I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 182: Enter the underground world

Sure enough, for such people, the price, or remuneration, is the key to moving them.

Listening to Jiang Hao's words, Sairah showed thoughtful thinking, and asked after a moment, "Mr. Sandro has already occupied the authority, and the next step is to control authority, and what is the key'recognition' of authority? , Mr. Sandro should know."

"The world's'recognition'." Jiang Hao showed a calm expression.

Saila's words clearly showed the intention to tell him the information. If he hadn't obtained this information, he might be willing to pay a lot of price, but now this information is worthless.

"It is the'recognition' of the world, and it is also the'recognition' of authority." Sairam touched the ring in his hand, took out a notebook, and handed it to Jiang Hao, "My ancestor Bartholomew Augustus once served The great goddess of pleasure has also entered the kingdom of the goddess of pleasure thousands of times."

"He said that the ultimate goal of'recognition' is to be in harmony with authority and to gradually integrate authority into yourself, so before integrating authority into your body, you need to make actions that conform to authority."

"That's why the God of War launched a war in order to ascend to the position of God, and the God of Plague released the plague in order to ascend to the position of God." Jiang Hao took the notes, but still remained calm.

"I don't know what authority Mr. Sandrew occupies. Maybe my family and I can help you." Sairah asked.

She judged from the words of this Mr. Sandro that the demigod is already on the road to the promotion of the gods, although he does not know where he has gone on the road to the promotion of the gods, whether he has just started or is about to end. Stage, but she is confident, as long as she is not a true god, she can help.

Jiang Hao glanced at Saila's white and delicate face, smiled and said, "Fulency."

Only a fool can tell his true authority. Don't look at the other person's good attitude right now, but people's minds are the most changeable. The previous second is full of vows and sincerity. Maybe after a day or two, they will change their minds.

It is like a book he chased when he was at Blue Star. The author vowed that he would add updates the day before, and continue to update the book the next day.

Moreover, it is related to the fundamental authority of the gods. She may not have a say in her family. If someone in her family wants to occupy the magpie's nest, occupy the results, and be promoted to the true **** first, then does he not make a wedding dress for others?

It is not the same to say "bundance". If someone in the Augustus family really wants to seize the power of "bundance" and advance to the true **** in advance, he will let that person know what it's like to fall from heaven to hell. .

"Fulence? What are the high-yield crop seeds that have been circulated recently?" Sairah asked thoughtfully.

"My handwriting."

Jiang Hao said with a smile.

"I understand." Sai La nodded, "I will mobilize the power of my family to help you promote the seeds."

Jiang Hao opened the first page of his notes and asked without looking up, "What difficulties have you encountered, do you want me to help you solve it?"

When Said heard this, she had a guilty conscience that her mind was seen through. She silently prayed for the power of the goddess to block others' perception of her own soul.

"I guessed it." Jiang Hao smiled reservedly.

"The underground world is the shelter of the eternal night."

"But the residents there don't believe in the great lady of the night."

Sai La said something.

"You mean you want to preach in the underground world?" Jiang Hao nodded thoughtfully. The underground world is a place located underground on the main plane. Because it is too vast and the surface creatures are difficult to reach, this place is known by people. Called to be the underground world.

No one knows how many layers it has, and no one knows how big it is. Some people say that it has countless layers, through which you can directly reach the void outside the domain. Others say that its area is the same as the surface of the main plane, and how big is the surface. , How big the underground world is.

Its inhabitants consist of dark elves, goblins, gray dwarves, kobolds, and various native creatures and outsiders. Limited by barren resources and harsh environments, the underground world is far less prosperous, brilliant and brilliant than the surface world.

The bishop looked soft and weak, not the type of strong woman, but he didn't expect the idea of ​​daring to fight the underground world... Jiang Hao thought to himself.

The target of belief in the underground world is mainly Lady Spider. Although other gods such as the dark girl, the **** of the dwarf, and the five-color dragon queen exist, they are not the mainstream.

Under this kind of dominance, she marched into the underground world and would definitely face the dark elves, the believer of Ms. Spider. With the difficulty of the dark elves, this was bound to be a fierce battle.

However, if she can really open up the underground world and spread the faith of Lady Dark Night, it will be a great achievement. The position of an archbishop is indispensable. Maybe after the current Pope returns to Lady Dark Night, she will become a new member of the Church of Dark Night. The Pope.

"The dark night is the domain of my lord, and any life bathed in the dark night should believe in my lord." Sairah did not hide his ambition in the slightest.

Last time the blood clan who didn't know the name had talked to her, although the blood clan erased her memory, she sought a mage to restore this part of the memory afterwards.

His words made her realize that if she continues to preside over the things of the temple, the step-by-step work, the position of bishop may really be her limit, maybe she can get the position of archbishop when she is old, but what is the point?

Priest professionals are different from other professionals. Three hundred years old is their limit. Except for the priests of evil gods, all priests of good gods and neutral camp gods cannot extend their own lives by transforming lich, undead, dark shepherd, etc. Life is forbidden because of the gods.

The treatment of returning to the kingdom of goddess as a bishop, archbishop, and pope is completely different. The pope, even the ineffective pope, is at the worst as a servant.

It’s just that the faith in the main plane has basically been divided up ~ lightnovelpub.net~ It is almost impossible to open a new parish. The gods will not tolerate such a thing, but this incident gives her a little bit. inspiration.

——She can go to the underground world to open up a diocese.

Ms. Spider is an evil god, who robs his followers and squeezes his religious territory. Not only will she not be hostile to the church of the good gods and the neutral camp gods, but will be rewarded.

The corners of Jiang Hao’s lips twitched slightly. “Any life bathed in the night should believe in our Lord” is a very ambiguous sentence. I am afraid that a group of priests of the gods will besiege you. After all, the theme is All life in the face is under the shroud of night.

Soon, he nodded, "Yes, but for some special reason, I cannot leave Ganzros City for the time being. I will send my black dragon to follow you, and I will also help at critical moments."

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