I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 279: Retrace the interrupted time

The dead giant is resurrected in the retrospect of time, like the tide flowing out of the dead kingdom, the dead person retreats step by step back to the dead kingdom, the dumped world tree Yuktra Hill is re-centered, and the black dragon Nidhogg bites its huge bite by bite. The more you bite, the more complete the roots of the World Tree Yuktra Hill are. The blood-filled world begins to become clear and beautiful. A human being puts down his weapon and uses a weird, opposite to normal action. The action is doing his own thing.

   The gods who are high above and overlooking the sentient beings are like puppets, returning to the golden palace frame by frame in the retrospect, and the things that have happened are retrospected in time.

On the blue star, human beings are constantly experiencing the changes of winter, autumn, summer and spring. The old people start to be young, the young people start to be young, and the young people return to the mother’s son and become a fertilized egg, and then His mother repeated this process.

Buildings disappeared in the reversal of time, and historical figures who had died stepped onto the stage in time, shining their own light and extinguishing, the kingdom dying and establishing, the once extinct Indians appeared on the land of America, and quickly disappear.

But when the time of the Nine Great Worlds was reversed, nine large bronze cauldrons suddenly emerged on the East Asian continent, intertwined into a huge enchantment that enveloped the entire China, and the torrent of counter-time rushing forward hit the bronze cauldron. There was a silent collision on the barrier that was transformed.

   The torrent of time and the torrent of time clashed with the Jiuding enchantment and rendered each other. The long time filled the surface of the enchantment, but could not penetrate into it at all.

   "What happened? How did the movie "War of the Twilight" stop broadcasting?"

   "It looks like time has gone back depending on the situation."

   "Like the universe country last time? If it is, then the great **** Odin is really pitiful. He tried all this, but in the end it was nothing."

"My home is on the coast, and now the coastal areas are covered by a barrier. It is not clear what it is outside. A relative of mine who just came out of the cell and was hated by ghosts stretched out his hand, but when I got it back, I stretched out. The part is gone, and he doesn’t feel it at all."

   "Enchantment? Nine-Ding Enchantment? The Nine-Ding Enchantment that appeared to protect us when God restarted the universe last time? Could something happen outside? It's not a time backward that affects our Blue Star, right?"

   "It is possible that our Blue Star is called the Atrium in Norse mythology. It is a member of the nine worlds. Asgard's time backtracking might include us Blue Star."

   "Don't scare me."

   "Don't worry, we are protected by the Jiuding barrier established by our ancestors, and no monsters can harm us."

   "I called and called all my friends in crooked countries, but all of them lost contact. The situation is a bit bad."

   "My girlfriend is studying in Crooked Country. I just sent a WeChat message to her and she doesn't reply, and she doesn't answer the phone. It won't really happen anymore, right?"

   "Twitter is dead, and Google can't use it. All signs indicate that something really happened outside."

   "Then, are we Huaxia back to No. 1 in the world?"

   "I worked hard to practice internal skills, with the intention of shocking the world, seeking a world invincible. As a result, my internal skills have not yet achieved success. All the people in the world except me have died?"

   "I'm going to run out of work..."

   "My job is going to be gone."

   /shaking hands), I'm a foreign trader, how about you?."

   "I'm from the subtitle group."


After looking back at the Nine Worlds and the disconnection of Asgard’s reality movie, China’s netizens immediately felt that something was wrong. The Internet was unblocked. Although there are walls, they can climb walls. There is nothing absolute in this world. of.

   After some people climbed the wall and went out, they found that the website servers of the crooked country had crashed, and even some domestic websites that put their servers in foreign countries lost contact at the same time.

   It's like a foreign network and China's network have severed the connection.

   After contacting everything before, they seem to find that they have discovered the terrible truth.

  ——The crooked country is gone?

After hundreds of years of development, Blue Star has long formed its own unique trading system and economic system. 162 countries out of hundreds of countries in the world are part of this trading system. If these 162 countries are Among them, 161 countries suddenly disappeared, and the impact on the remaining countries was huge.

   This means that all foreign exchange reserves have become a pile of waste paper, all foreign trade markets collapse, and all resources flowing in from foreign countries will disappear.

   Although these shocks are only temporary, when other countries disappear, it means that endless land and resources are waiting for China to occupy and develop. A splendid golden age can be foreseen.

   But... But for many people, it is unknown whether they can catch the ride of the golden age. The economic shock brought about by the collapse of the international trading system has actually fallen on them.

   It's okay to save money and save money. Those moonlight people and those with mortgages and car loans can't cry.

"Old ancestors, I'm sorry, you reminded me that I should be alert, I should have brought the cosmos people to travel here as a group at the beginning of the incident, and waited for the end of the Norse Gods' Twilight Battle. Moved back."

Li Zhengyi, the general of the universe nation, renamed Zi Zhengyi, after making a crazy call but no response, he sat on the ground without grace, covered his face and cried silently, "I'm sorry for the universe, I'm sorry for the people below, I'm sorry for the people above. The president of... old ancestors~lightnovelpub.net~ Come back and save our universe, we are all your descendants, you can’t abandon us."

Obviously... Obviously the ancestors have told him that there is a risk, and the ancestors have paved the way for them. If they can take the words of the ancestors to heart, they will relocate the whole country when the battle of the gods just started China, the universe nation will not be destroyed.

   "Quickly, quickly, quickly put the instrument out."

   A professor impatiently urged his students to push out the detection equipment, and even because he was too anxious, he rolled up his sleeves and went into battle by himself.

This is a good opportunity. If he can study the principle of time countercurrent, he can immediately become a character who engraves his name on the entire physicist like Einstein, even if he only gets some data, based on the data and dozens of papers. Coming out is enough to make him famous.

   Then, they pushed the instrument out, but only after pushing it out, these students found that the instrument in their hands was light, and the instrument touched the part outside the barrier and disappeared.

And when China was disturbed, the blue star covered by the torrent of time kept rewinding, and the whole world seemed to be condensed into a book. The pages of the book were turned to the original by a pair of pure white palms. local.

   But just when the world was about to return to humans or primitive humans, in outer space, a red star crossed the blue star.

   In an instant, the torrent of time began to flow forward, and the time that was counter-current flew down like a glimpse of light and shadows. In a short moment, the nine worlds were restored to their original state by the time of counter-current.