I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 436: Cultivation upsurge of the whole peopl

"Great god, supreme being, please save us poor believers, even if you don't save me, save my wife and daughter, they are innocent."

"Great Lord, our Father in heaven, please forgive my sins, please let me go to heaven, please let us enjoy eternal life."

"I don't want to die yet, I still want to eat delicious food, I still want to chase fan drama, I also want women's clothing, my great life has just begun, how can it end at this time, I don't want it."

"Life is short, let's have fun in time, let's have fun in time!"


As the bright stars above the vast universe cast their greedy eyes on everyone, and as the corruption and pollution on the blue stars deepen, the Internet is full of the atmosphere of the end of the day.

Some believers, as well as those with deep beliefs, began to pray everywhere for the gods of their beliefs to come to save themselves and save the world.

There are crowds of temples, shrines, churches, temples, and Taoist temples everywhere. Everywhere you can see believers kneeling in front of statues of gods, praying for the gods to save themselves.

Some people even promised to the gods that as long as the gods save themselves, so that they will not die this time, they will devote themselves to the gods in the future.

In society, some people intend to vent their desires when they are desperate, take the opportunity to smash and cause chaos, but they are caught upright by the governments of various countries that have been prepared, and they are shut down.

In fact, if it is true despair, this point of preparation is simply not enough. The despair before the end of the day will crush everyone’s nerves. If they are careless, they will completely lose their minds. They will become unpopular beasts and want to vent their hearts. Even the soldiers will rebel.

But now it’s different. It’s not yet the time to truly despair. Whether it’s the actions of the gods to save mankind when repeated disasters strike before, or the declarations by those big men to live and die with them, they have given them a ray of light, a ray of name It's called the light of hope.

Will the gods descend to save mankind at a critical time? Do adults have a solution?

They don’t know this, but they should be. After all, those big people have not left. As beings standing on top of human beings, they will definitely have access to secrets that ordinary people can’t reach. Since they have not left, they must explain the matter. There is also a turning point.

The wisdom of the little people makes them choose to follow the big ones, believing that the big ones do not stand under the dangerous wall, where they are, they are safe.

But at this moment, a piece of news from Greece swiped the screens of all social software and instantly topped the hot list.

In this short video, Archimes stood on the podium and said to all the Greeks in a powerful and contagious voice,

"...The evil gods of the restraint system are just about to move. They have polluted the planet that we live for generations and destroyed the cradle of our civilization. They look at us with greedy eyes, and see us reveal the ugliest side of humanity in desperation. ."

"I admit that they have achieved their goals. In the past short period of time, our society has caused some turmoil. My government officials told me that the crime rate is soaring..."

"However, suffering cannot defeat us, nor can despair defeat us, and the legacy of Olympus will never be extinguished in our hands."

"Under the guidance of the great Prometheus, we finally found a way out in the endless dead end."

"The great fire thief, wise man, and the prophet Prometheus will come to Greece in half a month and transfer us Greeks from this doomed planet to the abyssal **** Tartarus. Inside the body."


"The human beings created by Prometheus, the children of the Olympus gods, please let us, like our ancestors, be united and work together to overcome thorns and thorns in countless evil illusions and come out of a brilliance that belongs to our humanity. In the future, build our beautiful home."

"The following is the method of cultivation..."

Seeing this, people all over the world had a meal, held their breath, and looked at the screen without blinking, for fear of missing an action or a word.

At this time, they all forgot that this is a video, and the progress bar can be manipulated. It can be manipulated at will, even if it is rewinding and even pausing and double speed.


The video ends.

"Fuck, it's gone. The person who uploaded this video is going to the palace to serve the queen mother?"

"Hurry up and hand over the rest of the exercises, otherwise don't blame me for greeting your account book."

"I have never wanted to kill someone who posted a video like I do now."

"You show me this if I take off my pants?"

"Didi, this is the car driving to the kindergarten. Hey, I'm sorry. The driver was just blown into the sky. Now there are no bones left, so this car won't drive.

"The person who posted the video choked after eating Ollie at noon, what is it? Let me give you some sloppy crevices for my father!"


If the giant ship cannon was the romance of men in the past, then after the gods and supernatural beings showed their power, the supernatural mystery is the romance of all mankind.

Compared with the giant ship cannon, the extraordinary mystery can not only bring a strong sense of excitement to humans, but also can bring about earth-shaking changes in one's own life. Money, rights, and beauties (males) are all within easy reach, even in the legend, humans His ultimate desire-longevity, is not impossible to achieve.

With such a temptation and such a step to the sky, the bad guy who uploaded the video has cut the key video, how can he not make people angry, how can he not ask people to greet his family.

But after being angry, they began to manually search for videos of cultivation methods.

Searching for various keywords, fuzzy words, and related words, all kinds of offering rewards and asking questions, it is hard to come up, the question of'how to find a practice video' which does not conform to the forced questioning format directly rushed to the top of the hot search list~www.mtlnovel .com~ Countless people clicked in, not to answer questions, but to find answers.

After searching the entire network, Bluestar netizens finally found a practice video uploaded by a Greek oil pipeline owner, and then started practicing enthusiastically.

A human greedily absorbing the elements dominated by the Shadow Demon Net, and then continuously extracting the spiritual energy by the Shadow Demon Net.

In the process of this exchange, the shadow magic net became more and more brilliant and majestic.

Under the water of massive spirits, its speed of self-reproduction and self-proliferation has accelerated several times. Huang Huang Yeye's magic network directly burned the sun, a star that has burned for billions of years and squandered incalculable energy. Incorporate it into your own system and transform it into your own energy node.

At this moment, the Shadow Demon Net may not reach the point where the tentacles of the otherworld’s magic net spread across the entire multiverse and countless planes, but it can be predicted that the Shadow Demon Net, which is expanding in this vast infinite universe, will In terms of potential, it is many times larger than Alien Magic Net.

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