I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 201: "The Seven Secret Teachings of the Ear

With the help of the expansion of the magic net, Jiang Hao’s thinking incorporated everything that happened on the blue star into his own thinking. Some remarks about the transcendence, mystery, and the gods were mapped to his eyes. Although the people on the blue star were generally right The ancient gods he played have maintained respect and faith, and more and more pious people have even given birth to a large number of mad believers in the performance of God’s destruction and salvation. However, there are some secretly doubting God, and even doubting that the gods are A scam is spreading.

Of course, he also knows that there are loopholes in his role as the gods on Blue Star. After all, he was not a true **** before. Some big scenes are illusions. Although the illusions are very realistic, the illusions are illusions. It’s just that the power he showed was too high-end, and it fits with the ancient myths on the Blue Star, and was instinctively believed by countless people. In addition, the governments on the Blue Star did not dare to risk offending the gods. Risks to question God, and each suppressed these remarks, so these doubts did not rise at all.

But Jiang Hao did not take these secretly circulated doubts to heart, because he is already a true god, and the next performance will stage a truly superb view.


The U.S. Black Palace.

"President, good news, good news..."

The secretary hung up the phone, with ecstasy on his face, running like the wind, and yelled before he even came in, attracting countless eyes and salutes along the way.

good news? Good news again? The bank that pitted me last time went bankrupt. Today, the stock market plummeted and I made a note. Recently, the approval rating has skyrocketed and the election has stabilized. With so much good news, there is still good news. God has begun to bless the United States? President Hodgson of the United States thought to himself, slowly picking up a Big Mac hamburger and taking a bite, by the way, he picked up his mobile phone to open the software and sent a tweet.

"The Black Palace in the early morning matches very well with Burger King's Big Mac Burger."

After the secretary rushed in, before stopping to catch his breath, he said breathlessly: "Florence...Florence, she has communicated with Yugsothoth."


Hodgson swallowed the hamburger he had eaten at an incredible speed, stood up abruptly, and said in disbelief: "Florence really communicated with Yugsothoth? Didn't the researcher fake it?"

"it is true."

The secretary hurriedly said, "Professor Parsenkin called just now. Just an hour ago, Florence communicated with Yugsothoth and got a lot of mysterious knowledge from ancient times. Researcher We let her show off the mysterious powers she has acquired for the first time, and send those recorded videos into a video together with the organized mysterious knowledge to your mailbox."

Hodgson immediately threw the big hamburger into the trash can, then raised his greasy hands to wake up the sleeping laptop, opened the mailbox, and found videos and documents inside.

He clicked on the video and fixed his eyes on the video.

Florence in the video first summoned a group of winged creatures with the characteristics of crows, moles, vultures, and ants. They are like hybrids of these creatures.

These winged creatures, much larger than humans, stared sharply at everyone present in the video as soon as they appeared. When their gaze shifted to the camera, Hodgson even felt the other person staring across the screen. Yourself.

It suddenly occurred to him that this was a creature summoned by a mysterious power, and it was also closely related to Cthulhu. The hound of Tindalus could even stare at the prey after a long time. He quickly put the notebook Closed, grabbed the ice-cola placed aside, took a sip, and calmed down the panic in his heart.

He glanced at the secretary and said calmly: "I won't watch the video. I trust Professor Parsenkin and his researchers. I believe they will not cheat."

"You can tell me how many spells Florence has shown in total."

trust? Why do you trust them and let me introduce them? I guess it’s the creatures in the video that scared you. After all, Cthulhu’s monsters are pretty ugly... Also, how do I know how many spells Florence shows in the video? I haven’t even watched the video. The secretary slandered inwardly, but obviously he couldn't speak to the leader so bluntly, so he pleased and said: "Dear Mr. President, I will report to you as soon as I get the news, so I haven't watched the video yet. Please allow me to watch the video before answering you?"

This one can't speak, he's far worse than the other secretary, and his flattering skills are so blunt. What kind of attitude do you have to talk to? An indifferent attitude seems too arrogant, and an enthusiastic attitude makes me the kind of president who likes to be flattered... Hodgson thought in his heart, took the initiative to call Parsenkin, and then asked with a serious face: "Professor Parsenkin, I After watching the video, I want to ask, how many spells did Florence show in the base?"

"There are four kinds of spells shown, but according to her, she got a total of seven kinds of spells." Professor Parsenkin on the phone said without waiting for the president to ask questions. "The spells displayed are calling Baia. Ji, summon ghouls, summon burrowers and resurrection of the dead."

"The spells that are not shown are the Gate of Kardas, the Hound of Contact Tindalus, and the Contact with Nyarlatotepu."

"But according to her, the following three spells are risky, and they will be very dangerous after they are released, so we didn't let Florence show them."

Hound of Tindalus... Hearing this name, Hodgson automatically thought of the weird creature whose body was covered with liquid like green pus.

As soon as this image appeared in his mind, he shivered severely.

When I was observing through the long river of Lucifer, this monster was staring at everyone in their black palace, if it wasn't for the cardinal Florence from the Papal State, I didn’t know **** this monster. Monsters, it is estimated that they are now a pile of urns.

"It's true that you can't use risky mysterious powers casually, and you must be careful to backlash."

He solemnly reminded him, hung up the phone, turned on the computer, found the document named "The Seven Secrets of the Earth", and opened it.

As he opened the document, he was suddenly excited.

This is mysterious knowledge,

Obtaining this mysterious knowledge is much more important than making major breakthroughs in science and technology. In the current international situation, even if they get the blue star black technology in the Marvel movies, they cannot return to the blue star overlord unless it is the comic version Just work.

But the ancient mystical knowledge obtained from Yugsothoth is different. With this mysterious knowledge, they will certainly be able to overtake corners in the U.S. and become the overlord of the Blue Star again.

Opening the "Seven Secrets of the Earth", he found that the knowledge recorded in the document was written in a strange font, but he didn't care. How long did English appear? The ancient mysterious knowledge cannot be written in English. As for himself, Know what to do, aren’t there such evil gods as Florence? Just let her translate.

Just when he clearly couldn't understand, but was still fascinated by "The Seven Secrets of the Earth", the secretary suddenly received a call, and then did not even hang up the phone, and his voice trembled and said: "Mr. President~www.mtlnovel. com~what's up?"

Hodgson raised his head and asked displeasedly. After being interrupted by someone reading the "Seven Secrets of the Earth", an unknown fire suddenly appeared in his heart, so his face was very ugly.

But the secretary did not notice the president's face, his lips trembled, "Mr. MacDonald just called and said that an hour ago, the secret military base we established in Djibouti was destroyed."

"The base of Djibouti? Who did it."

Hodgson frowned and didn't react for a while.

The secretary said with horror: "It is the base where Professor Parsenkin and the others researched and imprisoned Florence."

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