I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 158: Satan comes

In the apartment, someone opened the window and looked out, only to see the blue star sky, not knowing when a door appeared.

On the door leaf of the door, a tree-like pattern composed of ten circles and twenty-two lines is engraved.

When he returned to the computer, the Internet had already been discussing this sudden door.

"Is it wrong? I have hallucinations? I saw a door in the sky."

"You're not mistaken, I saw it too. Who can tell me what the door is? And what is the pattern on the door? When I look at it, I suddenly feel holy and ethereal."

"That is the gate of heaven, and on the door is the Kabbalah tree of life that symbolizes the scale of the sacred ladder, the virtues and powers of the heavenly nations, and the ten faces of the gods."

"The door of heaven? Is heaven behind the door?"

"I'm in the Big Apple City, and my girlfriend is in Tokyo, but we all see this door. Please teach me, is this science?"

"No, I'm in the magic city, and I saw it too."

"I rub, it's unscientific!"

"But it seems so magical!"

When people were talking about it, the door of heaven opened, and endless brilliance flowed from it.

Facing the brilliance, people can vaguely see a big white throne, sitting on it is an existence that cannot be described in words.

It is like light and not light, it seems to have substance and no substance, it seems to exist and it does not exist, it seems to sit there and it does not seem to sit there, human language, writing, and even thoughts are indescribable and describe him.

He is both one and two, both three and ten thousand. He is the beginning and the end. He is the Almighty of the past, the present, and the future.

"I saw a great white throne and the Lord sitting on it. The heavens and the earth escaped from him, and there is no more visible... I saw dead people, no matter how big or small, standing in front of the throne. Unfolded, and another volume is unfolded, which is the Book of Life. The dead are judged according to what they have done according to what is recorded in these files... This is the description of the final judgment in the "Revelation", sure enough , Is Judgment Day coming?"

The door that appeared inexplicably makes people feel uneasy, and the explanations spreading on the Internet are even more frightening.

Those who believe in the Lord are terrified, and those who do not believe in the Lord are even more terrified.

If on Judgment Day, those who believe in the Lord and usually do good deeds still have a glimmer of life and can enter the kingdom of heaven and enjoy eternal life after judgment, then those who do not believe in the Lord can be said to have no vitality at all.

You must have no other gods besides me. This is the first commandment in the Ten Commandments.

These unbelievers, all of them have violated the first commandment, and they all have serious sins, which are irreparable sins no matter how many good deeds they do.

Those who have such sins will surely be thrown into the lake of sulfur and fire and be destroyed in the last day of judgment.

"Isn't the Great Priest Priest not out yet?"

Prime Minister Tagawa Masamune of the East was standing inside the Suitemiya Shrine, bubbling from his mouth in a hurry.

Why am I so unlucky.

Only after solving Hyakki Yexing, I met the evil **** Cthulfutan. After finally solving the evil **** Cthulfutan, I met Judgment Day. The great God of Heaven, the Lord God, why am such a devout believer encounter so much misfortune ?

At this time, he suddenly understood why after the evil gods in the country, no one criticized himself at work meetings, the media did not accuse him, and the accusations against him on the Internet were deleted by those companies. At first, he thought he was the prime minister who was doing a very good job. Everyone was willing to support him. Now, thinking about it, they had anticipated that something would happen again, so no one was willing to pick up this hot potato.

After this time the matter is resolved, I will quit my job and leave get out of class. This song is quite unlucky.

"No." Asakura's chief priest shook his head helplessly, "Since the last time the evil **** Cthulfutan was resolved, the Great Priest Priest has been in retreat and has never been out."

"Then, can you bother the great priest and ask her to leave in advance?" Tianchuan Masamune said cautiously.

Judgment day is approaching, the supreme God will judge all lives, and all creatures will face the supreme verdict. Those pagans who believe in his **** will have only one outcome, that is, they will be completely destroyed in hell.

Only the great God of Heaven can save them.

Even if the great God of Heaven does not leave a unique, omniscient and omnipotent legend in the legend, he can be regarded as a great **** who pioneered the world, and the supreme God of Heaven may not be inferior to the omnipotent being in person.

"It's absolutely impossible," Asakura's chief priest said sternly, "Priest priest said before the retreat, don't disturb her, let alone the world is not the end, even if it is the end of the world, you must not disturb the priest."

Why didn't he know that the scene predicted in the "Revelation" had such a major event, but just like this, he couldn't disturb the great priest.

According to the prophecy, all sentient beings will welcome the Supreme One’s judgment on the Judgment Day. After the judgment, besides going to heaven and going to hell, there may be a third option, which is to ascend to the high heaven and become 800 A member of the gods.

And the great priest pity is his door to Gao Tianyuan, it is the key, how could he actively disobey the order of the great pity priest.


"No but." Asakura's chief priest interrupted him, "That God has **** to punish sinners, and my lord also has Huangquan to torture the wicked. Prime Minister Tagawa, please respect yourself."

After finishing speaking, the Asakura priest flicked his sleeves, turned and left, leaving only the angry Tagawa Masamune standing there and stomping his feet.

With the emergence of the Gate of Heaven ~lightnovelpub.net~Apocalypse, the description of the doomsday spread everywhere, and more and more people believe that Judgment Day is coming.

In the face of the coming end, devout believers began to pray for help from the gods, loved families began to have dinner with their families, and out-of-the-ordinary people began to indulge their inner desires, and the order became chaotic.

Every place in Blue Star looks like troubled times are coming.

Against this background, the gate of heaven, flowing with infinite brilliance, was suddenly engulfed by a thick black mist. In the black mist, there was flashing electric light.

Under everyone's gaze, a huge red dragon appeared in the black mist.

The red dragon has seven heads and ten horns.

On his seven heads, he wears seven dark golden crowns, each of which is engraved with words, and the seven crowns are respectively engraved with gluttony, lust, greed, melancholy, anger, laziness, vanity, and arrogance!

Seeing this big red dragon, his name emerged from the bottom of everyone's hearts.

"Devil Satan!"