I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 197: Promoted to the True God

The cold sweat dripped from the temples, although the sun was shining at this time, the biting chill entered his soul.

"How could it be... Sandro... it's impossible..."

The invisible threads began to break, the feelings of emotions and sorrows in the perception began to become blurred, and the power gathered in him began to drain.

His sublimation has stopped, the endless void outside the domain has become unreachable, and the main plane has begun to accept him again.

The sound that resounded throughout the main plane continued,

"...Brought wheat, so that everyone can get rich food; I spread chemical fertilizers to increase the yield of the barren land; I mastered advanced farming methods so that farmers would not suffer and suffer."

"I am Sandreu, the **** of agriculture who keeps famine away from you, the **** of fertility, the **** of fertility, and the protector of farmers on all planes."

"Do not!"

A huge roar came from Arnold's mouth.

He stretched out his hand to grasp something, but he still couldn't stop the loss of authority.

At this moment, a figure shining brighter than him rose.

Invisible threads extended from all over the main plane and connected to him. Those half-gods who secretly grasped the authority of'richness' and'farmers' began to lose their authority, and their surging power gathered in Jiang. Hao's body.

A line of attention shifted from Arnold's body to Jiang Hao's body.

Suddenly, a golden light radiated from his body, and the divine power he possessed was once again transformed and transformed to a higher level under the drive of authority.

At this time, Jiang Hao's thoughts began to spread.

His thoughts spread to the main plane, to the different planes, to the higher dimensions, to the semi-planes, the abyss, hell, the seven-fold heaven mountain, the state of bliss, the mechanical realm of horological nirvana.......

In his perception, there were farmers facing the yellow sky and back to the sky, apprentices of wizards planting magical plants, demons guarding the flowers of the soul, devil watering the fruits of sin, and devout prayers appeared. …….

In one thought, his consciousness descended into the abyss, and the power of authority converged into a sacred body to accommodate his consciousness. In another thought, he escaped from the abyss, and the power of authority gathered abruptly dissipated.

His consciousness passed through one plane after another, leaving traces in one place after another. In these planes, there were those who were aware of him, and those who were aware of him.

I noticed his creatures, some roared loudly, some shivered, some worshipped piously, and some suddenly howled.

Countless beliefs gathered, and countless prayers passed from far away, chanting his name over and over again.

Under Arnold's cracking eyes, Jiang Hao's body burned with an illusory and transparent flame.

These illusory flames come from the rules of the universe and from the origin of the plane. It uses faith as the nourishment to burn his flesh and soul.

The metamorphosis originating from the deepest bloodline and the deepest soul made him wander in the burning pain and the joy of evolution. In the repeated calcination, his divinity began to condense.

In this process, the breath that belongs to man began to gradually change, and the sacred, noble, immortal, and great breath that belonged to God naturally radiated from his body.

He quietly watched the agricultural authority merge into his body, and all kinds of knowledge spontaneously emerged, and the knowledge like the sea was digested and absorbed by the expansive thinking like the void. At this moment, he completely mastered the authority.

At the same time, his divine power was consumed rapidly, and his divine level began to increase, level 1, 2, 3... until it stopped at level 15.

Suddenly, the main plane rejected his existence, and the deep and gloomy outer space opened its arms to him.

The huge repulsive force pushed him to higher and farther places, and the buildings, people, and landscapes under his feet began to become small and distant.

He saw the same sacred figures in the sacred realm, making welcoming, indifferent, angry, and friendly expressions of his arrival. He could even see several gods who were blocked by other gods at the gate of the kingdom of God. After he was promoted, he cast a resentful look.

He also saw that in a distant place, the huge sun shining on a certain level of the abyss burst out with endless light, but was entangled by a demon lord wearing an emperor's costume.

In the more distant void and darkness, the distorted, chaotic, corrupt, and evil beings yelled at him, and some ancient wills murmured and blasphemed at him.

At the moment he left the main plane and entered the void outside the domain, a sacred abode appeared around Jiang Hao, and the divine power radiating from him subtly transformed the area he set foot on. The rules and laws that existed widely in the void outside the domain were affected by him. The divine power was distorted and began to show signs of leaning toward him.

A primitive believer who has just died, his soul has just entered the underworld, and under the influence of a certain law in the underworld, following the invisible line, he came to his kingdom.

After seeing the golden figure, the primitive soul's eyes stinged suddenly.

He closed his eyes instinctively, and immediately he felt like he was aware of something. He bowed his head and knelt down, shouting the name of the sun **** in his mouth. This wonderful movie-like scene made him quickly realize a little.


Is it my kingdom of God?

Looking at the primitive man praying loudly, some vivid memories automatically emerged before his eyes. The life of this primitive man was like the same book for him to read.

Primitives were born in a sacrifice to the sun god. They hunted with their companions, were injured, mate, were driven out by the tribe, and were taken back when they were about to starve to death, until finally they were taken by an angel-like girl. After a short life in a big city.

With a move of his heart, the primitive believers who showed their souls in an old state began to change. His wrinkled face became smooth, the age spots on his arms faded a little, and his pale hair became black and bright. , The lost teeth grew back, and the weak limbs became stronger and stronger.

The young man looked down at the changes in his body, and excitedly chanted in primitive language.

"Praise you!

"The Great Sun God:

"The origin of all life:

"The ruler of everything!"

Jiang Hao, who had initially digested the power brought about by his authority, made his appearance blurry~lightnovelpub.net~ He glanced at the young old man, and realized the intangible connection between him and himself. Line, gently input a supernatural power.


Golden light radiated from the old man's body.

In the light, he opened a pair of pure white wings, and the white feathers drifted all over the sky.

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