I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 386: Walk with God for 13 years (16) 4,000

Under the gloomy night, a steam freighter with large pillars protruding from the top and emitting thick black smoke steadily crossed the rain-shrouded river and headed west.

"It's almost arriving at the Port of Sailu, everyone. Be wary." Wearing standard leather armor with meticulously combed hair and a serious face, Corbincer walked out of the cabin and glanced at the laziness on the deck with his aqua-blue eyes. The crew members of the latter immediately felt that they were being stared at by a beast, instinctively straightened their waists and abdomen, and stood straight.

Just when he nodded secretly and was about to say a few more words, the captain with messy hair and rosacea opened his mouth and said drunkly.

"Hi, kid Corbincer, do you want to drink?"

"Captain Andes, I am carrying out the transport of the kingdom. According to the rules, it is not allowed to drink." Corbincer took a look at each other and opened his mouth. "Mr. Captain, you are my superior. I have no right to accuse you. But I will tell the earl truth about the matter of drinking while you are on the mission when you go back."

"Rules? Rules are used to restrain those who obey the rules. Look at those nobles, who takes the rules seriously? Little Corbincer, you take the rules too seriously." Captain Andes shook his head first. Then he took a sip of wine and burped, "As for the earl, your father and I are good friends. When you were young, you held you and took a shower for you. You have urinated on me more than once, are you sure you Do you want to tell the count what happened here?"

Corbincer said with a wry smile, "Mr. Andean, you should know how important the cargo is escorted this time. If this cargo cannot be safely delivered to the port of Seruna..."

"But if it's the black dragon, even if the crew is vigilant, it won't have any effect, and if it's not the black dragon, are there any other evil forces on this river besides the black dragon?"

Corbincer was silent for a few seconds, then shook his head:


After speaking, he looked at the river covered by the rain curtain, his eyes seemed to see the black dragon covering the world.

More than a year ago, a Taikoo-class black dragon suddenly appeared on the Iberian Channel, swept away the evil forces on the river with lightning speed, and then levied a shipping tax on the merchant ships passing through the Iberian Channel. , Causing the merchants in the Kingdom of Rambet and the Kingdom of Ushuaia to suffer miserably.

In order to expel this evil and cruel black dragon, the nobles of the Rambet Kingdom and the Ushuaia Kingdom united to form a crusade army with the intention of expelling this evil black dragon from the Iberian Channel.

As a result, the entire army was annihilated, and the nobles of the Rambet Kingdom and Ushuaia Kingdom had to swallow the bitter pill. Not only did they have to pay high taxes, but they also worried that their goods would be used by the evil black dragon. The past was forcibly levied on the grounds of'liking'.

If it weren’t for the Iberian Channel, which is the only channel that connects with the kingdoms of Rambet and the kingdoms of Ushuaia, it would be even more heroic if it had to face a large number of beasts and thieves by land. If it weren’t for this shipment of goods, although they are expensive, they are not expensive. When the earl used teleporting scrolls, teleportation arrays and the like to transport them, they would never come to this channel to try their luck at all.

"I hope the great Lord of Dawn will protect me and let me reach Da Serena Port safely"

At this moment, the rain curtain that flooded the river suddenly twisted.

A certain gust of wind blowing from a distance gently blew the steam freighter and the crew on the steamer on the water. The intensity of this gust of wind changed from breeze to violent wind, and gradually shook the steam freighter.

"It's windy? It's going to rain heavily?" a crew member came down from the side of the ship and said in a puzzled way.

The strong wind made him instinctively think of heavy rain.

"There will be no storm today." The Captain Andes with rosacea woke up at this time. He walked to the position of the rudder in twos and threes and looked into the distance.

"It seems to be caused by some kind of magic." Corbincer subconsciously made a judgment.

"But it may also be some kind of huge creature flapping its wings." Captain Andes said.

As soon as this sentence was uttered, the deck became quiet.

On the Iberian Channel, the only one who fits the two characteristics of being huge and winged is the evil and cruel black dragon.

Perhaps there were similar evil creatures before, but after the arrival of the black dragon, they disappeared.

"Our luck shouldn't be so bad." Corbinser frowned slightly.

Before coming, they had done certain investigations and determined that the black dragon had been active at a very low frequency recently before choosing to take the risk at this time.

Captain Andes looked at the huge body that gradually emerged in the dark, touched his nose, threw the wine bottle in his hand into the river, took out a black glove, and put it on his right hand. "My luck has never been so bad. It's bad, but it must be terrible this time. If I can go back this time, I will definitely say to your father: Look, I brought your son back."

Before Corbincer wanted to understand what the Captain Andes said, he felt a strong force coming from behind him, and then he couldn't help flying out.

"I hope you can get home safely. Otherwise, even if I can go back alive, I will be dead. My fist is not as hard as your father's. I have never won a fist against him."

As he said, he pulled his gloves, turned to look at the huge creature whose outline became more and more obvious in the dark, and made a guard posture.

"Infighting? It doesn't look like it." A very oppressive black dragon tore through the rain screen and appeared above the steam freighter. The cold rain hit the black dragon's cold scales like black iron, cracking into smaller pieces. The water dripped down.

It wears a crown shape formed by the horns extending back on its head, and a scar on its eyes and face spreads straight down from the forehead, and has been submerged into the long beard of the lower jaw.

The black dragon lowered his height, his slender eyes swept across the steam freighter, and a terrifying smile appeared on his hideous face, "It turned out to be letting him go."

As he said, he looked at a crew member who was close to him, "I'm curious, your captain let someone close to him run away, but left you all to die, don't you have any idea?"

"Or, even you yourself feel that your life is no more expensive than the one you just left?"

Hearing Heilong's words, the crew on the steam freighter hesitated.

Captain Andes' pupils were slightly enlarged, his feet glared, and he rushed towards the black dragon like an arrow leaving the string.

A few seconds later, Captain Andes flew back at a faster speed, leaving a large pit similar to his figure on the steel-cast deck.

"The courage is commendable, but the power is too weak. The king of the black dragon will give you a decent way to die." Heilong smiled and said, his fine eyes swept across the freighter, and the grim smile on his face became even more terrifying." Oh, by the way, air tax is levied."

"Who of you pays the air tax?"

Hearing the words of the black dragon, the crew on the deck looked at each other a few times, all wanting others to communicate with the black dragon.

Only the nobles have ever collected taxes from others, and no one has collected taxes on the nobles at all.

Therefore, the earl did not prepare for air tax at all, and if they dared to use the goods as tax, the earl would definitely skin them after returning, and even their family would not let it go.

"Faced with the questions of the great Black Dragon King, it is really interesting that you didn't answer."

The black dragon opened his mouth, and the fiery red light was particularly dazzling in the dark night.

At this moment, the black dragon with its mouth opened suddenly felt a burst of danger. It immediately closed its mouth and moved to its left side at a limit speed.

In the next second, a black shadow was added to the position where it was originally standing.

After the shadow fell into the air, it continued to spread around, gradually occupying a black air mass about the size of the old castle. The inside of the air mass was like the night sky, dotted with dots of light of different sizes.

Driven by some unknown force, these light spots kept swirling like a silver galaxy.

Soon, a faint baby's face appeared in the silver galaxy, and the baby's unique cry of crying appeared.


In an instant, Black Dragon Bamas felt his thoughts blurred, and instinctively flapped his wings to fly towards the opponent.

As soon as it moved, it exploded from the depths of his mind, and in a flash, the black dragon Bamas came to his senses.

"the host."

Feeling the familiar breath, the black dragon Bamas almost fell in tears, "This ancient evil creature almost ate me."

Although I don't know what the other party is, such an evil and chaotic aura must be an ancient evil.

"Go to the holy city where the Lord of Dawn is on the main plane."

Jiang Hao passed his own voice into the black dragon's mind through the contract.

At this moment, the black dragon whose luck has fallen to the bottom is not suitable for staying alone. Its best choice is to seek shelter.

The Lord of Dawn is very suitable.

Why go to the holy city where the Lord of Dawn is on the main plane? Wouldn’t it be better for me to go to your kingdom of God? The black dragon Bamas froze for a moment, then folded his wings, and his body slowly disappeared.

Seeing the prey about to run, the baby's face immediately opened his mouth and made a "wow" sound again, but the next second, a golden lightning fell from the sky, accurately hitting the baby's face in the dark shadow.

The mouth of the baby's face was closed, and the black dragon Bamas took this opportunity to quickly become transparent and disappear, and it was ready to be directly transmitted to the holy city of the Lord of Dawn on the main plane.

Although with its attributes of evil camp, appearing in the holy city of this **** will definitely attract the opponent's attack, maybe even the divine punishment will come.

But since the master said this, he must have made a comprehensive arrangement. Maybe the master and the Lord of Dawn have reached an agreement. Not only will the jealous **** not attack himself, but will help himself.

Barmas thought to himself, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

Although as a black dragon born to be classified as an evil camp, it has not been to the holy city of the Lord of Dawn, but it also knows that the glorious dawn of the holy city of the Lord of Dawn on the main plane is a country that is always shrouded in light. Even in the dark, the light from the Seventh Heaven Mountain has never been far from the glorious dawn.

But it is now surrounded by a dark world.

Transmission failed?

The teleportation technique that claims that the probability of teleportation failure is lower than that of a demigod becoming a **** actually fails?

My luck is too good.

Without hesitation, the black dragon Bamas once again used the teleportation technique, and its figure faded and disappeared a little bit.

But just when it was about to disappear, circles of light emerged. In the light, a small bug with a jade-like appearance and a pitch-black inside came out.

In the beginning, these insects were very few, only a few, but in an instant, the number of these insects was so large that they formed a small insect infestation.

They opened their eyes and looked at the black dragon Bamas.

The black dragon Bamas, who was about to complete the teleportation, felt that he was being pulled by a force, and the teleportation technique suddenly lost its effect.

"Why is it an ancient evil again?" Black Dragon Bamas looked at the insect in front of him in amazement.

Although I don't know what these worms are, these worms and the ancient evil things before, are full of evil and chaotic atmosphere.

But the question is, why do I encounter ancient evils one after another?

Am I cursed by Lady Doom today?

Just when the black dragon doubted his life, a ball of silver lightning fell from the void.

This ball of lightning fell on the worm tide and immediately sputtered and jumped away, covering the worm tide in the blink of an eye, pulling on the black dragon, and the power that prevented it from being transmitted away disappeared without a trace.

Thank you host!

Black Dragon Bamas thanked him in his heart, and then seized this opportunity to immediately cast his teleportation technique to prepare to leave here.

The scenery in front of me was rapidly distorted and blurred, and another unfamiliar scenery began to become clear.

"The teleportation technique failed again?"

Heilongbamas was a bit at a loss. The scenery in his line of sight was still pitch black. The difference was that the black before was the black of the night sky, and the black now is closer to purple.

But no matter what kind of black it is, this is definitely not its destination.

Suddenly, Heilong's gaze suddenly solidified.

Because a dragon appeared in front of it~lightnovelpub.net~ a huge dragon with the characteristics of a metal dragon and a five-color dragon on its body.

"Golden Queen Astorina!"

When'Asterina' saw it, she showed an unexpected look first, and then she showed a cruel bloodthirsty smile, "Black Dragon, my rebellious son, the **** of Goddess of Fortune actually sent you to me, it seems He started to please me."

Hearing these words, the black dragon Bamas’s frozen eyes suddenly frightened.

"You are not the golden queen Astorina, you are the dragon mother."

If you can treat the black dragon as an inferior, and call the goddess of luck a bitch, no one dares to say that except the mother of the evil dragon.

Damn dragon mother, didn't he fall?

With a cruel smile, the five-color dragon queen Tiamat looked at the black dragon Bamas gloomily, and the eyes revealed by the double pupils were full of hatred.

"My dear boy, you still remember your mother, I am very pleased."