I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 200: Olympus Mountain (2 in 1 large

When Jiang Hao returned to the blue star through the black vortex, the nowhere belief that permeated the blue star and was huge enough to be hated by otherworldly gods was like finding his master, surging surgingly. Infused into Jiang Hao's body.

These beliefs were transformed by authority, turned into divine power, and burst into flames.

15...16, his **** level jumped abruptly, and then stopped.

If the otherworld gods knew that Jiang Hao, the **** of agriculture, was promoted to **** level 15 in one breath and then quickly promoted to **** level 16, he would definitely be jealous and go crazy.

Although in theory there is only faith, a **** can raise his **** level to the upper limit of the **** level he can reach as quickly as possible, but almost all gods cannot do this.

The reason is that it is too difficult for the gods of other worlds to spread their beliefs. The pattern of beliefs is almost solidified in peacetime. It is almost impossible for the new gods to **** the faith from those gods, so every new **** is in the early stage of promotion. Even the divine power is in short supply, let alone

Only in the period from the end of the old era to the beginning of the new era, when the gods are turbulent and the belief structure is broken, can the new gods have the opportunity to grow up quickly. Looking at the powerful new gods of the fifth era, the lord of dawn, the **** of fusion of planes, etc. The new gods all rose during this time.

But even so, there is no **** like Jiang Hao who can be promoted to **** level 15 as soon as he is promoted, and then from **** level 15 to **** level 16 in less than a day.

Is the limit of ‘agriculture’ power at 16? ...I feel that I can still improve. If people in other worlds can eat the output of the fields, and eliminate the widespread production of family workshops in other worlds and the rapid development of animal husbandry, then the authority of'agriculture' will be gained. Strengthen, the strengthened authority should be able to support my **** level to 17.

"...But I have a better choice. Compared with strengthening authority, let the essence of authority be strengthened. It is better to grasp new authority, which can also increase the upper limit of the gods' level, and it will be even higher."

"...The personality of ‘arrogant’, ‘fallen’, ‘tempting’, ‘bewitching’, ‘music’, and ‘sleeping’ is lower than agriculture, even if I have mastered it, I cannot raise my **** level."

"The two powers of'justice' and'swallowing' are on the same level as'agriculture', and slightly exceed them, but the former will transform my camp from neutral to good, and the latter will transform my camp from neutral to evil, but Neither the good **** nor the evil **** is what I want at the moment. After all, near the end of the era, the situation between the gods began to turbulent, and the conflict between the good **** and the evil **** became more and more serious. No matter which camp I deviate, I will become the other side. In my eyes."

"Among the nine powers of'Supreme','Unique','Almighty','Sun','Truth','Creator','Time and Space','King of Gods', and'Creation of the World', the'sun' may It's a big pit, and you can't get out after you fall in. After all, after the original sun **** disappeared, the ancient sun **** and the Lord of Dawn all ended in fall."

"And the three powers of'king of the gods','supreme', and'single' will arouse the hostility of the gods. To master the'king of the gods' and the'supreme' authority, it is necessary to unite the gods and let them Respect me as the king and the supreme god, and to master the'only' authority, it is even more necessary to let the gods fall and make myself the only god. These three paths mean direct hostility to the gods."

"Of the remaining authority, the'Creator' is the authority that Ms. Night is trying to master. Once I start to try to master the'Creator', I will inevitably conflict with him. The three powers of'Almighty','Truth', and'Time and Space' are my I don’t have any clues yet, I can’t think of a way to master them.”

"The authority that I have is not suitable for my next promotion direction, but there is authority that is quite suitable for me."

"Furthermore, according to what I did in another world, I have already begun to master it."

"But I need to occupy it first."

After thinking about it for a while, Jiang Hao spread out his palms to release the shrunken floating city, and then consumed his divine power, and began to exert his ability of ‘what the gods think is reality’.

This floating city, which was destroyed after falling to the plane of shadow during the collapse of the magic net, began to change under the influence of Jiang Hao's ability.

This magnificent city floating in the air, equivalent to the size of an island, has transformed into a towering mountain floating in the air. Green vines grow and spread, and lush trees grow naturally, with a clear stream. Flowing down from the mountain, falling in the void at the bottom of the mountain, and falling from the void at the top of the mountain, forming an independent cycle.

The tall and thin stone-gray towers erected on it have transformed into gorgeous palaces. After thinking about it for a while, Jiang Hao used the authority of the'Creator' to create representations of mountains, forests, wilderness, springs, and the sea. Nymphs.

These beautiful nymphs took out all kinds of wine and delicacies from the void as soon as they were born, and placed these treasures on the long table in the palace, and then these beautiful nymphs began to play When I got up, it was as if the seats with no one were full of gods who were drinking and having fun.

After doing this, he stretched out his hand again, grabbed the Shadow Demon Net from inside, and released it.

With the appearance of the colorful Shadow Demon Nets, the energy around Jiang Hao began to fluctuate.

The vast energy projected from the far-reaching cosmic space began to converge under the control of the Shadow Demon Net. Under its control, these lazy energies became neatly active, and countless energies agitated and exploded.

As a result, dark and heavy clouds appeared above the Pacific Ocean, thunder with terrifying energy roared in the clouds, and silver-white lightning tore through the sky from time to time, revealing its existence.

But no one saw this scene, the satellites in the sky did not notice, nor did the birds flying by, even the cruise ship passing by this sea area did not notice the slightest abnormal change. This seems to be the stage of this superb view. Same in another dimension.

Jiang Hao wandered through the thunder, his thinking consciousness expanded with the expansion of the magic net, and countless scenes were reflected in his constantly spreading conscious thinking.


At the foot of Mount Olympus, a man wearing a loose robe and half showing his abdomen with no muscle and beauty stood on the mountain, holding a torch high, and making an impassioned declaration.

"The cowardly Zeus can't protect the territory of Olympus. The barbaric gods from Northern Europe, the deceiver gods of the Hebrews, the evil gods of ancient Egypt, and the false gods of Dongying are eroding the beliefs of the Olympus gods."

"Those ignorant people have abandoned the faith of the gods under the bewitching of the evil gods and turned to their embrace..."

"...The dissatisfaction of the gods is increasing day by day..."

Under his feet, a head of people throbbed, and countless fanatical eyes met in the air.

But in the crowd, someone was whispering,

"Why did the above allow this liar named Lee Cheol Hee?"

"Why? It's not because our boss's brain was shot down, and he's completely out of his head. He wants to use this liar to draw out our Greek supernatural beings."

"Then what shall we do?"

"Let's wait and see. If the transcendents do not appear, we will stop them. We must not let them really offend the great gods. If they do, we will establish relationships and invite him to the presidential palace as a guest."

"...I, the ultimate first cause, the origin of the universe, the creator of chaos and order, the primordial transcendence **** Koronos between the birth and death of countless universes, but the most beloved son of Kronos, the destined fourth-generation **** king , According to the prophecy, I will hold high the sacred flame, overthrow the rule of Zeus, and swear to the Olympus gods with new glory."

"Brothers and sisters taught by the Primitive Brothers, rush..."

"...Join me to overthrow the rule of Zeus, and I will treat you with eternal life on the sacred mountain."


A low roar sounded abruptly, and the terrifying silver-white lightning tore through the sky, and violently bombarded Li Zhexi, who was calling on the followers to rush to the Holy Mountain of Olympus and overthrow the rule of Zeus.

This cosmic nation who claimed to be the most beloved son of the primitive transcendence **** Kronos and the destined fourth-generation **** king turned into coke in an instant.

Seeing this scene, the gathered enthusiastic eyes suddenly stopped.

I don't know who shouted "Lightning, Zeus was angry" in the crowd. The scene suddenly got out of control. Countless people screamed in panic and ran away in panic.

The brains of the two whispering in the crowd briefly appeared blank.


"I suspect that God's destruction of the world is a scam. It is a shocking scam made by the pope of the Papal Kingdom with extraordinary power. The reason is simple. None of us actually saw the collapse of the universe."

"...Don’t tell me that astronomers’ telescopes have observed the blueshift of the universe, the explosion of stars, and the collapse of the universe. This is exactly why I think God’s destruction of the world is a hoax, although I am not an astronomer. I don’t know much about astronomy, but I still understand the most basic knowledge."

"Assuming that the universe has blue shift, planet explosions, and universe collapse, when our astronomical equipment observes this phenomenon, we are afraid that we have collapsed into a particle in the universe. How can we observe this in advance? What about a phenomenon?"

"I don't know how much money those astronomers received from Pope St. John XII to cooperate with him in this horrific scam."

"...I do not deny the possibility that the existence of light has also accelerated, nor do I deny that God circulated on the Internet deliberately made mankind aware of the possibility of his easy creation and death of the universe, as recorded in "Genesis". Noah was given a reminder before the great flood."

"But think about it, why did that God not appear long ago and not appear late? It just happened that when the followers of the Cross were converted to other gods on a large scale, he suddenly appeared and played a trick of destroying the world and saving the world. You don’t think that trick is the same. Is brainwashing too strong?"

"He destroys the world himself and saves the world himself. It is not so much that the world is guilty, but that he is preaching the greatness of God and threatening us to believe in God with fear. Isn't this approach very similar to the behaviors done by the Cross in history? ?"

"...Some people say that other gods have also appeared, but if you think about it carefully, are they really making a manifestation? Why can't it be St. John the XII who is deceiving us?"

"I think the last time God descended on the supernatural event was a terrible hoax, a hoax that scared us and made us all believe in the Lord of the Hebrews!"

Turning off the camera, the man confidently slandering God in front of the camera asked with some fear and expectation, "Your priest, isn't the one who came really our Lord?"

"Of course, the Messiah is a liar, St. John XII is also a liar, and the Cross Church is even a liar. They pretended to be our Lord, distorted our doctrine and stole our glory, and the Lord will punish them."

The old man, who was called by the man as a priest, roared with distorted expressions. Suddenly, a brilliant brilliance fell, countless white feathers fell, and an illusory figure emerged from the brilliance. The two looked at each other’s eighteen pairs of innocence. His wings, piously lit in front of his chest,

"Praise you, great Master Metatron!"


In the St. Peter’s Basilica, the believers and bishops, led by three angels, worshipped in front of the high platform where the sacred baby and the dagger named Florence were worshipped.

The Son of Messiah did not leave his body when he ascended to heaven, and the spilt blood was taken away by the countries under the forgiveness of the Virgin Angelica. They had to take the sacred baby and the sacred child that was wrapped around the Son of Messiah. The dagger Florence was placed together in the St. Peter’s Basilica for worshippers.

In fact, when worshiping Florence, the dagger of the killing of Gods, many believers opposed it. After all, this artifact was a dagger that killed the Son of Messiah. They believed that the dagger of God Killing Florence was not worthy of being the Son of Christ. A substitute for Saiyan, but in the end St. John the XII put the dagger in with an argument.

The reason is that Florence, the dagger of the killing of the gods, is not the same as the spear of the killing of the gods Ronchinus. It was transformed by the Son of Messiah himself, and was handed to Florence by the hand of the holy Son. It is his belongings, and St. John the XII thinks that it should accept the worship of believers together with the holy infant.

Under the watchful eyes of the believers, the three angels in the front suddenly opened their wings at the same time, and their illusory wings were instantly solidified.


Hidden outside the gorgeous palace in the void, the pity dressed in white muscles and hakama knelt on the sacred stairs~lightnovelpub.net~Although the distance is too far to see the **** sitting in the palace, but She had imagined the faint golden figure of the other party in her mind.

Thinking of the responsibilities he was about to shoulder, Pity said in a loud voice, "Great Lord God, Pity will protect Dongying for you, and will never allow any demons and evil gods to harass your followers."

"I swear!"


Miro, in the Egyptian presidential palace, Catherine stretched out her hand blankly, and a flower slowly bloomed in her palm.


In an overseas base and a temporary cast prison, Florence slowly raised her head and looked at the monitors pointed at from all angles, with a strange smile on her mouth.

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