I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 199: Back to Blue Star (2 in 1 large

Before the Fifth Era, due to the size of the main plane and the number of poor believers, the divine power of the gods was always insufficient, and the number of priests was naturally unable to follow. The caster was the mainstream of the planes. With the arrival of the Fifth Era, the area of ​​the main plane has expanded a hundredfold, and the resulting population expansion has enriched the divine power of the gods, thus triggering an explosion in the number of priests.

Although up to now, spellcasters are still the mainstream of all planes, the rise of priests has threatened the status of spellcasters, and it can be predicted that with the emergence of the gods of agriculture, new seeds and fertilizers are put into use, the main The population of the plane will usher in a new round of explosions, when the gods whose divine power expands again will definitely increase the number of priests on a large scale, which will shake the status of the magic net and threaten the authority of the mysterious girl.

"For the mysterious girl, the divine power network is a disruptor and disruptor. It is eroding the'magic net', just like'agriculture' eroding the'famine'. If left alone, the mysterious girl may not be able to sustain herself. The level of the gods fell all the way..."

"But the mysterious girl can't stop the expansion of the divine power network, because there are too many gods involved. Even with the mysterious girl's **** level, she will face so many gods in one breath, and the end will not be too good... ."

"Then his choice should be to incorporate the divine power network into the magic net. I don't know when he started to have this idea, but from the perspective of the main plane, his progress is obviously not great. No **** wants to Connect your own divine power network to the magic network."

He pinched a bunch of sparkling grapes, peeled the skins, swallowed, and then thought about it.

"The proposal of the mysterious girl is good and bad for me."

"The drawbacks are obvious. Connecting the Divine Power Network and the Magic Net will inevitably cause the strength of my church in many planes to be exposed to the sight of the mysterious girl, and once the Magic Net collapses, or the mysterious girl actively cuts the Magic Net, My pastor will lose the ability to release divine magic in a short time."

"But the benefits are equally obvious."

"First of all, connecting Shenli Network and Mowang will reduce the loss of Shenli in the transmission process and greatly reduce my burden."

"Secondly, connecting the Divine Power Network and the Magic Network will solve the problem of my inability to provide divine power to priests in other worlds after crossing back to Blue Star. After I became a god, I can’t find the invisible line connecting the Blue Star believers and me. From the perspective of view, the connection between the believer and me is obviously unable to cross the two worlds. Once I leave the alien world and return to Blue Star, the pastor on the alien world will be unable to connect to me and cannot borrow power from me through prayer. , Thus losing the ability to release divine art, this will create the illusion that I have fallen, and cause widespread panic among believers and change their beliefs."

"Of course, when I return from Blue Star to another world and reconnect with believers, it will definitely cause a certain degree of reflux, and even a few more times will make believers and pastors get used to this situation where they cannot contact me from time to time. Make corresponding changes to avoid the so-called “weakness period”, but this still can’t change the fact that my pastor has a larger flaw compared to the pastors of other gods, and it will also cause the gods to pay attention to me, they I will be curious about what I am doing by cutting off the connection with the believers every once in a while, and whether there is any conspiracy against them."

"Originally, my idea was to leave a clone here to accept the faith, transform the faith, and provide the priest with divine power, but when I returned to Blue Star, the clone that was cut off from me might have some meaning under the catalysis of faith. Unexpected changes, and connecting the magic net with the magic net can solve this perfectly. I only need to keep a part of the magic in the magic net, so that even if I leave the blue star, my believers can still borrow me through the magic net. The gods and believers will not realize that I have left another world."

"Besides, I can also get in touch with the mysterious girl and block possible attacks from the Lord of Dawn."

In thinking, Jiang Hao began to tend to connect the Divine Power Network with the Monet.

Although connecting the divine power network to the magic network will expose the strength of the church to the eyes of the mysterious girl, he himself does not have the idea of ​​vigorously developing the church in another world.

The reason is that the gods of other worlds have already divided the beliefs of the main plane. Even the peasants who are theoretically within the radiation of his authority have already believed in other gods, and robbing believers from them will inevitably explode. In war, if he does not have the backing of Blue Star, a world that is not developed by gods, he will definitely try to **** believers from the hands of other gods. After all, this is something that every new **** must experience after being promoted.

But he has the Blue Star as his backing. For him, a population of seven billion people, even if only six billion people believe in him, is much stronger than the believers who compete with hundreds of gods in another world for two billion.

Mysterious girl Mistra looked at Jiang Hao in thought after a short wait, and said, "His Royal Highness Sandru, the purpose of incorporating the Divine Power Network into the Magic Net is to stabilize my authority. I have no intention to spy on your church. I won’t cause any conflict with you. I don’t have many believers on the main plane, and in the long years, I have not been hostile to any god..."

If you knew that the Shadow Demon Net had fallen into my hands, you wouldn't have said this. After listening to the mysterious girl Mistra, Jiang Hao thought subconsciously.

"...If you can promise me, I will be very grateful and help you stop the suppression of the Lord of Dawn. Of course, it is limited to the main plane. I don't want to intervene in the struggle between you and Him for the power of the'sun'." This elegant mysterious girl offered herself as a condition of exchange.

My pseudo-god origin really can’t hide from this mysterious girl with magic nets all over the multiverse. He probably wanted to find a breakthrough from me because he saw this. After all, besides just being promoted to the true god, there is such a thing as the Lord of Dawn. Only the gods on the side of the powerful enemy could promise him to connect his divine power network to the magic net... Several thoughts flashed in Jiang Hao’s mind. He considered the words and asked: "I want to know, you, disaster. Lord and the dead of all things, why are you not keen on spreading your faith."

He had this question a long time ago, and he was very curious, why these two gods with a level of 19, the Lord of the End of All Things, and the Lord of Calamity, their churches are very weak, and it is even harder for believers to see them. There are not many people spreading in the plane, and the sense of existence is quite low, far inferior to the gods who are under them.

At the beginning, he thought it was these extremely old and powerful gods that existed in the beginning and didn't care about the amount of their divine power, but after being promoted to the true god, he realized that the divine power that the gods can control is unlimited. With the help of huge divine power, the gods are even more powerful. It is able to do all sorts of seemingly incredible things, even if the strength of authority locks the upper limit of the gods' strength, gods with huge gods can still occupy a lot of advantages in battles with gods of the same level.

To save others by oneself, if one is promoted to the great divine power of God level 19, he will still choose to expand his beliefs, and will not dislike too much divine power.

And they may not care about beliefs and do not take the initiative to show miracles, but they should not have such a low sense of existence on the main plane, death, disasters, but the original fear of life, as the gods who dominate'death' and'disaster' The name of the gods should not be known to no one.

This weird situation is like being deliberately forgotten by these two gods.

Their actions made him suspect that there was a problem with his beliefs. After the gods absorbed the beliefs, they caused various sequelae and affected the immortality of the gods. However, he had heard of the gods who fell because of war and murder, and he had not heard of the gods who fell because of his faith. .

If there is a problem with faith, it is impossible for all the gods to be unaware of it, and it is impossible for them to still be keen to spread the faith, and if there is a problem with faith, then why are they the same as the original gods, gods Ms. Dark Night, who is also as high as 19, is the **** who has the largest number of believers on the main plane?

Hearing Jiang Hao's question, the mysterious girl Mistra's voice was obviously surprised, "I didn't expect that you, who had just been promoted to the true god, would notice these two ancient gods."

"I just discovered the situation of these two gods by accident. I am very curious. Countless people on the main plane know that among the seven gods who established the original order, there are the Lord of Calamity and the Lord of Death, but no one knows. Their names are as if they deliberately erased their own names." Jiang Hao deliberately showed a curious expression.

"They did not deliberately erase their own names. If you look carefully, you can still find their divine names, but their names are indeed being forgotten by the world. This is because their own existence is changing from diversity. A natural phenomenon caused by disappearance in the universe."

Looking at Jiang Hao, who was more suspicious on her face, the mysterious girl Miss Tramon smiled lightly on her face behind the veil, "As for the reason, it involves the two promotion directions after the great divine power of God level 19 : Strengthen one's own presence in the multiverse and make one's own presence disappear from the multiverse."

"As for a more specific method, I don’t know much about it. You can try to ask Lady Dark Night, and maybe he will tell you the answer. I can only give you a little bit of information here. I was initially promoted from the great divine power of God level 19. The gods who reach the **** level 20 are the original sun gods."


Jiang Hao instinctively thought of the ancient sun god, but after a moment he denied it in his heart. If the mysterious girl Mystra refers to Amanata, then he would speak of the ancient sun **** instead of the original sun god. .

"He was the **** who established the world's first order with them at the beginning of the birth of the main plane."

Isn't that Amanata? The original seven gods jointly formulated the first order of the world, this is the first era, and the sun **** among the original seven gods is the ancient sun **** Amanata.

"Amanata?" Jiang Hao said his psychological guess.

"It's not Amanata." Mysterious girl Mistral shook her head and said: "Amanata is just the product of the original sun **** disappearing from the multiverse. His birth is in the second era, later than the order. Lord, it’s just that he accepted the legacy left by the original sun **** after his disappearance, and thus he was promoted to the great divine power of **** level 19.

"At this point, you try to use your divine power to record all the past time of the entire multiverse in exchange for answers, to verify whether what I said is correct."

He looked at Jiang Hao and continued: "In the process of being promoted to the **** level 20, the original sense of existence of the sun **** became weaker and weaker. After he was promoted to the **** level 20, he disappeared from the multiverse. For a long time, there is no trace of his existence in the past. Only a few ancient gods who have seen him and knew his existence have left some vague impressions of him in their memories."

In other words, the Lord of the End of All Things and the Lord of Calamity are being promoted to the God of God of God Level 20? He nodded slightly invisibly, and said with a smile: "Thank your Highness for the answer. I will connect the Divine Power Network to your Magic Net."

"Thank you for your help, and I will send my sincere blessings to your first pope."

After the mysterious girl Mistra left, Jiang Hao returned to his **** seat. He expended his divine power and used his ability of ‘what the gods think is reality’ to summon a long river of time.

With the violent consumption of divine power, a long river of time running through the past, present, and future of the multiverse appeared before him.

He threw his consciousness into it and began to swim upstream.

The Fifth Era, Fourth Era, Third Era, Second Era...The illusory scenes hidden in time were perceived by his mind.

In such a journey, he felt his divine power burn rapidly, but he did not break away from the long river of time, but fought hard.

The disaster of dawn, the war of the crown, the collapse of the empire, the eroded Emanuel, the birth of the dragon, the ancient sun **** Amannata proclaiming his existence to the main plane, and so on, historical scenes pass by him one by one. ~lightnovelpub.net~ until he saw a white blank in the long river of time.

Because the sun **** originally "does not exist", is there a blank in the long river of time?

Jiang Hao thought for a moment, and broke away from the long river of time.

He left his kingdom of God, descended on the plane of shadow, and in the horrified eyes of the old man, he reached out and grabbed the floating city.

"My supernatural power shields the magic net from your perception. As long as you don't appear in front of the mysterious girl, you don't have to worry that he will perceive your existence."

After speaking, he came to the void outside the domain, making sure that he had no sight to fall on him and summoned a black vortex.

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