I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 41: The Light of All Worlds

   "The ox stone of the bee, the horn powder of the sea rhinoceros, the sunshine orange plus the moon syrup, the garden forage and the sunflower... Well, let me taste its effect."

   In the Ganzros City branch of the Secret Medicine Seminar, an old man with gray hair and a dark robe long enough to be dragged to the ground was wearing an oil lamp and sniffing a pile of brown-yellow powder in front of him with his nose.

Immediately, he picked up a small translucent spoon, scooped up a little powder and placed it next to his mouth, licked it, and his body unconsciously reacted, "Being fit and healthy has a special effect on that aspect, those non-knights and wizards Professional noble lords should like this medicine very much..."

"Master Tingen, do you really not consider joining our secret medicine seminar and transfer to pharmacy? I think you are particularly talented in pharmacy. If you are willing to join, you will soon become a well-known big pharmacist."

   Go to ghost pharmacy.

Although I have always believed that academics are not high or low, but I am the guardian of Ganzros City, the archmage is strong, and is also proficient in the plastic energy system, the spell system and the protection system. Why should I switch to pharmacy? Be a pharmacist.

   Just because you pharmacists are very rich?

   Am I the kind of person who lacks money?

   If it weren’t for my family’s recently inexplicably lost the scroll of wishing, and I need to borrow the power of wishing where I am about to go on an adventure, do I need to make potions to make money to buy scrolls of wishing.

   Tingen, who was about to refuse, suddenly felt a soft light shining over his body, and the protective magic on his body was automatically activated and stood up.

   Almost at the same time, he distinguished the characteristics of this force.

   The aura of goodness, the power of order... Someone summoned the projection of the Seven Heavens Mountain in Ganzros, and the summoner was at least a legendary level.

   And the place where the energy bursts is my mage tower.

   Contacting a demigod living in the mage tower, Archmage Tingen smiled slightly, "Mr. Green, I am suddenly very interested in your secret medicine seminar, let's discuss the matter of joining the secret medicine seminar."

   As soon as the voice fell, the deep night that engulfed Ganzros was completely dissipated by the rays of dawn.

Its daybreak!


   Endless brilliance flooded Tingen’s mage tower.

   bookshelves, obsidian, egg chairs, and the sight of Ganzros in the field of vision began to fade, replaced by towering peaks, green canyons and winding paths.

   The sky in the field of vision does not have a hot sun or a quiet moon, only the golden stars that fill the sky.

   The golden brilliance spilled over everything, giving a layer of hope to the rolling mountains and lush valleys.

   This is the golden kingdom of Mochulia in the Seven Heavens Mountain... When Jiang Hao saw this picture-like scene, he automatically knew part of its information.

   As a place of glory.

   as the ideal embodiment of the perfection.

   The Seven Heavens Mountain is a kingdom of order and kindness, sympathy and compassion.

   Justice, benevolence, order, grace and mercy are its eternal rules. Good beings will always use vigilant eyes to fight against any form of evil.

   But at the same time, the Seventh Heaven Mountain is also where the kingdom of the Lord of Dawn is located, and the kingdom of the Lord of Dawn Amon Aito stays in the golden kingdom of Mochulia.

In the distance, a group of illusory blazing flames condensed into shape and turned into a big sun, rising from the firmament of the golden kingdom of Mochulia, like a dawn that broke through the darkness, spreading the brilliance of infinite hope throughout Moqiu Leah, with its dazzling brilliance, instantly obscured the golden stars that filled the sky.

"This handsome man should be a demigod with the title of'Light of the Worlds'... He summoned the projection of the Seven Heavens Mountain not to create a battlefield beneficial to him like a conventional demigod, but to remove me from Ganzros. The city is pulled into the golden heavenly kingdom of Mochulia."

   "...Amon Aito, Lord of Dawn, wants to solve me personally."

   "He is really persevering to me."

   Jiang Hao calmly raised the Yata mirror in his hand and aimed it at the ‘light of the world’, and his appearance appeared on the mirror.

   In his stunned eyes, a "light of the worlds" exactly like him came out.

   Mirrored the corners of the lips of the "Light of the Worlds" and said.

   "First, dawn."


The sky exploded, and a clear ripple blew across the golden heavenly Mochulia, and the scene became turbulent. The majestic mountain peaks, green canyons and winding paths receded from Jiang Hao’s sight, sprinkling the glory of the sky. The sun became illusory.

   The bookshelf placed on the background wall reappeared in Jiang Hao's vision, and the obsidian floor and egg chair returned to their original appearance, as if everything they had just experienced was just an illusion.

   But Jiang Hao wouldn't think so, he wouldn't be rude, so he spoke.

   "Then, noon!"

   As soon as the voice fell, a dark red sun actually rose in this small mage tower, and the bookshelves, floor and egg chair of the mage tower were covered with a dark red luster.

   When Jiang Hao had just spoken~lightnovelpub.net~The Light of the Worlds’ face showed obvious astonishment. When did his divine art ‘Glory Trio’ be stolen by this evil demigod.

   But when the dark red sun rose, he was surprisingly angry. This was not his ‘brilliant trio’ at all.

   Then, the dark red sun slammed on the sight of the "Light of the Worlds".

   Damage transfer, activate!


   ‘Light of All Realms’ staggered back a few steps, his back showed an abnormal curvature, and a wide range of burns automatically appeared on his body, as if he had just been hit by him.

   Taking advantage of your illness and wanting your life, Jiang Hao raised his hand, grabbed the gun of God-killing Langinus and rushed up.

   At the same time, the Yata mirror in his left hand once again reflected the appearance of the "light of the worlds", and a mirror image of the "light of the worlds" emerged again.

   He twitched the corner of his lips and smiled, "First of all, dawn!"

   Endless brilliance projected from the Seven Heavens Mountain, flooding the entire mage tower.

   The scene of Mochulia in the golden heaven slowly emerged, intertwined with the scene in the mage tower.

   "Then, noon!"

   The mighty brilliance projected from the Seventh Heaven Mountain burned, and the place covered by the golden heavenly Mochulia turned into a pure white country of flames.

   ‘Light of All Realms’ and the mirror image of ‘Light of All Realms’ burned at the same time.

   He listed himself and the "Light of All Realms" as the sacred enemy and the target of attack.

   In the flame, mirror the smile of the ‘light of the world’, "Finally, sunset!"

   As his voice sounded, the light projected from the Seventh Heaven Mountain shrank suddenly, condensed into two big yellow fireballs, and blasted down suddenly.