly, "but don't pay attention to them, the matter of Heaven Mountain has nothing to do with us. , We only need to step by step to promote the arrival of the steam era."

"Yes, my lord!"