I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 198: Visit of Mysterious Girl

In the kingdom of God, Jiang Hao, sitting on the seat of God, asked the new angels to drive away the nearby void creatures, and blocked the invisible line, blocking the prayers of the believers from his own perception. Then he lowered his head slightly and cast his gaze to the Lord. Plane.

He saw that Arnold Augustus, who was beaten down when he was about to ascend the seat of God, was sitting slumped on the ground, and his handsome face was pale without a trace of blood.

I saw Ms. Serra standing in front of the temple looking up at a newly added star in the sky, her face full of complex emotions.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed the void, and the black dragon Bamas was grabbed from the main plane without any resistance.

"The great dragon mother save... Uh."

The black dragon Bamas was caught by the power of the gods and yelled instinctively, but after seeing Jiang Hao, it looked startled and became ecstatic, "Master, are you a god?"

Jiang Hao nodded, raised his hand and erased his contract with it, "You are free."

"No, I am born as your mount dragon, and die as your undead dragon."

As soon as he heard that he was free, Black Dragon Bamas immediately shook his head. While he said loudly, he grabbed the floor of the Kingdom of God with his sharp claws, and refused to let go.

"..." Jiang Hao drove the black dragon out with a thought, then sat on the **** seat, closing his eyes and thinking.

After mastering authority and being promoted to the true god, he gained a lot of abilities.

First of all, after being promoted to the true god, he can achieve a certain degree of omniscience and omnipotence in the authority he holds.

On the one hand, all the knowledge related to agriculture has been known to him, and new knowledge, such as new seeds and new farming methods, will also be automatically known to him in the future.

On the other hand, he who has agricultural authority can make crops on any plane harvest, and can also make crops on any plane extinct. He can make crops that are not hardy to produce in the cold winter, and he can also make crops that are hardy in the cold winter. Withered in the middle, he can wield his authority freely to affect the crops of countless planes.

Based on this, he can formulate divine art, allowing his priest to use his divine power to release divine art to affect agriculture.

Secondly, after being promoted to the true god, he automatically acquires the immortal essence, and time can no longer make him change; he acquires the sacred essence, immune to any attack at the legendary level or below, and immune to curses, that is, death magic;

He automatically acquires the characteristic that everyone who speaks and must be known, anyone who calls his name, as long as he wants, he can sense the five minutes before and after the person who says his name;

He automatically has the characteristic of ignoring prophecies. Any prophecy directed against him will be biased to a certain extent. The degree of deviation depends on the prophet’s understanding of fate. People with a low level of understanding of fate will get a misty response, and Anyone who makes predictions about him will be battered by fate;

He has automatically mastered the supernatural magic: life and death, he can specify any creature of Legendary level and below to die, and can also specify any creature of Legendary level and below to resurrect, without any materials and props, as long as the soul of the creature does not fall on Gods or hands that exist at the same level as the gods;

He has automatically mastered the ability of'what God thinks is reality', and can realize any idea by consuming divine power. The amount of divine power consumed depends on the difficulty of realizing the idea, but it cannot achieve such as "I can lift, I can't lift." The illogical and contradictory ideas such as “the stone” and “I created a creature that I cannot create”.

Based on this ability, he can allow believers to use his name to perform the magical technique that is famous on the main plane: the big prophecy.


After sorting out the abilities he gained after being promoted to the true god, Jiang Hao split into a clone and walked out of his own country.

And outside his kingdom, there appeared a female **** with bare feet, surrounded by seven blue and white stars, and covered in red mist on her face.

Looking at this mysterious female god, Jiang Hao automatically knew the name of this **** who had not concealed his identity.

The original god, the owner of the magic net, and the only object worshipped by the caster, the mysterious girl Mystra.

"Hello, Your Highness, the great mysterious girl Mystra."

Although she was an ancient **** that already existed in the beginning, and even though she was facing a new **** who had just been promoted, this mysterious girl still responded with indescribable grace, "Hello, Your Highness, the great agricultural **** Mountain Drew ."

Without seeing him making any movements, the ubiquitous energies in the void outside the domain automatically gathered. These energies collided with each other and exploded, forming a semi-plane under Jiang Hao's divine kingdom.

Then the mysterious lady took the initiative to invite Jiang Hao to enter the semi-plane to talk.

He did not propose to enter Jiang Hao's kingdom of God, even if it is a close friend, the gods will not let another **** set foot in his own kingdom.

This is not only because it is not a small risk for the gods to open their own kingdom, but this action also contains a huge danger for the visiting gods.

In addition, the divine power radiation of the gods who are going to visit will conflict with the divine kingdom of the visitor, causing turmoil in the kingdom.

After entering the demiplane, Jiang Hao discovered that although the demiplane was newly created, there was a huge palace in it, and various handsome servants and servants were busy in it.

The two gods sat down separately. After a brief exchange, the mysterious girl who always behaved elegantly and calmly said the purpose of the trip.

"The purpose of my coming here is to ask the great Highness Sandru, as a new **** who has not had time to spread your beliefs throughout the multiverse, I wonder if you are willing to connect your divine power network with my magic network. Let your followers use my magic net to release magic?"

After listening to the mysterious girl's words, Jiang Hao's eyes instantly solidified.

After being promoted to the true god, he ~lightnovelpub.net~ has greatly expanded his knowledge and vision. The hidden meaning in the words of the mysterious girl Mystra is clearly to open up his authority.

The magic net exists as Henggu, dominating almost all the elemental behemoths. In theory, all spellcasters must use the magic net to cast spells, but this is not the case.

Whether it is the bloodline warlock or those who tried to bypass the magic spell, the wizards of the Third Age Netheril era have the ability to cast spells without the help of the magic net, but these have little effect on the magic net, and really affect the magic net. What caused the destruction of the magic net is precisely the divine power network that now spreads across the entire main plane and has formed its own system.

——All gods have formed their own divine power network, allowing the clergy to use the power of the divine power to cast spells through the divine power network, and even derive a priest, a system independent of the caster.

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