I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 437: Quetzalcoatl

When the Blue Star erupted in the nationwide cultivation craze, Hodgson, who was painted with oil on his face and wore a feather crown on the Michigan Indian Reservation, considered for a long time, and finally decided to leave the reservation and fly back to the Black House in Washington.

When he was forced to participate in Lucifer's game, the other councillors all chose to go to the Papal Kingdom to fight against Florence with the help of the angels on the ground. He alone felt the call of the Quetzalcoatl in the dark.

In this age of mysterious manifestations, any strong premonition linked to the gods often means that the gods are calling themselves.

So he chose to leave the large army and came to the Indian reservation, intending to summon this majesty Kukulkan, who has a huge reputation in both North and South America, to use his power to fight Florence.

However, his teammates were so powerful. Before he communicated with the feathered snake **** Kukulkan, his teammates played supernaturally to kill Florence.

You fell down before I exerted my strength. I really am the son of luck and the person chosen by God.

Then the problem came.

The enemy has finished playing, Lucifer's game is that he lay down to win, then does he still need to continue to summon the feathered snake **** Kukulkan?

In the end his decision was ‘no’!

As the gods commonly believed in by the major civilizations of Central America, the Olmec civilization, Aztecs, Mayans, Indians and many other native American civilizations regarded this feathered flying snake as its supreme. Lord God.

Countless gods are attached to this big snake, acting as his thugs and envoys, adding to his glory.

Even if he is not the original creator god, nor the original creator, nor is he a **** king.

But whether it was the Dark Discatlipoca, one of the four-pillar gods, once replaced the Quetzalcoatl, the **** of war Huizilo Pochetli, who was the main **** at a certain stage in the Aztec civilization, and Or the weird and weird demon **** Trakhupan, who is less than one ten thousandth of his might.

Even these three gods together can't match the feathered snake god.

But no matter how brilliant and dazzling the feathered serpent god, or how supreme and mighty the feathered serpent **** is, Hodgson has always been deeply vigilant and vigilant towards this **** deep in his heart. fear.

The reason is that Milliken is not a native American race.

They are outsiders, conquerors, and even more slaughters.

After the ancestors of Milecans took the July Flower, set foot across the ocean to the land of the Americas, and used guns to tell these native Americans who is the new owner of this land, they are the Milecans. With these natives who have lived here for generations, they have forged a deep feud that can't be washed away even if they drain the water of the Pacific Ocean.

Even if they came to the shore after washing white, they created Indian reservations and "Thank you Indians for giving us a holiday with living space under our guns", but the **** sins and original sins in civilization cannot be washed away. .

Every inch of free land in Milliken was stained with the blood of the natives, and every bit of sweet air in Milliken was filled with the howls and curses of the Indians when they died.

With such a sea of ​​blood and deep hatred, how dare he, the President of Milliken, directly summon Kukulkan, the **** of widespread belief in Central America.

He was afraid that after His Majesty Kukulkan came out, he would directly give them America to the blood sacrifice.

Of course, one of the important factors of this is that the crisis has passed now, everything is raining, the weather is calm, the waves are calm, the wind is sunny, and there is no life and death crisis in his body, of course he will not risk the great risk to summon Yu. Zombie.

After all, summoning the feathered snake **** to come may not be better, but it may be worse.

As for how to deal with Lucifer, an accidental product of the Fallen God and Man-made God's plan, which is still in the native land of Milecan.

"When I return to the Black Palace, I will pack up and go to Greece."

Hodgson looked at the blue sky outside the window, took a sip of Coke, and made up his mind.

The Greek president’s speech clearly stated that the Cthulhu Cthulhu will swallow the entire Blue Star within half a month, and their Greece will move to a safer area before the Cthulhu swallows the Blue Star.

Although the president also said that the internal environment of Tartarus of the Abyss is very harsh, and the natural climate and output are incomparable with Blue Star, but compared with life and death, the poor living environment is nothing.

"It's just a pity that I finally managed to run for the presidential position. I tried the taste of power. In a blink of an eye, I was told to give up everything, which is really a bit reluctant."

Although relying on savings and heritage, in the body of Tartarus of the Abyss, he may be able to live the life of a master, but it is impossible to imagine that he is calling the wind and the rain and holding the massive social resources. .

Hodgson's thoughts kept turning, and in the end he could only regret that he was prepared for all the privileges to leave him.

At this moment, he suddenly heard an empty and silent voice, a low and sharp voice, like a group of primitive people using a deliberately lowered voice to make a desperate cry belonging to the aboriginal tribe.

At the same time, he felt that his spirit was attracted by a certain sound in the dark, resonated with it, and then was drawn into the vast time and space, across thousands of mountains and rivers, across the spring, summer, autumn and winter, and plunged into one He didn't know the time or where it was.

In his sight, a huge snake that could not see the end with human eyes hovered over the Americas.

With wings and feathers, this big snake soars above the world in a flying posture. On his back, a divine envoy who has come out of mythology surrounds him. Flying.

Below the big snake ~lightnovelpub.net~ one by one, primitive people chanting unknown songs, twisting indescribable, weird but incomparably sacred dances lit torches, and gathered into a long dragon with no end in sight. This big flying snake offers his admiration and faith.


Hodgson looked at the big snake in horror. He just gave up calling this majesty, did this majesty come by himself?

A bad premonition quietly climbed to the tip of his heart.

And just as Hodgson was watching all this in front of him, the big snake opened his erect pupils, lowered his head slightly, and fixed his gaze on him.

At the moment of looking at each other, Hodgson keenly discovered that a part of the beautiful pattern on the feathered snake **** showed a pale color.

He opened his mouth and made a loud noise,

"Shuwu, come back!"

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