I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 438: Live Salvation (2 in 1)


Hodgson felt his body shake suddenly, he opened his eyes suddenly, and the world in front of him changed back to the small airplane space.

Through the window, you can see the familiar airport.

"Your Excellency, what's the matter with you?" The secretary on the side saw that His Excellency the President suddenly woke up with his eyes closed just now, as if he hadn't slept yesterday, with an expression of horror on his face, he couldn't help asking.

"I just saw the Quetzalcoatl..." Hodgson opened his mouth to tell the story, and then said to the secretary, "Let the captain prepare. We will fly back to the Indian reservation later."

Quetzalcoatl was obviously staring at him, he couldn't do without summoning this majesty.

As for running...

Being stared at by the gods, how could there be a chance to run away.

Back to the Indian reservation? Just flew out of the Indian reservation, you flew back again? Snake disease.

The secretary was not happy, but he went to the front to inform the captain.

Hodgson sighed as he watched leaving the secretary.

People's hearts are scattered, it's not easy to bring them.

I think that when he first entered the black palace, the secretary called a conscientious one, you say one, he can give you the whole one, two, three, four, five, six, try to figure out that it is called a set.

But now, the evil **** rages on Milecan, and knows that his president intends to seek refuge in Greece, and moves with the Greeks into the body of Tartarus of the Abyss, so I won’t take me as the president as president, and let him do it. All things are boring.

A feathered phoenix is ​​not as good as a chicken.

But the Quetzalcoatl summoning himself repeatedly, does it mean that he is looking at me? Are you planning to let me be His earthly spokesperson, high priest?

Hodgson thought about it.

Since this majesty's call cannot be refused, it is better to think about the benefits.

In the Middle Ages, a person like him who was called by the gods was equivalent to getting the enlightenment. He was a spokesperson personally selected by the gods. It was placed in the cross religion, and he was able to put the name of "Holy" in front of his name. saint.

And if Quetzalcoatl really came at his call and rescued all beings in Milecan, then he would be equivalent to the savior and savior of all the people of the United States. His approval rate would surely soar, and he might be able to learn by then. Roosevelt was re-elected for four terms, or even more.

After thinking about it this way, Hodgson felt that this was a good thing. If he really did it, he would stay in the history.

He made a decision, so he communicated with the captain, and the secretary who came back to report said, "Notify abc, cbs, nbc, fox and other TV stations and let them send someone over."

"I want to broadcast live to save the world."

Now that he has decided to accept the call of His Majesty Kukulkan, the feathered snake god, to become his spokesperson and high priest, of course, he must offer the most beautiful gift to his Majesty in the highest light moment.

What could be a better gift than offering the faith of 330 million people across America?


"A good thing, a good thing."

"Great thing? Have you bought a ferry ticket to Greece?"

"No, although I did not buy a ticket to Greece, it is still a great thing, because our President just tweeted that the U.S. country was saved."

"Haha, President? You don’t know that our nickname is Huo Mipu, right? Last time he said that drinking disinfectant water can cure the disease. I believe it, but he was sent to the hospital for gastric lavage and almost died. You Do you think such a person's words can be trusted?"

"Although Hodgson has been quite unreliable, but this time there are live broadcasts on major TV stations across the country, he should not be so unreliable."

"Although I am not a native of the U.S., and although I don't like the big-mouthed president, I still hope that what Hodgson said this time is true."

"I also think what he said is true, but my reason tells me that he is talking nonsense."

"Quickly turn on the TV, it's time to start."


Although many people subconsciously oppose Hodgson because of his glorious past, the President, but under the crisis of the evil gods raging and humans may perish, countless people still choose to believe in Hodgson.

There are countless people outside Milliken who regard Hodgson's words as a life-saving straw, hoping that the once most powerful person in the world can save the world.

For a while, the viewership of major TV stations is steadily increasing, and many people who have not watched TV before also turn on the TV at this time and stare at the screen closely.

If it were before, the top executives of major TV stations would have laughed from ear to ear, but under the background that humans are most likely to finish playing, major TV stations go down to the messenger to go up to the top, and the number of viewers is constantly rising. Without even the slightest attention, they all stared at the screen one by one to see if Hodgson could save the world.

Just under countless pairs of eyes, Hodgson walked out of countless Indians wearing wild cowhide, painted on his face, eagle feather crest on his head, and holding a stone bone spear.

He was followed by a wizard from an Indian tribe wearing a strange mask.

Although the wizard followed Hodgson at every step, looking steady, but if he lifted the weird mask on his face, he would find that he was panicked now.

His name is Sakagavilia, and he is a wizard.

Although the beliefs of the Quetzalcoatl **** Kukulkan are widely spread among the Indian community, it is South America and Central America.

Only the Indian tribes in South and Central America believe in this majesty, and these Indian tribes do not regard the Quetzalcoatl as the chief priest of their faith.

They Indians believe that all things have animism, animals, plants and dead human beings, even wind, rain, thunder and lightning are gods.

Therefore, the faith objects of the Indian tribes here are all sorts of strange.

Almost every tribe has its own totem and gods, and the one responsible for communicating with the gods is the wizard.

In these Indian tribes, the wizards are generally held by old people, because when the old people are about to die, it is easy to see the existence of the gods and hear the voices of the gods.

They will convey the will of the gods in the gap between life and death. If the old man dies after speaking the oracle, it means that communication with the gods has exhausted his vitality. If the old man does not die after speaking the oracle, then the **** has given his grace.

Only with the development of science and as the Indians began to literacy, many customs in the past have been wiped out. Although the profession of wizardry has been preserved, it no longer possesses the sacredness and unshakability that it used to be.

Sakagavilia faced this situation when he was a wizard.

But he is clever. He is well-known that he is a great help to the development of the economy after graduating from the Ivy League, so he took the lead in launching an annual sacrificial event and targeted the feathered snake **** Kukulkan. This god, who is very famous throughout the Americas, is used to attract tourists and develop the local economy.

When the figures of the gods gradually appeared in the sight of human beings, the status of the wizards was elevated again, and Sakagavilia was directly regarded by countless Indians as the great wizard of His Majesty Kukulkan, the feathered serpent god. .

But the problem is, I really am not a great wizard.

Looking at the reporters and cameras in that row, and thinking that there are now an estimated billion people in the world staring here, Sakagavilia almost fell to the ground with a weak leg.

He knows his family affairs, he is just a mortal, not a great wizard, the feather snake **** has never communicated with him.

Now he must summon His Majesty Kukulkan, the feathered snake god, in front of countless people around the world. How does he feel that he will die socially?

"Your Excellency, I may have eaten something wrong at noon today, and now I want to have diarrhea. Why don't you find another wizard to summon His Majesty Kukulkan, the feather snake god."

Sakagavilia glanced at Hodgson secretly, and said cautiously.

He now regrets that he has to change the object of his tribal beliefs. Isn't it good to continue to believe in the great death incarnation of Caminalas? And even if you want to change your faith, wouldn’t it be better to believe in the Statue of Liberty?

In terms of fame, the Statue of Liberty is more famous than Quetzalcoatl, and there will not be such a disaster.

After hearing the wizard's words, Hodgson glanced at him and asked, "Does your tribe have any other wizards who believe in the feathered serpent **** Kukulkan?"

"No." Sakagavilia shook his head.

Not to mention a wizard who believes in the feathered snake **** Kukulkan, even if it is a second wizard, there is no such thing.

After all, it is traditional for a tribe to have only one wizard.

"Then you continue to host, if you really can't help but pull your pants, anyway, you wear so much, no one else can see it."

Hodgson gave him an idea.

Sacagaville: "..."

While Hodgson and Sakagavilia were communicating, a round of red sunrise rose from the sky, dazzling rays of light cut through the darkness of Milliken, and sprinkled the light on the earth.

Seeing this scene, Hodgson shouted excitedly.

"It's coming out, the sun is coming out, let your people start offering sacrifices to the great feather snake **** Kukulkan. I want to call this majesty out and ask him to save Milliken."

Sakagavilia on the side was also surprised.

Under the influence of Cthulhu, the sky with the most blue stars will always be gray, even in broad daylight, you can only see the bright stars exuding malicious rays, and you can't see the sun at all.

But now, the light of the sun is actually shining out, and the feathered snake **** Kukulkan himself is the **** who rules the sun. Is this majesty really coming at this moment?

Sakagavilia guessed in his heart, and his confidence doubled, while presiding over the sacrifice.

The huge fire ignited, and the fiery red light echoed with the red sun in the sky. The Indians wearing all kinds of colorful feather cloaks spun around the fire which can almost be described as a pillar of fire. The heavy and muffled drums reverberated across the vast world.

Even when the earth is distorted and deformed, and the air is exuding a faint smell, this huge sacrifice can still be described as sacred.

"Will Quetzalcoatl really come?"

"It should be. Although Hodgson is a strange person, he can't make a joke about this kind of thing. I think Quetzalcoatl will definitely come."

"Isn't it said that Quetzalcoatl is the main **** of the Mayans and Aztecs? The American Indians do not believe in the Quetzalcoatl **** at all. Why do they lead the sacrifice?"

"The so-called Indians generally refer to the Native Americans. There is no saying that they do not believe in the feathered snake god, and I just checked this tribe. They are indeed the feathered snake **** Kukulkan."

"The only thing I worry about right now is that the Quetzalcoatl can really save the world? It's not that I have aspirations to destroy my own power, but that there are too many evil gods this time. Except for a few old dominators, others Almost all of them are outside gods, and they are still very powerful among the outside gods. There is only one feather snake god. Can he really fall under the prying eyes of countless evil gods and save our world from the hands of evil gods?"

"Quatting Serpent God is not a god. His suffix is ​​His Majesty instead of His Highness. He is the object of faith of countless people throughout the Americas. He is also the priest deity in the ancient and lost civilization. Many gods have followed this god, although There is no name of the **** king, but the reality of the **** king."

"Is the **** king very powerful?"

"Isn’t the king of the gods powerful enough? The ruler among the gods, the king of all gods, it can be said that every **** king is the most powerful **** in the divine system. , The person with the highest power outside the ancient gods when the universe was not exploded."


"...Except Zeus!"

"I doubt very much about one thing, and that is, after the Quetzalcoatl came out, will he sacrifice all the hundreds of millions of people in Milecan. I remember that this **** was also a **** who received blood sacrifices in the ancient times. The standard is the first-class existence of Cthulhu."

"Queen Serpent God can't talk about evil gods, he who rules the morning star, civilization, history, the sun, rainy season, harvest, etc., can't talk about evil gods anyway. As for blood sacrifices, it is a common problem of the gods in ancient times. It is the age. The influence of this has nothing to do with this majesty."


Hodgson took a deep breath~lightnovelpub.net~ He faced the rising sunlight, slowly put a mask on, and then knelt down.

With President Milliken, who represents the peak of power for the entire Milliken, the man who represents the national movement knelt down.

In an instant, the red sun rising from the sky was a masterpiece, and a huge snake shadow that propped up the sky and connected the sky emerged from the brilliant light.

In the outer sky, satellites focused on this area aimed their targets at the Americas, and the click-and-click operation of the cameras on the satellites would take pictures of events in the Americas.

In these photos, without exception, the entire Americas, regardless of South America and North America, are covered by this giant snake shadow.

In the North and South Americas, countless ancient civilizations and races are regarded as the supreme Lord God. His Majesty Kukulkan, the feathered serpent **** who once caught a glimpse of Lucifer's time, showed his own existence in this world for the first time.

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