I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 159: The criminals appear

Satan, the king of the devil, the ruler of hell, the incarnation of original sin, the ancient snake that lured Adam and Eve to eat the fruit of the tree of good and evil, the instigator who once challenged the supreme, did not expect it to appear.

Looking at the big red dragon in the sky and its iconic seven heads and ten horns, people's hearts are already trembling.

In terms of personality, this is not inferior to Yugsothoth, the one who wants to destroy the world before, and is even more famous than the Satan Demon King who does not know how many times.

"God, Satan actually appeared."

"Is it also here to destroy the world?"

"The crown on Satan's head should represent the seven deadly sins that damage people’s spirituality. They are the root of all sins and the original sin. It symbolizes Satan’s authority and the root of purgatory. The reason why God creates endless suffering, The eternally miserable and unrecoverable purgatory is to exile and punish the sinners who have committed the seven deadly sins."

"No, it is not here to destroy the world. It should be here to challenge the Son of God. According to the prophecy of "Revelation", when God resurrects and judges all the dead, Satan will come and it will bring sinners. Attack the Son again and make the final dying struggle, because the doomsday judgment is not only a judgment on all mankind, but also a judgment on the devil and fallen angels. God will destroy all fallen angels and demons in the final judgment. , Because in the new world that God will create, there will be no place for the devil and fallen angels."

"That means that Satan is on our side?"

On the Blue Star, countless people looked at the giant dragon that covered the sky with shock and fear, and some people started thinking flexibly after seeing Satan.

Whether it’s Genesis or Job, it clearly shows that Satan is God’s enemy, the devil who challenges God, and the enemy of the Son of God, and the book of Revelation records that Satan will be at the end of the day. During the trial, he challenged the Son, with the intention of defeating the Son.

Although in the prophecies of the "Revelation", Satan will surely fail again, and then the blue star sentient beings will have the final judgment, but what if, what if Satan wins? What will happen after Satan's victory? Will the final judgment be postponed or disappear altogether?

After all, "Revelation" is just a prophecy. Although everything it predicts is being realized, prophecy is a prophecy, and prophecy can be changed.

"You said, if we assist Satan and defeat the Son, what will happen?" Masamune Tian Chuan asked the experts and scholars in front of him hopefully.

Assist Satan? Are you taking the wrong medicine?

The experts and scholars looked at the prime minister with caring eyes.

Regardless of the fact that Satan is very famous, he is known as the enemy of the Son of God. In some film and television works, Satan is even opposite to God. But looking at all the scriptures of the Cross, Satan has never been equal to God. .

"The Bible" records that Satan led his men to attack the kingdom of heaven and fight the angels, but was finally defeated by Michael and the angels, fell from the sky to the pit, and was imprisoned until the final judgment came, and everything All things together accept the judgment of the Supreme God.

Satan can't even beat Michael. He uses his head to beat the Son.

"Anyway, we are going to usher in the trial, why not win the final game?" Tian Chuan Masamune said.

It is a great sin to assist Satan in attacking the Son, but I have already sinned so badly, no matter how big the sin is, it doesn't seem to be a big deal.


These experts and scholars have all thought about it. They can appear here. None of them believe in God. Even if they believed in the past, they all converted to believe in the Lord God of Heaven after their appearance. As heretics, they seem to be more evil than all sins. To come big, the final judgment will come, and it must be thrown into the lake of brimstone and fire for eternity.

When they were thinking, the big red dragon in the sky took action. It lifted up its seven crowned seven poems, opened its mouth, and roared. The endless black mist fell from the sky, one by one was entangled by the black mist. The illusory figure of man came out of it.

These illusory figures emit a dazzling red light. Just looking at the colors, you feel that they are extremely sinful, even the kind that can't be washed away even if they are drained from all over the world.

"The sinner... the lost."

Seeing these phantom figures, the theologians who had studied the cross religion immediately recognized the origin of these figures.

According to legend, when the final judgment is approaching, all the dead will be resurrected by the Son and become lost, and some of the lost who have been deceived by Satan and committed unforgivable sins will be revived by the power of Satan. After manifesting themselves, they attacked the Son with Satan, hoping to defeat the Son and prevent the final judgment.

They are called sinners.

After Satan had done all this, he opened his mouth again, and the evil voice that could not be described in words came out of his mouth.

"Kill him..."

Driven by Satan, the sinners leap across the seven oceans and eight continents to the Cathedral of Saint Ang, the speed is as fast as light and electricity.

When these sinners acted, some of the most devout believers began to take action. The believers in Saint Ang drove or walked to Saint Ang Cathedral, while the believers outside Saint Ang came by plane.

Even though the final judgment is approaching and they are about to face a ruling from the Supreme, they still unswervingly protect the Son.

For them, the Lord is everything.

People like them are called crazy believers in another world ~lightnovelpub.net~.

A creature that understands the doctrine of the gods, knows the true meaning of the gods' thoughts, unconditionally obeys what the gods say, and even if the gods ask them to dedicate themselves, they will follow them without hesitation.

"The great Virgin Angelica." Anthony, who rushed over to see the Son, mercilessly betrayed his former teammates after doing a set of etiquette, "It's them... it's Ram, and Kailandi. Sir, they listened to the bewitching of the demon Mage Merlin and the Danu Protoss, released the Demon King Satan, and prepared to use the power of Satan to prevent the birth of the Son. They are all sinners and cannot be forgiven."

The final judgment is approaching, and only by holding the thigh of the Son can you have eternal life in the final judgment.

It is precisely because of this that he will descend on Satan, and the sinners fly here, and when this place is about to turn into a hell-like Shura field, he still insists on rushing over to report his teammates and ask for forgiveness.

The pregnant Sister Angelica lowered her head and turned her head after the service. She looked at the restless believers outside and said softly, "Although Satan is terrible, we don’t need to be afraid, because the Lord is omnipotent and will not Let its conspiracy succeed."