I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 379: Walk with God for 13 years (9)


After the little boy's head made close contact with Moore's legs, he immediately flew out, crashed into a building in the distance, and slapped to the ground.

"It hurts."

The little boy's head really seemed to feel that Moore's foot pain was unbearable. He yelled and closed his eyes. Soon, a line of blood and tears flowed down.

Seeing this line of blood and tears, Moore suddenly felt a sting in his eyes, a certain viscous liquid stained his face, and his vision became bright red.

He hurriedly raised his hand and wiped it on his face, trying to get the viscous liquid off, but his hands were full of blood.

In the next moment, he felt a huge force coming from the front of his face. The sharp front end hit the tip of his nose, and the sensitive nose immediately spewed a lot of blood.

Immediately afterwards, his head clicked and separated from his body, and the bright red world in front of him suddenly went black.


Moore screamed suddenly, and the world in his eyes suddenly became familiar.

A small space, a dark and moldy roof, and a bed and quilt that are a bit damp even in summer.

Isn't this my home?

I am back?

Moore squeezed his face, touched his bed, and finally slapped his right cheek.


"It turned out to be true, I really came back."

The world in the dream is not allowed to hurt others, even if you hurt yourself. Although I don’t know why those terrifying monsters can break through the limits of the world in the dream, he is not a monster.

After being happy, he became a little worried, "Why are there monsters in the world created by God? I don't know if I can enter the dream world in the future."

If there is no dream world in the future, he doesn't know how desperate his future life will be.


In the dream world, horrible things are increasing day by day, and various dark horror legends that exist in human legends have been transformed by nightmares to intimidate these residents.

For the nightmares, the world in this dream is like heaven.

In the past, although nightmares could sneak into other people's dreams to create nightmares, intimidate them, and inhale their fears to strengthen their own strength, everyone's dreams were not understood.

A nightmare can only scare one person. This also leads to a nightmare that is harder and scares a dozen or so humans a day.

But here is different. This dream world connects everyone's dreams together, which is equivalent to they are creating nightmares of tens of thousands of people at the same time.

"Such a sweet emotion..."

In the sky, a pair of blood-colored eye pupils slowly turned, and their eyes were full of greed, "If you can master this dream world, and then connect the dreams of the entire main plane at night..."

At this moment, a strand of gold emerged.

This golden strand of gold turned into a flash of lightning in an instant, slashing fiercely on the blood-colored eyes in the sky.

A scream came from the back of the dream world, and the nightmare lying in this world madly sucking in fear was erased from this world the moment it touched the lightning.

But in the next second, the dream world changed.

A bright sun rose from the east, and the extreme light pierced all the buildings. The high temperature of 55,000 degrees Celsius radiated from the sun, igniting the world in an instant.

The residents who fled in the nightmare created by the nightmare suffered first. The unbearable high temperature melted them in the first instant, and then they were kicked out of the dream world and returned to reality.

Immediately after that, the entire dream world turned into the same as the sun in reality, with burning flames everywhere.

However, just when the sun was about to destroy the entire dream world, a volume of books emerged from nothing.

As soon as the book appeared, the pages turned automatically without wind, and the mottled ink text jumped out of the book to form a mottled history.

In this history, every moment is a complete historical fragment.

The light of the bright sun shines on the fragments of history, instantly igniting the fragments and destroying them, but the next moment, new historical fragments flow out of the book again, and then continue to be ignited and destroyed.

It was ignited and destroyed again and again, a little bit re-flowed, no matter how dazzling the light of the Lord of Dawn, how hot and scorching the temperature, but His light never broke through the fragments of history.

At the same time, an old man in a simple white robe walked out of the illusion.

He looked up at the sky, at the uninvited Lord of Dawn,

"The fluctuation of fate."

He took out a snow wooden Atyn, and gently fiddled with it. The whole dream world began to rippling, and the seemingly real world gradually faded, and then rolled in and turned into a shallow The pages of the book are inserted in a book that has emerged out of thin air.

Having done all this, he slowly spoke,

"I think, therefore I am, if I don't think, everything is gone."

Unspeakable but true fluctuations gently brushed over the sun in the sky, and the brilliant sun began to stagnate, then illusory and disappear.

It's like someone presses the ‘delete’ key in this world and deletes the sun directly.


The sound of anger was passed across the endless void, and a feather serpent that was tens of thousands of kilometers long hovered over the Seven Heaven Mountain, and the sun rose again on his side.

The old man looked up at the sky, looking through the endless void, watching the sun rising again above the Seventh Heaven Mountain, smiling peacefully.

"It seems that simulating the power of omnipotence by means of'dreams' cannot directly delete the Lord of Dawn."

"Dreamland, after all, it's just a dreamland."

After thinking for a moment, He spoke again,

"How do I think, must still be defined~lightnovelpub.net~ How do I define, must still be realized!"

Suddenly, a world without any color, only the absolute emptiness of the world emerged.

Then this piece of void world inflated like a big balloon in the void, and wherever it passed, all void dreams were incorporated into it.

Gradually, there are so many different colors in this void world.

Many dreams of life emerged, and the world of nothingness began to become more colorful.

The old man wandered in this dream world that had enveloped the entire main plane, and his voice became sacred and solemn.

"I said, there must be God."


In the void, a pair of golden eyes suddenly opened, he opened his mouth, and the loud voice spread throughout the main plane.

"I, Perth, the **** of dreams..."