I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 278: Allraug wakes up (2 in 1 large

"Odin is awesome (broken sound)!"

   "Didn't Frey's sword of invincibility be taken away by the giant Jimmy? Why did it appear in the hands of the **** queen Frigga?"

"Of course it's acting. Don't forget, the great **** Odin is a **** proficient in prophecy. When the gods were still in the golden age, he predicted the arrival of dusk and made various preparations for this. There is no such situation now. odd."

"He knew that Thor would die with the big snake Yemengade, so he wiped out the big snake Yemengade in advance. He knew that Frey's sword of invincibility would be lost, so he arranged for the queen Friega to take it in advance. He knew Luo After his death, Ki would stab Heimdall to death with his screams, so he told Heimdall in advance to avoid Loki’s mortal counterattack. He was proficient in prophecy and could see all the gods in the future. It was terrifying. ."

"Yeah, Vulcan Loki knows all the secrets and everything, and he can't help but be peeped by him. Even the secrets of the gods can't escape Loki's prying eyes, so he can make various arrangements specifically, but Odin can predict. All the future and all of Loki's arrangements are in Odin's predictions. The confrontation between the two people will ultimately lead to Odin's move."

   "All knowledge is lost to prophecy..."

   "Rocky: mmp!"

   "Upstairs said that you are not afraid of the gods...Oh, Loki is dead, then let's spit some saliva before leaving. After all, he was a savvy man before his death."


   "+1 upstairs."

   "The Twilight Battle of the Gods seems to be the victory of the Nordic gods."

   "Praise Odin!"

   "It's a pity that Thor and the **** of fertility Frey, these two gods most worshipped by us Nordic people have fallen. Among the Nordic gods, I like them the most."

"A warrior who died in a war, Thor, the **** of thunder, died well, and the **** of fertility Frey was the real wrongdoer. If he had the sword of invincibility in his hand, he would not necessarily lose to the king of giant Berg Ermi, I don’t understand why the **** queen Frigga got the sword of invincibility and didn’t return it to Frey?"

   "Maybe it's the reason why I just got the Sword of Invincibility. I haven't returned it to Frey yet (speaking quietly)."

"I haven't had time to give it to Frey?... I don't think I want to give it to Frey. After all, Frey is the Warner Protoss, and the Nordic gods, except for a few gods, are the Asa Protoss, these two Protoss There was a war between them."

   "You mean the great **** Odin deliberately asked Frey to die?"

   "I don't, I am not, don't talk nonsense."

   "@大神奥丁, someone is slandering you."

   "Brother, can't I call your brother? Please don't talk nonsense, it will be dead, really."

"It’s better not to talk nonsense upstairs. Now it’s no better than before. You offend the gods. They will really kill you along the network cable. In addition, I think Frey died voluntarily, and I didn’t see the face of the **** queen Frigga. Are you sad?"

   "She was sorry for Thor's death."

"I always feel that things are not that simple. Although Odin predicted the arrival of dusk, he has already said the prediction. In such a situation, Loki can't help but take precautions. After all, he is not a brainless god. The gods that existed before the world was born, Loki is extraordinary in both knowledge and wisdom. He must have made the corresponding equipment. Would you say that this is Loki cheating on Odin? After all, he is the **** of mischief , The instinct of mischief has been etched into his genes, and he will jump out to scare everyone when he waits."

"When you say this, I think it's the same. In the end, Loki died in the hands of Heimdall, the **** of daybreak. It was too peaceful, as if he was deliberately sent to death, and Heimdall could kill Loki. It’s also too strange, Loki is the brother of Odin, the tandem of the twilight of the gods, the big snake Yemengard, the magic wolf Fenrir, the father of the death goddess Hela, the ancient gods that existed before the world was born, Regardless of his lack of record and followers, his personality and fame rank alongside Odin and Thor in Norse mythology, and he died in the hands of Heimdall. This is incredible."

   "Heimdall's reputation is not weak, right?"

"Heimdall’s fame was brought by Marvel. In Norse mythology, Heimdall’s reputation and the number of followers are very low. Among the twelve Nordic gods, the great **** Odin and the **** of fire Loki , Thor, the **** of fertility, Frei, the **** Queen Friega, the two main gods of light and dark are all famous, and some ancient temples do not even have a place for Heimdall."

   "Will the Allraug come out? In Norse mythology, it was the first existence, right."

   "Um...probably, maybe, hope, it won't come out."


Facing this unprecedented war, the whole world was frantically discussing it. As early as when Odin, Zeus, and Rashen met, the battle of the gods at dusk spread throughout the blue star. From the dialogue between the three great gods, the world Knowing that the dusk of the gods is coming, I have long been prepared.

Therefore, they were not surprised to see the Battle of Twilight at this time. What really surprised them was that the Battle of Twilight of the Gods would actually break the boundary between time and space and connect the kingdom of Asgard and Blue Star. Let the residents of Big Apple, Athens and Stockholm watch a huge movie.

   This ‘movie’ is a movie that can’t be matched by any Hollywood blockbuster. The plot is real, the scene is magnificent, and the characters are rich and full. If this movie can only be watched and the power inside cannot reach the Blue Star, it would be better.

With the fall of the invincible giant Surtel, with the deaths of the king of giants Bergermi, the **** of fire Loki, the black dragon Nidhogg, and the magic wolf Fenrir, the twilight of the kingdom of the gods Asgard The gods of war gained an absolute advantage.

   Hades, the goddess of the underworld, killed the goddess of death Hela with supreme power, the goddess of wisdom Athena imprisoned the **** dog Gam, and the other son of the magic wolf Fenrir was shot and killed by the **** of bows and arrows...

Enemies one by one stepped into death under the great power of the gods. The dead who lost the protection of the goddess of death Hela's supernatural power were swallowed by endless undead, and this time, they could not stand up anymore, because another master of death could not Allow them to crawl out of the kingdom of death again.

The corpses of giants and monsters on the battlefield, the plain became a sea of ​​blood, and the **** dark sky revealed a dim light. Few lives on the battlefield were still alive, but only the glory of the gods still existed. , And enveloped the entire country.


   Amidst the raging flames of red lotus, the great **** Odin riding an eight-legged steed slowly approached the fuse of the gods at dusk, the former **** of fire, now the evil **** Loki.

   And the son of Rocky under his crotch, the eight-legged steed without wisdom has no sad expression on the death of his biological mother. Perhaps to him, Rocky is just a stranger.

Looking at the headless body of Loki on the ground, Odin was silent at first, and then slowly said, "You can hide from other gods, but you can't hide from me, you know, runes are almost omnipotent, your magic The trick is useless in front of me."

   As soon as Odin's words fell, the eyes of the gods came over.

  The atmosphere of the space spread and solidified.

   After a long time, a deep and calm mocking laughter sounded in the ears of the gods.

   "Heh...hehehehehe, Odin, my brother, I know I can't hide it from you."

   is Loki's voice.

   The eyes of the gods locked the owner of the sound and its source in an instant.

  ——The head held by Heimdall.

   "Loki." Sif, who had died her husband, gritted her teeth at Loki, the culprit, "I will throw your head into the Volcano of Volcano, and endure the pain of eternal flame burning."

   "Hehe, do I hate your lover so much? Sif, this is not like you who talked silly love to me under the moon of the Golden Palace."

  Sif turned pale, and then walked towards Loki angrily, but an old but tall figure stopped in front of her.

The Great God Odin looked at him, first was silent, and then slowly said, "Rocky, when the Twilight War is coming, I have been thinking, if I didn’t break with you, would this war not happen today? ."

"I asked Mimir and he said that destiny cannot be changed. Even if I do not break with you, you will eventually kill Asgard with the enemies of our gods. You will destroy the Golden Palace. Destroying the world tree, Yuktra Hill, will burn the nine worlds."

"Rocky, I want to ask you, if I didn’t imprison the big snake Yemengada, didn’t expel the magic wolf Fenrir, didn’t exile the death goddess Hela, and didn’t tie you to a stone, would you take it with me? These enemies kill Asgard, will they destroy the world that you and I have built together?"


The ugly stitched lips on Loki's face opened and he laughed, "Odin, my brother, you are so funny. After you have done these things, you actually came to me and asked if I didn't do it. These things, will you kill Asgard with the enemy? Odin, don't you think your problem at this time is ridiculous?"

   "I just want to save the world that we have created."

   Odin said slowly.

"Then I tell you, yes." Loki said slowly: "The dusk of the gods will still come, and Sirtel will still fight the gods with the raging flames, and the black dragon Nidhogg will still bite the world tree. Uktra Hill, and I, will still be at the helm and row with my son to the kingdom of the gods."

   "Because this is destiny, it is the destiny that Allraug established before the birth of the first world and the first chaos."

"The ancestor of the invincible giant, Ymir, cannot resist destiny, so he fell at the feet of you and your brothers, and this beautiful world was made by you and your two brothers; I can’t resist destiny either, so my son Destined to be judged from the gods, Fenrir, the devil wolf, is untamable and ambitious to devour the gods; the serpent can't stand hunger and chooses to eat the world, and my daughter Hela is exiled by you to the kingdom of death, hating Gods."

   "But Odin, you can't resist fate either, so the world you created will eventually be destroyed."

   "Loki, we have won." Heimdall wrinkled his brows, "No one will be fooled by your lies, and you don't want to fool us."

"Heh... Heimdall, your eyes can see any corner of the nine worlds, no matter how subtle it is, you can't hide it from your eyes, but you can't see the future, but I am different. Me, Odin, Friga, and Mimir who guards the wisdom spring, and the three goddesses Noren who weave fate following the will of Allaug."

   "In the countless futures we have seen, those representing countless possible futures all point to a final destiny, that is, the dusk of the gods, the death of the world."

   "It's like a person, no matter how many choices he makes after he is born, and no matter how wonderful his life is, whether he is rich or poor, worker or beggar, his final destiny is death."

   "This is a destiny that cannot be changed."

"I know this destiny, so I obeyed the arrival of fate; the three goddesses Noren weaves this fate, so they will never appear in the sight of the gods; Mimir knows this destiny, so he guards the fountain of wisdom, Waiting for the arrival of dusk; Odin predicted this fate, so he and Friga tried to change this future."

"But Odin, how do you know that what you are doing today is not driven by fate? How do you know that your victory in the Battle of the Twilight of the Gods will truly change the fate you predicted? How do you know ~lightnovelpub.net~ What happened today hasn't happened countless times in the infinitely distant past?"

"What do you mean by this sentence?" Heimdall looked at Loki irritably. The **** who can stay on the Rainbow Bridge and observe countless situations in the nine worlds with his own eyes always faces Loki. Very irritable.

   "I mean, Odin, why do you think that this time and space has not been traced back?"

   When the gods heard the words, their hearts beat, and they looked up at the sky.

   In their perception, an ancient will that had existed before Chaos was born has revived.

   It did not create the world in seven days, did not create chaos, did not use its own body to flow out of a world in the long chaos, did not bloom a lotus flower on its belly, and did not open the world and be a dream of the universe.

   It just thinks that after the birth of Chaos, a giant should be born. Someone should kill the giant to create the world, and then this prosperous world should be destroyed.

   Then, the chaos was broken open, the world was born, and the three goddesses Noren, who felt this great will and thought, weaved the destiny called the dusk of the gods, as the end of the world.

   Odin predicted this future, so he tried his best to resist this future. He led the Nordic gods to form an alliance with the Olympus gods, and defeated his enemies with the power of foreign gods.

   But when they were about to reap the joy, there was no vibration, no vision, no signs, and the time of the entire nine worlds began to look back.